AGENDA - Will Naval AMCA be good or bad?
CAUTION - some images have multiple watermakrs. IDK original source. I use Google Image Search.
CAUTION - I never meant to dump all 4.5 gen jets & we should have only 5gen, that's impossible for few more decades.
> Some people criticize "Oh! so new design, new R&D, new wind tunnel test, new timeline, etc..." Well,
that's the paid job of any type & level of engineering teams - IT, electronics, civil, mechanical, electrical, aeronautical. Govt. or private job, at least 8hrs of sincere effort has to be given. But
good & bad management are seen everywhere.
> AMCA (along with LCA, MWF, ORCA, TEDBF) should be treated as generic acronyms only rather than product designation. The AMCA design visible today could/should evolve in MK2 with JV engine, like X-35 evolved to F-35, YF-22 to F-22, FC-31 to J-31/35. We have infographic how AMCA-AF MK1/TD has evolved so far but that cannot be end of journey for MK2/MK3/MK4.
> Ideally, a common production line for Navy & AF is best, already proven by Rafale, F-35, etc.
I vouched for idea of N-AMCA in beginning bcoz the future is with stealth. On internet there were concepts of AMCA fuselage used for TEDBF & add canards, or basically move the wing backwards & bring the tail forward as canard like in J-20. This config allows more lift & hence lower takeoff & landing speeds on carriers.
After looking at N-LCA with levcons, i edited AMCA drawing like Su-57.

If people are ok with TEDBF canards then an enthusiast can do this much at least

but i guess not possible with DSI.
Navy cannot & should not risk with 1 engine. F-35 with 1 engine was mistake due to joint requirement, many other compromises, already accepted.
But does this mean AF can/should risk with 1 engine? 1-engine AF-jet on malfunction cannot land just anywhere.
1 engine means less maintenance, but bcoz we are not making good jet engines, yet, future 5th & 6th gen requirement cannot be fulfiled by us with
1 engine - not enough thrust & electricity.
F-35 failed even in meeting some 5th gen characteristics

& now it is getting ECU

in ICU

until a country can get a single powerful engine by self/JV/import, its future in 1-engine jet in AF is slim & in Navy is hopeless.
We pay Insurance premium for :-
- cars (those who have car),
- bikes, 
- medical hospitilization & surgery, 

- life loss cover, 
NOTE - Many wan't powerful overbudgeted bikes, cars, phones, etc.
but don't wan't to invest in extra engine with more maintenance cost but also more capability.
What is more important - insured chance to save airframe with extra engine & maintenance cost OR reduced maintenance cost with 1 engine with assured loss of airframe?
> Next point is cost of
5th gen is greater than 4.5gen.
Then why making AMCA-AF in 1st place but making Navy suffer & how long it should suffer?
For 1st gen till today & eternity it has & will always be said that
current gen costlier than previous gen & future gen costlier than current gen. It is a
cycle - as new gen arrives it is supplemented by older gen with MLUs & then retured some day. So it is
not a point to stop/stall/delay R&D. The point of
corrosion by salty moisture is covered in R&D, again not an excuse. There will always be minority newer gen & majority older gen initially & then later majority newer gen & minority older gen, then again cycle will repeat. Let's get over this point.
cost in capitalist nation should not be compared to cost in communist & socialist mixed economies.
> Another point is
naval strike weapons. We feel that AMCA's IWB is inadequate bcoz we are not ready even to imagine that :-
1> Already said above - current AMCA design can/should evolve & adpat to Navy.
Common production line means catering to heavier Naval version due to stronger MLG & bigger wing. Empty weight diff. b/w F-35A&C is 2.4 tons.
Is that a reason to stop/delay R&D on stealthy Navy jets?
2> current naval strike weapons can also evolve. Our mind is stuck with old Harpoon, Exocet & new but huge

kind of weapons. Ok then, their makers will keep supplying old weapons till eternity.
But elsewhere R&D is going on newer weapons, newer jets, to be compatible with eachother.
Also anti-radiation missile AGM-88G AARGM-ER
Medium jet will obviously have payload limitations, another reason for AHCA. So be it. We should be requirement & performance oriented. NGAD & F/A-XX requirement will weigh 30-60% more than current flagship jets. So
IAF & IN should also get new appropriate engines by self/JV/import.
Airframe R&D should not suffer.
SAM & AAM technology have also improved a lot with much better Pk.
Will Navy jets face far less deadly SAMs & AAMs from previous era, than AF jets? So be it USA, Russia, China, Europe, their 4/4.5gen like F-15EX, F-16 Bl-70/72, F-18 SH, Su-3X, MiG-29/35, Rafale, EF-2000, our Su-30MKI, MiG-29K, Mirage-2000 will be gone in few decades, but in a symmetrical war they will be shot down like mosquitos. So the 5th gen will spearhead an offence for SEAD/DEAD objective followed by 4.5gen.
> DoD recruit the best minds, only hindered by funds, right? Then keep the design part ready.
GoI/MoD/CCS should never stop for CAD, CFD, wind-tunnel tests. Just like small-scale UAVs are tested, may be fighter jets can also be tested like X-36.

In the end i would say that Navy also should develop some kind of true 5gen jet supplemented by 4.5gen jet.
In our school books we read about "green revolution", "5 year plans". Now our country need political & technical revolution.
War erupts suddenly. Either adpat & defend or keep giving reasons & die. Another invasion & slavery waiting for us later in this milennium.