Idiotic Musings from the West

Most of the time Indian accounts can't even post proper comebacks. The usual low IQ comeback replies are about their mothers having an onlyfans account or them having 23 Stepfathers. Things is those attributes don't really bother them at all as they are considered normal in their societies.

What Indian's need to do is target their physical attributes(there are tons of videos weak goras getting body slammed and humiliated by nijjers), their Xtian religion, the widespread pedophilia in their societies(which can be tied back to their religion like the catholic priests etc), their women not wanting them anymore, drug addicts shitting in the streets(bonus points if it happens in republican run cities) etc etc.

The vast majority of these subhuman wignat vermin are from Americas(US and Cancucks), so there will always be tons of material. There needs to be coordinated high IQ propaganda effort from the Indian side for these $cum.
Real. Those onlyfans jokes don't affect them as it's pretty normal there. Whenever I open such an anti-India post,I see those same repetative jokes over and over. Our E-Yoddhas need to be creative.
Plus there are hordes of poopslims coming to defend their pigskin masters.😒
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Real. Those onlyfans jokes don't affect them as it's pretty normal there. Whenever I open such an anti-India post,I see those same repetative jokes over and over. Our E-Yoddhas need to be creative.
Plus there are hordes of poopslims coming to defend their pigskin masters.😒

In my experience, what really grates them, is when you counter 'street shitter' with ' dingleberry ridden unclean arse that is never washed after shitting'. Then suddenly the goras get all uppity and say they always wash their arse after pooping, even when less than 1% of toilets in anglosphere have bidets or hand-sprinkler attached to them.
Hindus need to start actively dehumanizing wignats.

Anytime a redneck makes the street sh@tting comment, mock them back with these numerous videos of rednecks doing the same inside grocery stores and all sorts of public places.

More than a dozen videos of rednecks shitting in public places can be found in this twitter thread below.


If such is the case no one will touch them in India.
In my experience, what really grates them, is when you counter 'street shitter' with ' dingleberry ridden unclean arse that is never washed after shitting'. Then suddenly the goras get all uppity and say they always wash their arse after pooping, even when less than 1% of toilets in anglosphere have bidets or hand-sprinkler attached to them.
Tbf there is virtually no difference to germs if you splash water on it or wipe it dry. As long as you dont use soap or anything similar it wont matter. Unless ofcourse your bidet is running boiling hot water.
Most of the time Indian accounts can't even post proper comebacks. The usual low IQ comeback replies are about their mothers having an onlyfans account or them having 23 Stepfathers. Things is those attributes don't really bother them at all as they are considered normal in their societies.

What Indian's need to do is target their physical attributes(there are tons of videos weak goras getting body slammed and humiliated by nijjers), their Xtian religion, the widespread pedophilia in their societies(which can be tied back to their religion like the catholic priests etc), their women not wanting them anymore, drug addicts shitting in the streets(bonus points if it happens in republican run cities) etc etc.

The vast majority of these subhuman wignat vermin are from Americas(US and Cancucks), so there will always be tons of material. There needs to be coordinated high IQ propaganda effort from the Indian side for these $cum.

Best way to deal with racism is to outright ignore it, If you are living in India, none of these things matters. Western civilization is on a downward slope since the last two decades and it will continue to do the same. Racism and Jealousy is bound to increase, and at some point it will translate into the real world.

If Indians can go to the West to enjoy the fruits of Western civilization, then I am sure they can handle the fruits of racism too.

Out first job is to start shaming Indians who watch "Reaction Videos" of White people on Youtube.
Tbf there is virtually no difference to germs if you splash water on it or wipe it dry. As long as you dont use soap or anything similar it wont matter. Unless ofcourse your bidet is running boiling hot water.

As they say, perfection is the enemy of the good. If you wish to argue that there is no difference between unwiped, unwashed arse and washed arse in terms of germ dispersal, then have at it. With such logic, why even wipe your arse ? Just be like a cow or a rhino and go around with shyte caked around your arsehole.

Hygene is a matter of perception as much as it is a matter of science. Otherwise, no one would think yellowed teeth are less hygenic than sparkling white teeth.
Best way to deal with racism is to outright ignore it, If you are living in India, none of these things matters. Western civilization is on a downward slope since the last two decades and it will continue to do the same. Racism and Jealousy is bound to increase, and at some point it will translate into the real world.

If Indians can go to the West to enjoy the fruits of Western civilization, then I am sure they can handle the fruits of racism too.

Out first job is to start shaming Indians who watch "Reaction Videos" of White people on Youtube.
These white people who make reaction videos are mostly the ONLY white people who have a genuine grasp of Indian culture and tend to be highly pro-indian in most things. Ofcourse, i am talking of the well established handles like Jaby Kooey, Achara Kirk, the 'our stupid reactions' people etc.

The cardinal rule of cultural propagation is 'never discourage a foreigner for showing any form of interest in your culture'. That is an opportunity for cultural conversion, which the arabs and moozies are experts at doing fyi.
Real. Those onlyfans jokes don't affect them as it's pretty normal there. Whenever I open such an anti-India post,I see those same repetative jokes over and over. Our E-Yoddhas need to be creative.
Plus there are hordes of poopslims coming to defend their pigskin masters.😒
The fact that only fans comments don't affect them is a sign of their degeneracy ... Imagine a civilisation that honours and respects prostitutes .
The first time that I heard the term "my mothers boyfriend" I cringed so hard that it gave me post cringe clarity, as to why americans have school shootings.
Tbf there is virtually no difference to germs if you splash water on it or wipe it dry. As long as you dont use soap or anything similar it wont matter. Unless ofcourse your bidet is running boiling hot water.

If you've ever used toilet paper before you'd know that you cannot get everything out of your ass with TP. It's like wiping the same crap over and over again.

Using water as most of the world does is objectively superior beyond any doubt. It's just basic cleanliness, nothing to do with germs. Even goras who've used bidets/water guns before refuse to go back to TP
If you've ever used toilet paper before you'd know that you cannot get everything out of your ass with TP. It's like wiping the same crap over and over again.

Using water as most of the world does is objectively superior beyond any doubt. It's just basic cleanliness, nothing to do with germs. Even goras who've used bidets/water guns before refuse to go back to TP

Once I started using bidets and water guns, I absolutely refuse to go back to TP. Before, I would use TP a lot before I would even use my hand to wash my a-hole after defecating.
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Gib some monies, concessions, border Cashmere talks to my perpetual bitch Pottystan.

Translation: Indians are like small children, too simple minded to make informed decisions in their self-interest. And hence it is a white man's burden to take the "good" decisions on India's behalf for the greater good.

These people are just like those "experts" who keep harping about Russia's over-dependence over China. As if the Russia's politicians and bureaucrats are too naive to see it coming.

The real world is too complicated.
Real. Those onlyfans jokes don't affect them as it's pretty normal there. Whenever I open such an anti-India post,I see those same repetative jokes over and over. Our E-Yoddhas need to be creative.
Plus there are hordes of poopslims coming to defend their pigskin masters.😒
i have one for onlyfans , just comment - hey your i found your mother's onlyfans password , it says "whitetrash"( or add any other race) :roflb: :roflb: :roflb:
will these savages be tamed this time?
China will tame them. Wignats are already coming to the realization that China can beat them even at physically intensive sports like Swimming. You should see the seethe on Twitter after a Chinese swimmer won the 100m freestyle swimming event by smashing the world record.

Screenshot 2024-08-03 062507.png

This could be bad for us though. Wignats will go after the easy target i.e India as they don't have the balls to take on China so they'll vent their frustration on the next target.

India is a social justice shithole which isn't anywhere near equipped to take on the West. West can play us like a fiddle by taking advantage of our fault lines.

NGO's, Christian missionaries, Islamists, Khalistanis, LGBT etc you name it, West has multiple foot soldiers in India.
China will tame them. Wignats are already coming to the realization that China can beat them even at physically intensive sports like Swimming. You should see the seethe on Twitter after a Chinese swimmer won the 100m freestyle swimming event by smashing the world record.

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This could be bad for us though. Wignats will go after the easy target i.e India as they don't have the balls to take on China so they'll vent their frustration on the next target.

India is a social justice shithole which isn't anywhere near equipped to take on the West. West can play us like a fiddle by taking advantage of our fault lines.

NGO's, Christian missionaries, Islamists, Khalistanis, LGBT etc you name it, West has multiple foot soldiers in India.
Hey we survived 800 years of Muslim invasions 200 years of European occupation and still our culture pretty much remained intact. I have strong faith in our culture’s resilience and ability to withstand these attacks.
Hey we survived 800 years of Muslim invasions 200 years of European occupation and still our culture pretty much remained intact. I have strong faith in our culture’s resilience and ability to withstand these attacks.
Times are different.

India has only 75% Hindus left with a section among them made up of Leftists and Ambedkarites. Practicing and staunch Hindus might be 60% of this country at best.

We aren't only fighting a foreign invader, we have 30% internal enemies. We are surrounded by Pakistan and Bangladesh on our borders.

Internal enemies, Bordering enemy nations and foreign powers can easily bring the country on to it's knees.

We can still salvage the situation if we had a determined and aggressive leadership and if we can ditch Democracy. I don't see it happening. BJP has turned out to be extremely meek and spineless.
Tbf there is virtually no difference to germs if you splash water on it or wipe it dry. As long as you dont use soap or anything similar it wont matter. Unless ofcourse your bidet is running boiling hot water.
Really no difference?
On other threads, We've seen you slowly walking into brown coolie territory. But now you've seem to make a permanent home there.

What was your ID on DFI ?
China will tame them. Wignats are already coming to the realization that China can beat them even at physically intensive sports like Swimming. You should see the seethe on Twitter after a Chinese swimmer won the 100m freestyle swimming event by smashing the world record.

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This could be bad for us though. Wignats will go after the easy target i.e India as they don't have the balls to take on China so they'll vent their frustration on the next target.

India is a social justice shithole which isn't anywhere near equipped to take on the West. West can play us like a fiddle by taking advantage of our fault lines.

NGO's, Christian missionaries, Islamists, Khalistanis, LGBT etc you name it, West has multiple foot soldiers in India.

You got any of the wignat twitter cope-seethes ? We are interested
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The JUD SUSS level of propaganda being spread against Indians in every online forum might one day turn into a Frankenstein monster. Mind you,Jud suss is the movie that played a pivotal role in turning German public opinion against the Jews which ultimately paved the way for the Holocaust.

We are already seeing a return of the 70's and 80's era of racist attacks. Extremist right-wingers who until a decade ago had little presence outside the online hate groups have now become mainstream politicians, spreading hate and disinformation 24*7.

meanwhile subhumn indian leftists have controlled the narrative of every single indian subreddit with 24/7 crime posts and anti hindu hate, while banning you for posting anything remotely positive about the country. Just look at r/india. every other post is on some rpe post. mods are exclusively promoting such users

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