CI/CT Operations

Twitter thread said we lost 54 in 2024 alone but 219 since 2021.
Tf is that guy smoking I thought he was talking about 2021-24 yea then it’s my bad
How come only topbrass is solely responsible for this mishaps.The. Central govt is responsible too..This very same govt came to power back in 2014 riding on the ineffectiveness of UPA in dealing with ambushes of BAT teams which in reality was very far in numbers than current ones.
it's not exactly that, it is the local ground commanders who need to think it through
Also the video appears to be around the dusk, now I am not much informed about thermal sights just that they sense diffrence in temperature
But that could mean no thermals were used by them
Could be wrong, the footage is unverified.
Although the face did seem to match
with the past incidents idk no more ...
Also they had a turkey shoot and it was night the had enough time to do what they would have wanted on them .
This is xtreme !!!! Something is very wrong going within our army...This has to be avenged any how ..Most surprising is Top Brass, Babus and Politicians all are mum 🤐 except we DFB nationalists beating our heads on wall and increasing our heart pressures ..
wait ? What ? how do we know that ? There are no offcial sources to confirm
Telegram, satellite channels post such videos along with their other posts

What's up SSB failures do u feel some pain ??
@spadex the video you guys talking about is old
1.The ambush/encounter occurred during dark light not this early as shown in the video
2.A Capt.lead search party is not this small that they managed to finish the entire party.
3.There is no way the pigs had this much time to record beheadings.
4.The face doesnkt match entirely its a guy from northeast hence has similar facial features

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