CI/CT Operations

When I said why should not 155 mm howitzers and other fancy weaponry be used, some gyani came forward telling that there is BSF and BSF doesn't have these fancy equipment. Are to jis par hain, usko use karne do na.. This be called morality against these bastards or our cowardice.
It feels almost dumb to ask for star war tech. And some veteran might "you are pubg generation, you don't know nothing about real word ops"

But there are ways in which you can scout a forest first before sending boots.



Unless the terrorist procure thermal camouflage suit it should not be hard.


Again I know nothing of how an average search and kill ops take place but there is no way to know it won't work otherwise.

In this day and age where Israeli are relying heavily on drones for operations we can't be risking our men. Josh is high only till your don't have hole in your skull.

militants were using thermal camo for infiltration back in 2018 , bsf released a video .

doubt the small drones are practical either .
militants were using thermal camo for infiltration back in 2018 , bsf released a video .

doubt the small drones are practical either .
Small drones working in unison to penetrate forests are being worked upon by NewSpace too.

Senior Officers including chief should be dressed down. I am pretty sure after retirement they will publish books on what Army can do to be modern. Army has put its foot fown in unison when it wants something. But it never asked for the right tools for its basic job. This is why @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR in DFI was saying that war with China will open another fester wound.

We Indians have never learnt from past. Bravery was never lacking with our armies in past too. Its lack of updated tactics and technology always lead to our defeat in past too. We become to engrossed in bravery tales and ballards but real introspection and corrective action is something we something we rarely took.
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This upper brass only cares about pensions, reputation and what not. Once an officer goes from Brigadier to Lt Gen, he has a 50% chance of becoming a politician.
How come only topbrass is solely responsible for this mishaps.The. Central govt is responsible too..This very same govt came to power back in 2014 riding on the ineffectiveness of UPA in dealing with ambushes of BAT teams which in reality was very far in numbers than current ones.
How come only topbrass is solely responsible for this mishaps.The. Central govt is responsible too..This very same govt came to power back in 2014 riding on the ineffectiveness of UPA in dealing with ambushes of BAT teams which in reality was very far in numbers than current ones.
In short you want to say the government should tell/ guide army how to make strategies for such encounters?
For Those who don't use twitter :

Details from the last Ambushe are gruesome.

Soldiers were ambushed from two sides.

The site which terrorists choose did't had any cover of trees it was open

Terrorists picked the targets one by one, killed the soldiers with headshots using thermal scope
Most people say..Lets take POK like it is some Lays chips at a Grocery store.

We are not capable of taking POK..these numbers of dead are nothing we might face hundreds of casualties a day if we do that.

Plus we are not well equipped or trained.
How come only topbrass is solely responsible for this mishaps.The. Central govt is responsible too..This very same govt came to power back in 2014 riding on the ineffectiveness of UPA in dealing with ambushes of BAT teams which in reality was very far in numbers than current ones.
I consider top brass as a part of central goverbmebt. too much internal politics going on
Security forces initiates a large-scale search operation after a suspicious person was spotted in the Nagrota area. Another set of pakroaches encroached. Just deploy the IFVs to the Jammu IB replace the BSF with Army endless infiltration need a check
If it is true they should be captured alive and paraded in the streets of Jammu like a pig


Nothing surprising. This is exactly the text-book definition of Special Forces job, working behind enemy lines, not CI/CT ops, and definitely not room-intervention ops like how our PARA SF boys are made to do.

This is basically Pakistan's soft attack on us. SFs are dropped/sneaked in to enemy territory months in advance of actual war/invasion to set up observation and gather intel.
N168TB , heron drone from yesterday

will be interesting to collect those points the drone is circling around , gives an idea what terrorist movement or atleast what the army thinks movement is.

N168TB - Bell 407 [53434] - Flightradar24 - Google Chrome_20240717_165204.png_stripped.webp

.old infiltration routes being reactivated
.highly motivated and trained terrorists engaging in classical ambush ( which even our member kumoaini identified as L shaped ambush, in DFI)
.specialised arm ammunition used, adept in jungle warfare
.going on since atleast 2021

We should come out of koi nahi gusa and kadi ninda mentality

After taking lot of hit ,IA will probably gain the upperhand but these could have been avoided by being more proactive.

Back to the forests and hills.

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