> Military is not obliged to disclose everything precisely. Till more info gets disclosed we've to rely on what is available so far & our own comprehension. An Electronics & Telecom engineer or student can help us a lot.
> Now we know that L-band has multiple apps, & the
diagrams & the real jet body of F-22 & F-35 shows that GPS, Sat-Com, Band-2,3,4 EW & K-band MDAL/IFDL, Band-3,4 RWR have dedicated antennas.
So the remaining possibilities for a
conformal antenna the size within 1 sq.ft. on top side could be short range radar, just scanning & tracking, not for targetting. SAM systems also have separate radars for scanning/tracking & targetting. When flying very low or very high, the
up/down looking antenna just has to look 60-70,000 ft. or 18-21 Kms so a small size suffice. Flying at 30,000 ft. also leaves 10 Kms above & below for an enemy jet/missile.
So just like EO-DAS, a system of RF-DAS is also important.
> Another aspect which lately caught my eye while going through specs is the
antenna gain measured in Db or Decibels. More Db means more power. Passive RWR & comms antenna needs less power than radar i guess. Perhaps this can help us in decoding the usage.
Just the preliminary diagrams & 1 pic is not sufficient at all. The disclosed one in pic has
gain > 0 Db so it may be for generic Comm, Transponder or something, it doesn't look directional.
We'll have to wait for next 10 years when protoype will fly then the IOC jet will fly.

Slowly, year by year, the static models & infograpics will get refined at Aero-India.

Meanwhile we can discuss the theory.
Your choice. IDK his background. There are countless people around the world of all age groups with YT channels in different languages. I watch & listen to many but don't conclude anything, i just share & convey whatever i accumulate.