Idiotic Musings from the West

How is this guy's twitter handle being promoted to everyone's timeline ? View attachment 7944 View attachment 7956 View attachment 7945

You can thank the messiah of wignat pigskins, This subhuman pervert boer
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Under his watch twitter is transformed from USSR to Nazi Germany.

Best option is to ignore & block such low life basement dwelling, momma & sis OF enjoying wiggers. They know they are fast becoming endangered species, as they are getting browned at record pace.

Only watch the post of those who you follow, instead of "For You"
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You can thank the Messiah of wignat pigskins, This subhuman pervert Great Boer

His ownership has transformed twitter from USSR under Vijaya Gadde to Nazi Germany

I used to admire this man once but the more we get to know him,the more we get to see his other side.
A perfect example of Dr Jackal/Mr Hyde.

And It's quite scary to think that this man is in charge of several critical space projects.
Even more worryingly, because of his access to enormous resources and finances,he,at this point is far more dangerous to human society than Hitler was in his initial days
How many Indians go in this way illegally? How did this route become popular among Indians which mostly Mexicans and other South Americans used to use?

There are some South American countries that allowed visa free or visa on arrivals for Indian tourists. So people traveled to those countries and then they make their way to the US Mexican boarder from there.
Since South Kuri is a de-facto part of the "International cummunity" / "West" -

Why is South Korea offering monetary aid to encourage youngsters to date, marry, and have kids?​

The dire crisis of the plummeting birth rate has set off alarm bells in the power corridors of South Korea, prompting the administration to design policies that incentivise young Koreans to date and produce kids in an attempt to head off the problem of population collapse in increasingly fraught times.

South Korea has spent over $270 billion on programs to encourage people to have more children, with no success​

Babymaking failure -


Korean men have been getting bashed on twitter for a while for their certain "activities".





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