I haven't proven anything. India begged Japan for Shinkansen before turning it down. India is begging Safran and now Saturn for "ToT" for a jet engine. India begs for ToT. Indians believe that infrastructure is only roads. But there's literally trash everywhere you look. Even our temples are littered with trash (I have pictures to prove this, but if you have eyes you shouldn't need me to tell you). Our holy rivers completely polluted. You talk to Indians about this, "oh yes. We need to change our mentality. But the government needs to do something too!" As if? Is it so hard to have one field somewhere where people can put their trash? It's a blame game. Indians are perpetual victims.
I'm no "sipoy". I was just thankfully given the capacity to think critically.
BTW: If you have an ability to think, you'll notice I haven't made any personal slurs or slanders against you. This is exactly why people in the West think so little of us. I'm merely giving cultural criticisms and you are taking it personally. If you truly introspected, you wouldn't be slandering my name by calling me a "sipoy".