Idiotic Musings from the West

We all have historical moments. Marathas were enslaved after khilji brutally destroyed them only for them to rise under Shivaji and have victories vs mughals afghans deccan sultans and even portugese and europeans (yes they wiped out inferior westoid garrisons)
Yes. They rose. Formed an empire. Punjab is literally zero at self-rule in history.
As i said, the most overrated 'martial people' ever.
Shahis rule extended to some part of Punjab, rest of the the part was ruled by Gurjar - Pratihara. That explans why Punjab Haryana Himchal and Jammu have sizeable Gurjar/Rajput population . Again what may look Punjab from existing state boundaries - but older definition of Punjab was based around clans and the region encompassing such clans extended from east delhi to west NWFP , from Jammu to Upper reaches of Rajasthan. Shahis took shelter in Kangra after defeat... Tells you the extent of the rule. Even Ranjit Singh was not the only Jaat empire, there existed many. Shahis, tomars, gurjars , jats all had kingdoms

Before someone say oh they are not Punjabis - Punjabis are not seperate race. They are collection of Jats, Khatris(Kahstriyas), Brahmins who were not localized to just land of five rivers but were intertwined with regions which are separate states in modern times. Bellow are just the Jaat kingdoms that region had.
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No one is saying Punjab is a seperate race. There is no such thing as race in the first place. They are not even a distinct ethnicity outside of the various Indian ethnicities.
But shahis, tomars, gujjars are not Punjabis, in the sense that they are not local from the region of Punjab,neither did they rule FROM Punjab. Shahis ruled from Kabul-Gandhara region, the Gujjars ruled from Bhinmal and then Kannauj, the Tomars ruled from Delhi.

Only if you follow the British definition of Punjab ( which includes Haryana), does Punjab satisfy the criteria for significant periods of self rule. If you go by the traditional definition- which is everything between Beas river and Potoahar plateau, Ranjit singh is literally the only significant native ruler of Punjab in its entire history.
Traditionally speaking, Phulkian states do not fall in Punjab. They fall in Haryana & Satluj-Yamuna interzone.
Rohillas were Afghans lol.
Jangladesh isnt Punjab at all, its literally NW Rajasthan - The entirity of Jangladesh is Bikaner,Sri Ganganagar and Hanumangarh, the last serving as the capital.
Kaikani Jatts were not Punjabis, as Kaikan is noted in Arab sources to be the region of Quetta, where Quetta derives its name from.
Gohad is in Gwalior district.
Kingdom of Dholpur is extreme eastern Rajasthan, in the region that forms the triangle where Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and UP meet. How de hell is that Punjab ?

This is like if someone asks for kingdoms in Bengal and i start talking about kingdoms in Bihar or Assam.
Mate world conquering Alexander had its defeat in Punjab. Unlike rest of India - North west of India has seen continuous numerous invasions. Even a rope when continuously rubbed against the wall of the well makes dent in it. Had invasions been as "successful" without resistance you would have had Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Jammu all been converted wholesale.

Punjabis Kingdom? Mate Kuru, Puru, Gandhara, Kekaya, Madra, Sivi and Trigarta, all belong to the same region. The history of this region is long and its cradle of vedic civilization.

But being the frontier region and region really being bunch of fiercely independent small clans since time of vedas (janpadas, sanghas) - You could say that it was easy ruling by co opting some of these clans -- than these clans uniting to form single kingdom.
Kuru kingdom isnt punjab. Neither is trigarta.
The historical definition of Punjab, for ALL of history, till the british took over in 1800s, was Punjab = land between Beas river and Potoahar plateau. This is the area referred to as 'Panchanad' that became "punjab' over time.
Calling Kuru-Trigarta-Jangladesh etc. as Punjab just because Brits put it in Punjab province is like me calling Bihar and Orissa bengal coz brits included it in Bengal presidency.

As for invasions, that is a poor excuse.
India didnt face any serious invasions till the 100s BCE period. During the mahajanapada period, it is clear that there are no mahajanapadas in Punjab - it literally skips punjab to go to Gandhara, after kuru being the most notherly of Mahajanapadas in current day India.

The period of 600s BCE-400 BCE saw intense conflict for north India dominance between Magadh, Kosal & Avanti. Again, anything from Punjab is absent.

The period from 50 AD to 480s AD also saw no new invasions of India ( this is the period between Kushan invasion and Hun invasion). During this period, we first had the Nagas arise to dominance in central India, followed by the Guptas- yet nothing in Punjab.

Reality is, Punjab, even when not invaded for centuries, failed to form a strong local kingdom.
What's with every famous personality in West being a pdfile? I mean are they that depraved?
White people have extremely high fetish for pedophilia, coprophilia, bestiality and cuckpawn, especially among americans including other fellow anglo saxons.

Its just that their population is extremely high on social media to cover their shit up and dehumanise others even if it means reusing the same content every time.
It's gurjara not gujjar .
Watch it carefully sir
Gujjar and gurjara not same .
If you believe that gujjar = gurjara , then kindly explain .
Also iam not a gujjar , nor a JAAT.
No one is saying Punjab is a seperate race. There is no such thing as race in the first place. They are not even a distinct ethnicity outside of the various Indian ethnicities.
But shahis, tomars, gujjars are not Punjabis, in the sense that they are not local from the region of Punjab,neither did they rule FROM Punjab. Shahis ruled from Kabul-Gandhara region, the Gujjars ruled from Bhinmal and then Kannauj, the Tomars ruled from Delhi.

Only if you follow the British definition of Punjab ( which includes Haryana), does Punjab satisfy the criteria for significant periods of self rule. If you go by the traditional definition- which is everything between Beas river and Potoahar plateau, Ranjit singh is literally the only significant native ruler of Punjab in its entire history.
Traditionally speaking, Phulkian states do not fall in Punjab. They fall in Haryana & Satluj-Yamuna interzone.
Rohillas were Afghans lol.
Jangladesh isnt Punjab at all, its literally NW Rajasthan - The entirity of Jangladesh is Bikaner,Sri Ganganagar and Hanumangarh, the last serving as the capital.
Kaikani Jatts were not Punjabis, as Kaikan is noted in Arab sources to be the region of Quetta, where Quetta derives its name from.
Gohad is in Gwalior district.
Kingdom of Dholpur is extreme eastern Rajasthan, in the region that forms the triangle where Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and UP meet. How de hell is that Punjab ?

This is like if someone asks for kingdoms in Bengal and i start talking about kingdoms in Bihar or Assam.
It's gurjara not gujjar .
Watch it carefully sir
Gujjar and gurjara not same .
If you believe that gujjar = gurjara , then kindly explain .
Also iam not a gujjar , nor a JAAT.

Aren't Gujjars just the newer spelling version of Gurjaras like Chauhans are for Chahamanas ?

Also, your userID and my userID means we should fight. I can only exist when you don't lol.


The JUD SUSS level of propaganda being spread against Indians in every online forum might one day turn into a Frankenstein monster. Mind you,Jud suss is the movie that played a pivotal role in turning German public opinion against the Jews which ultimately paved the way for the Holocaust.

We are already seeing a return of the 70's and 80's era of racist attacks. Extremist right-wingers who until a decade ago had little presence outside the online hate groups have now become mainstream politicians, spreading hate and disinformation 24*7.
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The JUD SUSS level of propaganda being spread against Indians in every online forum might one day turn into a Frankenstein monster. Mind you,Jud suss is the movie that played a pivotal role in turning German public opinion against the Jews which ultimately paved the way for the Holocaust.

We are already seeing a return of the 70's and 80's era of racist attacks. Extremist right-wingers who until a decade ago had little presence outside the online hate groups have now become mainstream politicians, spreading hate and disinformation 24*7.
They just have to drag "muh Indians" in everything,despite us having nothing to do with their cuntries being ruined by nijjers,sullehs and their own incompetence. But they'll never accept it because of shame and their fear towards the Ms and Ns so they find targets to blame.
This is what you get for being "muh peaceful high earning immigrants",easiest targets.
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Hundreds of accs have been posting non stop dehumanizing shit on xitter. The comments are even more horrible. It's as if all the inhuman beings of the world have united against us hindus.
Our ancestors were right about the mlecchas.
Hundreds of accs have been posting non stop dehumanizing shit on xitter. The comments are even more horrible. It's as if all the inhuman beings of the world have united against us hindus.
Our ancestors were right about the mlecchas.
Hindus need to start actively dehumanizing wignats.

Anytime a redneck makes the street sh@tting comment, mock them back with these numerous videos of rednecks doing the same inside grocery stores and all sorts of public places.

More than a dozen videos of rednecks shitting in public places can be found in this twitter thread below.

The wignats are such jealous freaks that they cannot tolerate a nonwhite winning their prized 100m swimming competition.

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Whites are the original savages.

All this BS of being enlightened liberals etc was only a farce as they were at the top of the food chain with no competition. The moment competition shows up, the inner savage comes out which is the actual character of the white race.
Whites are the original savages.

All this BS of being enlightened liberals etc was only a farce as they were at the top of the food chain with no competition. The moment competition shows up, the inner savage comes out which is the actual character of the white race.
will these savages be tamed this time?
Hundreds of accs have been posting non stop dehumanizing shit on xitter. The comments are even more horrible. It's as if all the inhuman beings of the world have united against us hindus.
Our ancestors were right about the mlecchas.

Most of the time Indian accounts can't even post proper comebacks. The usual low IQ comeback replies are about their mothers having an onlyfans account or them having 23 Stepfathers. Things is those attributes don't really bother them at all as they are considered normal in their societies.

What Indian's need to do is target their physical attributes(there are tons of videos weak goras getting body slammed and humiliated by nijjers), their Xtian religion, the widespread pedophilia in their societies(which can be tied back to their religion like the catholic priests etc), their women not wanting them anymore, drug addicts shitting in the streets(bonus points if it happens in republican run cities) etc etc.

The vast majority of these subhuman wignat vermin are from Americas(US and Cancucks), so there will always be tons of material. There needs to be coordinated high IQ propaganda effort from the Indian side for these $cum.

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