AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

Came across this post. My field is adjacent to yours so am curious to ask regarding solvers for NS equation.

I have to discretizate the equations using a relevant scheme for the problem statement (mixed finite elements etc), perform numerical analysis and then implementation using C++. What sort of work happens in your field? Do you develop faster solvers for systems of linear equations or maybe develop better schemes for numerical computations? I am really curious.
Nice to meet you always good to see another person from my field.
I use OpenFOAM.
I am not into solver development.
Meanwhile AMCA: :bplease:

I read in a news article a few days ago that Pakistani Pilots have already begun training in the FC 31 and the PAF is likely to get its hands on the aircraft as early as the next year.

Meanwhile, the AMCA is still a decade away, and given the country's track record, we can expect delivery by 2040. In the meantime, the US is unwilling to provide India with the F-35, and the Russian SU-57 is plagued by issues and questionable stealth capabilities.

This situation demands a national emergency, and projects like the AMCA should be under the direct supervision of the PMO.
I read in a news article a few days ago that Pakistani Pilots have already begun training in the FC 31 and the PAF is likely to get its hands on the aircraft as early as the next year.

Meanwhile, the AMCA is still a decade away, and given the country's track record, we can expect delivery by 2040. In the meantime, the US is unwilling to provide India with the F-35, and the Russian SU-57 is plagued by issues and questionable stealth capabilities.

This situation demands a national emergency, and projects like the AMCA should be under the direct supervision of the PMO.

The AMCA needs to be placed on warp speed like the Manhattan Project or Apollo program.
I read in a news article a few days ago that Pakistani Pilots have already begun training in the FC 31 and the PAF is likely to get its hands on the aircraft as early as the next year.
Even if Pakistan will apparently be a customer for J-31 but it is still in development & testing stage. And Pak or any customer will get export version with reduced capabilities. There is no point in training POTENTIAL customers on a full capability product in R&D stage & leak out secrets.

Meanwhile, the AMCA is still a decade away, and given the country's track record, we can expect delivery by 2040. In the meantime, the US is unwilling to provide India with the F-35, and the Russian SU-57 is plagued by issues and questionable stealth capabilities.
> AFAIK by news & articles, USA will NOT offer F-35 to us bcoz we operate S-400 & may probably get S-500 too.
> IAF had made clear earlier that there won't be any 5gen import. They might have done lots of internal discussions. Import means bleeding AMCA funds.
> Even if USA offers F-35 miraculously, we should not accept it bcoz if it can delay F414 engines impacting MWF project then it can handicap us greatly with F-35 any time.
> If we can't handle things like Super Sukoi upgrade & AMCA supply chain on time then it would be very difficult to absorb F-35 ecosystem as it is relatively more sophisticated & demanding technologically.

This situation demands a national emergency, and projects like the AMCA should be under the direct supervision of the PMO.
After every type of accident/incident, in parliament, people say that affected domain should be under PMO. Our country has so many problems that most things should be under PMO.
Sometimes i feel that our country will face emergency not due to external war but due to internal civil war. Highest population, too many technical colleges & graduates but AI, robotics, automation will eat lots of jobs, unless there are successfull startups & our industrialists start competing at global level. There are corrupt people who are paid to stall our country & will either flee easily in case of emergency or will have sufficient protection.
Having Indian origin CEOs & Politicians won't help us. We need to make -
- OS like MS Windows
- N/w devices like that of Cisco
- Servers like DELL, HP
- Micro chips like Intel, AMD
- Numerous protocols & standards like TCP/IP, Ethernet protocol stack
- Our own cars, bikes, trucks, bus, phones, computers, TVs, AC, Fridge, washing machine, etc sold worldwide.
The AMCA needs to be placed on warp speed like the Manhattan Project or Apollo program.
My age is increasing at warp speed. :ROFLMAO: I can't believe i am 40+:yawn: Last decade passed so fast :smiley-crying:
By AMCA's FOC i might retire 🧓👴:crutch:
Even if Pakistan will apparently be a customer for J-31 but it is still in development & testing stage. And Pak or any customer will get export version with reduced capabilities. There is no point in training POTENTIAL customers on a full capability product in R&D stage & leak out secrets.

> AFAIK by news & articles, USA will NOT offer F-35 to us bcoz we operate S-400 & may probably get S-500 too.
> IAF had made clear earlier that there won't be any 5gen import. They might have done lots of internal discussions. Import means bleeding AMCA funds.
> Even if USA offers F-35 miraculously, we should not accept it bcoz if it can delay F414 engines impacting MWF project then it can handicap us greatly with F-35 any time.
> If we can't handle things like Super Sukoi upgrade & AMCA supply chain on time then it would be very difficult to absorb F-35 ecosystem as it is relatively more sophisticated & demanding technologically.

After every type of accident/incident, in parliament, people say that affected domain should be under PMO. Our country has so many problems that most things should be under PMO.
Sometimes i feel that our country will face emergency not due to external war but due to internal civil war. Highest population, too many technical colleges & graduates but AI, robotics, automation will eat lots of jobs, unless there are successfull startups & our industrialists start competing at global level. There are corrupt people who are paid to stall our country & will either flee easily in case of emergency or will have sufficient protection.
Having Indian origin CEOs & Politicians won't help us. We need to make -
- OS like MS Windows
- N/w devices like that of Cisco
- Servers like DELL, HP
- Micro chips like Intel, AMD
- Numerous protocols & standards like TCP/IP, Ethernet protocol stack
- Our own cars, bikes, trucks, bus, phones, computers, TVs, AC, Fridge, washing machine, etc sold worldwide.
Actually, i went into rabbit hole of what India needs to give Middle Finger to anyone and have its own way. What those technologies are and there are only four actually. 1. Semiconductors: We are zero in consumer level although Semiconductors can be made in SCL for strategic purposes, we don't know whether they can cover all defense aspects. Once we import Semiconductor Equipment, unless there is a kill switch there, we can continue to operate it and maybe give partial middle finger. 2. Jet Engines: This is the only thing left in Indian Military Industrial Complex to crack. Remaining all others, we are at mature stage 3. Medical Devices: I don't know at what stage are, but we need to make our own machines to cure. All the things you mentioned like OS or Servers are secondary concerns that doesn't effect immediately. The 3 above if India is able to crack, then it has lot more power at bargaining table. Nefarious elements then would know they don't have much substance to threaten India at table either directly or covertly with artificially induced supply chain constraints. The fourth one infact is hidden key element to not only above three but also a gateway to all high technology, that is Precision Manufacturing Equipment, Machinery and Tooling. We need to focus on that actually. We many crack Jet Engine, then how would those be manufactured? Its precision machinery. Same with Semiconductors or Medical Devices.
Actually, i went into rabbit hole of what India needs to give Middle Finger to anyone and have its own way. What those technologies are and there are only four actually.
1. Semiconductors: We are zero in consumer level although Semiconductors can be made in SCL for strategic purposes, we don't know whether they can cover all defense aspects. Once we import Semiconductor Equipment, unless there is a kill switch there, we can continue to operate it and maybe give partial middle finger.

2. Jet Engines: This is the only thing left in Indian Military Industrial Complex to crack. Remaining all others, we are at mature stage

3. Medical Devices: I don't know at what stage are, but we need to make our own machines to cure. All the things you mentioned like OS or Servers are secondary concerns that doesn't effect immediately. The 3 above if India is able to crack, then it has lot more power at bargaining table. Nefarious elements then would know they don't have much substance to threaten India at table either directly or covertly with artificially induced supply chain constraints.

The fourth one infact is hidden key element to not only above three but also a gateway to all high technology, that is Precision Manufacturing Equipment, Machinery and Tooling. We need to focus on that actually. We many crack Jet Engine, then how would those be manufactured? Its precision machinery. Same with Semiconductors or Medical Devices.
In short, that's true. Just denying or delaying 1 of those things are enough to handicap a nation.
In era of Globalization also it is not easy to just go abroad to best universities, study aeronautics, computer science, come back & build our own products in just 1 decade or 2. All things have their own R&D. But that's the only way to start. We have to pass this transition period of few decades with pain.
Jet engine & semiconductors are dependant on metallurgy & chemical R&D to begin with.

Govt. needs funding coming from Tax & Exports of all kinds.

Production Engineering
in colleges addressed manufacturing, machinery, tools, but has been removed from most colleges as it is difficult to cover production from every domain into 1 degree. Instead, individual domains have their Masters & PhD degrees & then a team of people from multiple domains working together to make a compound product.

The future is more digital - house, office, military base, vehicles, everything.
Jet Engine
is also controlled by embedded Micro-controllers with FADEC, etc. To design future efficient engine, AI + Super computing are being used.
Medical devices like MRI, Ultra-sound, X-ray have become real-time & 3D, again thanks to micro-chips & embedded S/w.
So the 3 elements - H/w, S/w & N/w are equally important today. None of them is primary or secondary.

The machine which makes microchips is called Photo-lithography machine, the size of a big bus or truck. So obviously there are very few machines & centers across globe to make chips. Taiwan is a leading area supported by USA which China is eyeing. China has older version machines.

H/w needs brain which is the OS. I know cistomized military apps, OS, avionics cannot be compared to civillian ones, but OS, servers, N/w equipments & other household electronics absorb the population & bring in lots of revenue into country.
Internet, telephony (VoIP), ATM, Internet Banking, Sat-TV, Payroll & Inventory, almost everything converges onto a Datacenter or server room.
And another concern is MS, Google, Amazon, etc kind of MNCs are spying on users on the name of gving best business experience to their customers, everybody knows it, but nobody can prove it w/o risking & apparently losing their life. For example Govt. offices with MS Windows are at high risk. Our handheld devices are always listening to us & forwards ads based on what we talk. The hacking tools have multiple modules for different target OS, communcation protocols & underlying H/w architecture.

Internet invented by DARPA. All major comunication protocols are American. The avionics computer, sensors & FBW FCS components are connected sometimes by same protocols like Ethernet, Fibre Channel, InfiniBand, etc, sometimes by dedicated Mil.Std. protocol.
IEEE, IANA, ICANN, IETF, Internet Society, etc kind of organisations are in USA. N/w security courses like CCIE & CompTIA in Security are American.
So we see why USA is world leader overall & it can cripple many nations within minutes both in hard & soft(cyber) ways but thats the situation of a World War. So today is also an era to build secure & independent H/w, S/w, N/w.

So, if any weapon platform is connected to N/w then there is probability to hack it or at least mislead or jam it. We have entered into a new era of Electronic Warfare. The Cyber War is not limited to a team sitting in a bunker, but to an AI enabled flying computer trying to hack whatever gateway it finds below.
India’s AMCA Not A 5th-Gen Fighter Jet? Lacks 3 Key Features To Be In The Same League As F-35: OPED

AMCA Mk-1 will lack at least three defining 5th-generation fighter engines.

  • Supercruise
  • Supermaneuverability
  • Sensor fusion
Additionally, AMCA Mk-1 will feature limited stealth. AMCA is inspired by the F-35, which has no rear aspect radio frequency and stealth but does feature a suppressed IR signature. The AMCA will feature no rear aspect stealth – neither RF nor IR.
Using the 98 kN GE F414 engine instead of a 110 kN engine as planned when designing AMCA rules out supercruise; lacking thrust vectoring rules out supermaneuverability, and large exhaust nozzles without IR suppression rule out rear-aspect stealth.
DRDO is still grappling with developing capable RF, IR, and Optical sensors. Sensor fusion will follow sensor development. It will be long before it can field Stage 3 and Stage 4 situational awareness.

The CAS was likely recommending foreign collaboration for developing sensors and sensor fusion when advising prudence in November 2022.
India’s AMCA Not A 5th-Gen Fighter Jet? Lacks 3 Key Features To Be In The Same League As F-35: OPED

1. Supercruise may be Jhumla. 95% of times, Jets fly Sub-Sonic, unless you have a VCE to improve endurance, a F-22 itself can supercruise only for 20 to 30 Minutes in straight line or so before fuel runs out. Fifth Generations Stealth Aircraft rely on First See First Kill and not so much on speed. Atmost it will impart higher KE.
2. Supermaneuverability is definitely a Jhumla. Atleast Supercruise is relevant. With HMD and hyper maneuverable missiles, any attempt at doing clown shows in air will kill the plane instantly.
3. Sensor Fusion: we don't even know much what they gonna do and so few details to comment.
4. Regarding rear aspect IR stealth. If you increase Bypass ratio like F-135 in F-35, then max speed gonna suffer. If you want both then VCE is the key which is still a fantasy. Regarding Radar Stealth, since its F414 and we can't modify the nozzles with sawtooth edges, unless a domestic engine arises, it will stay the same. TFX Kaan, KF-21, FC-31 none of the three have IR stealth and RF stealth as the engines they gonna get from OEM is not optimized for any. So rear aspect stealth depends on the engine and not so on the plane.
India’s AMCA Not A 5th-Gen Fighter Jet? Lacks 3 Key Features To Be In The Same League As F-35: OPED

I read the article by Vijainder K Thakur, who is a retired IAF Jaguar pilot, author, software architect, entrepreneur, and military analyst, as mentioned on the website.
It seems not just the citizens but Ex-IAF officials are also very unhappy with DoD's R&D progress.

Although some of their concerns are genuine but I wonder why such people & websites don't show their homework, basic diagrams, calculations.

1. Supercruise may be Jhumla. 95% of times, Jets fly Sub-Sonic, unless you have a VCE to improve endurance, a F-22 itself can supercruise only for 20 to 30 Minutes in straight line or so before fuel runs out. Fifth Generations Stealth Aircraft rely on First See First Kill and not so much on speed. Atmost it will impart higher KE.
Then not just F-22, EF-2000, but we also have got Rafale Jhumla fighter. :plane::smash::ROFLMAO:
> Let me put it this way - 99% of the times all types of arms are on safety - guns, tanks, ships, submarines, jets, etc, only to be used during active war or attack.
Similarly SuCr is war time feature to dash & intercept, give higher KE/range to weapons w/o using AB/reheat & increasing IRS. For peace time patrol there are SOP for subsonic flight using less fuel within allocated budget.
1st see 1st kill also means using stealth & tactics to sneak & attack from sides, below, top, behind, bcoz AFAIK only Su-57 has side & rear looking radar. So sneaking requires SuCr to dash w/o using AB/reheat & increasing IRS.
Some people look at fighter jet like civil jet, focus only on extra fuel in SuCr vs subsonic flight but neglect higher speed & distance covered in less time. F-22's F119 engine gives highest SuCr @ M 1.8 & lowest SFC of 17 gm/KN/s @ 100% throttle.
After looking at basics of AMCA design of fuselage & wings, it seems it may SuCr b/w Mach 1.2-1.4 with F414 engine.

2. Supermaneuverability is definitely a Jhumla. Atleast Supercruise is relevant. With HMD and hyper maneuverable missiles, any attempt at doing clown shows in air will kill the plane instantly.
Then our Su-30MKI & Su-57, Su-35-S, F-22 are Jhumla fighters. :ROFLMAO: :plane::smash:
> Rafale had some success against F-22 in gunfight, so TVC should be there as long as guns are there or it will be suicidal. J-10C has TVC, J-20 will get it. Hence J-31/35 will also most likely get it.
The question is will USA allow slight modification of F414 to attach TVC nozzle. And there is no need to panic about the slight weight add of few actuators. It seems DoD is also working on TVC for AMCA.

Chances against IR-CCM using Imaging IR seeker, are low but BVR-AAM uses leading intercept-point for flight, which can be exploited. The idea is to stay outside enemy AAM's NEZ where AAM is burning fuel. Outside NEZ the AAM is in unpowered flight & there are tactics to deplete its remaining KE. If the AAM can be brought to lower altitude & again climb up then it will have to work against gravity.

3. Sensor Fusion: we don't even know much what they gonna do and so few details to comment.
> On sensor fusion it seems DoD is also working on complete coverage of sensors. So it would mean sensor fusion too. But it would be premature to comment & conclude until the 1st few SPVs/TDs fly.

The article mentions -
["DRDO aims to field Stage 2 (situation awareness) sensor fusion with MWF LCA Mk.2. Fifth-generation fighters are expected to feature Stage 3 (Decision assist) or Stage 4 (Automated decision) sensor fusion.
‘Decision assist’ situational awareness includes automatic prioritization of threats to assist the pilot. ‘Automated decision’ situational awareness includes prioritizing and automatically engaging threats.
DRDO is still grappling with developing capable RF, IR, and Optical sensors. Sensor fusion will follow sensor development. It will be long before it can field Stage 3 and Stage 4 situational awareness."]

Suppose, If 4 targets are approaching from any direction,
1 is illuminating us &
2 is illuminating wingman or other friendly asset,
3 & 4 targets are behind & passive,
then the avionics code should be able to prioritize the targets based on their distance, orientation, emmissions, which target is selected by wingmen, etc. Our IT boom started in 1990s, so 30 years so far + 5 years for prototypes + 5 years for IOC. In 40 years our DoD should be able to implement satisfactory situational awareness with Stage-3 target prioritization.
IDK why would a manned fighter jet need Stage-4 automatic weapon launch w/o pilot's command.

4. Regarding rear aspect IR stealth. If you increase Bypass ratio like F-135 in F-35, then max speed gonna suffer.
How are you mixing IRS with BPR & speed? 🤔:confusedd:
Jet engine is a very tricky thing. Many parameters together create final O/p of thrust/speed.
Increasing BPR increases thrust. EF-2000 supercruises at M 1.5 with EJ-200 having higher BPR than Rafale's M-88-2 & F414. Look at past graph & table.
The Bypass air adds more thrust due to Bernoulli's theory on fluid mechanics. When compressed ambient air is mixed with core air the resultant force amplifies. This is also used in many air-nozzles to inflate various things fast like sleeping air bags, tyres, airliner emergency ramp, etc.
Overall for an aircraft, look at past posts. Max speed depends also on fuselgae & wing design. F-35 has small trapezoidal wings with low sweep angle producing higher drag. It is intentional international blunder.

Civil engines & military engines dimensions & setup in fuselage are different.
In case of civil jets where engines hang under wing, the BPR can be huge with big diameter fans.
In some we can even see through bypass channel b/w the blades.
so visually we know how much air is passing through core & bypassing it.
But this cannot be case with jet fighters as their body needs to be slim, flt, more streamlinned, stealthy.

W.r.t. engine only, the blade tip's tangential velocity cannot cross Mach-1 producing shockwaves & shattering engine. So rotational velocity RPM limit reduces with increasing diameter, so OPR or compression ratio also reduces which in turn reduces thrust & in turn reduces speed. But there are other engine parameters also contributing to thrust/speed.

In jet fighters, for supersoic flight, an intake tunnel, ramps, DSI, etc are deployed to reduce speed of air from supersonic to subsonic.
And at rear end, we see only a big hole of exhaust. Visually we don't know how much air bypasses.
Regarding rear aspect IR stealth... Regarding Radar Stealth, since its F414 and we can't modify the nozzles with sawtooth edges, unless a domestic engine arises, it will stay the same. TFX Kaan, KF-21, FC-31 none of the three have IR stealth and RF stealth as the engines they gonna get from OEM is not optimized for any. So rear aspect stealth depends on the engine and not so on the plane.
It is just a different shape of panels. It was done for F-16 LOAN as a test then implemented on F-35. We can modify if USA/GE doesn't mind.
How Turkey, S.Korea, China do business & R&D is internal to them & not relevant or dictating to us.

For rear RF stealth, F-22 & F-35 use angled planform shaping on trailing edges also. The actuator housing bumps are blended. RAM is applied at appropriate places. The turbine blades, exhaust vanes are shielded by extra ceramic stealth vanes.
For rear IR stealth also they use ceramic stealth vanes; Transpiration cooling which uses bypass air.


As long as we use action-reaction jet engine using fossil fuel, there is a limit to which IRS can be reduced. At close range the stealthiest airframe is also clearly visible.

AGENDA - RAM (Radar Absorbent Material) for AMCA.

This is old news now. Our DoD organisations with some IITs have developed RAM paints, sheets named "Adrishya", "NiRaLa", etc, composite materials & working on geometric shaping starting with AMCA.
The RCS results would obviously be top secret.





There were some sheets also. I don't have their pics.
Before we talk on shape, structure, RCS, etc of AMCA further, let's have a look of 3D CAD designs made by 5 people i have spotted so far :
1- Murli Yadav (social media ID not available)
2- Ankur Singh Chauhan (
(DFI -
3- Kuntal Biswas (
4- Satwik Sadhukhan (
5- Harshal Pal (

If anyone of you know them & other artists including international ones, please invite them here.

I will post only selected pics, rest can be checked on their Twitter, DFI, etc posts. Some are also present on 3D sites like Turbosquid, Artstation, Sketchfab, Behance, etc.
Murli Yadav

Satwik Sadhukhan


Harshal Pal


Kuntal Biswas

Older design


Revised design


Ankur Singh Chauhan
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In near future when AMCA & GHATAK enter service, I want to see Both of them fly together, GHATAK should act a loyal wingman for AMCA, CATS hunter can do the same too. GHATAK would be used in tandem/conjunction with the AMCA as a loyal wingman drone to perform roles such as SEAD, Deep-Strikes, Air-Superiority, etc.

I want to see AMCA & Ghatak "together" similar to like how they have done with Su-57 & S-70.

A few years ago, I had posted the same comment about Ghatak acting as a wingman for the AMCA on erstwhile forum DFI, to which a user quoted me and raised an issue of GHATAK possibly being too big to operate as a wingman for the AMCA, to which I gave the necessary rebutal, will post that here.
  • I do not think size has anything to do with being or not being a wingman. Look at the example of Su-57 and S-70. S-70 is meant to act as a loyal wingman for the Su-57.
  • See how large S-70 is in comparison to Su-57, S-70 is a very large UAV, it has a larger wingspan than Su-57 but has a smaller length so S-70 is very big as I said before.
  • In my opinion, the bigger the UAV Wingman, the better it will be because a larger size UAV will have more range & endurance due to being able to carry a lot more fuel, more payload capacity and ability to carry better weopons and fire them off from greater standoff ranges, you won't see the same from a smaller sized wingman. In short, the BIGGER, the BETTER.
  • Some enthusiasts have a misconception of size affecting stealth/RCS characteristics. They are under the impression that a smaller size will always equate to a smaller RCS, but this is simply not always true.
  • I would like to add that size has very little to do with RCS, if size were the deciding factor for any aircraft's stealth characteristics then planes like the P-51 Mustang, MiG-21, Folland Gnat, Japanese Zero would be more stealthy than an F-22, F-35, F-117, Su-57, J-20, J-31 or any other stealth aircraft in existence. But the magnitude of RCS of stealth aircraft is many times less than those of conventional aircraft like listed by me even when they are much larger than non-stealth aircraft.
  • If size were such a detrimental issue in designing and developing stealth aircraft then they would have never made the B-2. The B-2 Spirit is a very a large aircraft that is 69 feet long, 17 feet high, and has a wingspan of 172 feet. In comparison the F-22 has a wingspan of 44 feet, you can stack almost four F-22 Raptors side by side to match the wingspan of B-2, B-2 has a length only slightly greater than an F-22, but overall size wise, it's larger and more massive than the F-22 and much more larger than the smaller F-35.
  • While in theory, a smaller size can give you a smaller RCS, the effect is rather miniscule in comparison to shaping (geometric stealth), RAM and other means of RCS reduction.
  • The biggest contributors of stealth to any aircraft are Geometric Stealth (That is shaping the airframe in such a way that it deflects enemy radar waves away from the source such that it doesn't bounce back to the radar, rather in directions other than the radar emitter), RAM (Radar Absorbent Materials, convert radar (electromagnetic) energy to some other form of energy (eg, heat) and etc.
Looking forward to seeing both AMCA and GHATAK fly together someday!
It is so true that you now want to purchase Rafale M, despite a very aggresiv dumping from Boeing for SH18....

If only because of the arm twisting that the Americans do, otherwise its pretty clear that the Rafale does not match up to the Super Hornet, in performance, logistics and integration into the Indian Navy ORBAT.
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