India at Olympics

there were 3 fields in my locality 5-8 years ago i was a kid thus used to run walk play cricket and badminton there
what happened one field is now a farm
two are govt schools which now prohibited the field being used by anyone other than the teachers lmao
Lack of public spaces in big Indian cities is an issue. It compounds this problem.
There was a documentary on Netflix where Two athlete were chosen - one was given plant based diet and other meat based. Plant based one had better performance surprising the athlete himself.
Like I said verdict is still not out. There should be a hands-on approach if one can not prove numerically or scientifically. That is why you put players to go to trails and other competitive events to test their techniques and diet regime etc. Statisticians play a role in this as well.
This person is a Sikh/Muslim supporter and a Hindu hater. I personally blocked his account. He is a sick person who try to own people who converted to Islam, he distort history. Such propaganda accounts should be banned by the government.
ahh I have seen such people on Jat forums trying to revive Jathera with Muslim Jats in Pakistan. I laughed and thought damn I thought this mental disease was only revelant among Sikhs and Refugee Punjabis. BUt naa ..

Another there is an indian fella a refugee punjabi Brahmin from Haryana who went to Pakistan. he found some Malsis in Pakistani town's gulli speaking Haryanvi. He was ecstatic that he found Haryanvi who did not forget their culture. Those fella proudly told him they came from Haryana and settled in what were once Hindus Homes and also destroyed the temple and converted into for use. I could make out fella's reaction as :okay:
My hunch was correct. Got the winner wrong though.

I just felt that this Olympics, a lot of stuff was going wrong for us.

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It was waiting to happen.

Even Neeraj's earlier coach and few other experts of the field said:
'Neeraj is going to win Gold till a player comes and cross 90mtr mark'

We were saying in hush hush voice that Neeraj is winning more due to the opponents not performing well.

The European Champion has record of 97mtr and few other too have crossed 90mtr multiple time.

Nadeem has crossed 90 last year itself. Nadeem has perfect combination of Height, weight and body mass.

He is one of the cleanest player and has almost perfect technique. His 92.97 mtr throw was perfect angle of ~30 degree with massive 110kmph speed. He was bound to win.

Neeraj is too much dependent on getting momentum from throwing he body to side to earn few extra meters. There is only so much he can do here. He needs to bulk up a lot more.

So, in each sport it is boiling down to not selected the balanced and ideal body type, but we are selection based on emotions and who is doing better in already short talent pool.​
Neeraj is only 180cm compared to 185 and over that of other players.
Neerajs profile is same as Jan Zelenksky both 6 1 and 86 kg.
Neeraj hasn't peaked yet.
Like few others Neeraj's height is not correct in many portals. He is 180cm and not 182-183cm-6'1"
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a jyotish from south had also made this prediction under comments of some previous prediction when bangladesh situation wasn't looking bad
sadly he's made some very alarming downright blekpilling predictions about hindus, and future of india 😪
(offtopic but yeah, there used to be an astrology prediction thread on good ol' D F I but not sure about it here on current home forum)
3-4 different Astrologers predicted same for Bangladesh and India in Olympics.
Here is something for you :-

Ukraine - no money- most of the medal potential dead - medals won = 10(3 gold,3 silver,4 bronze)

Iran - globally sanctioned-no money for proper training or sports- medals won = 6(2 gold,2 silver,2 bronze)

St Lucia - has a population of an Indian village - medals won =2 (1 gold and 1 silver)

Cuba - barely has money to pay salaries to government employees,let alone fund an Olympic team ,medals won = 6 ( 2 gold,1 silver,3 bronze)

North Korea - let alone people, even their players are malnourished, medals won = 6( 2 silver,4 bronze)

So you can very well analyze the scale of our underperformance.That 900 crore, had it been utilized properly would have been more than enough to get multiple gold and silver medals.
Even Botswana won Gold in 200mtr event beating two US runners!
Nadeem has the back-twister technique, Neeraj has the forward momentum fallover technique. This means that you will see at point of release, Nadeem rotates his back a lot more, while Neeraj does the top-of-toe release, with foward momentum usually making him fall over.

There are pros and cons to both techniques : the back-twister technique lets you get closer to the foul line when releasing, while the fall-over technique you are always 1-1.5m behind the foul line at release, since you need space to fall over and not foul.
However, the fallover technique is a lot more consistent and less injury prone than the back-twister technique, is why its the most common technique in the field. When you rely on back-twister technique, you end up with disc damage over time as that is a lot of tortion force on the spine, the one type of force the spine is the worst at dealing with.
Also, the back-twister technique uses less body momentum but far more core muscle & upper body strength, which means, there is bigger variance in your best day and worst day performance ( as you rely less on nearly constant momentum force).

This is why Neeraj i think will be a bigger threat in javelin competitions than Arshad, unless Arshad really is that much stronger and has unlocked some secret to holding the javelin to regularly break 90m mark.
PBs matter less in javelin/hammer/discuss/shot-put etc type of throwing sports than what your average throw is.
Because even the best javelin throwers end up with 7-8m difference between their season's best and season's worst competitive throws.

Neeraj is dominant in the sport because he almost never misses the 85m mark in medal rounds of where he participates. In fact, going all the way to 2017, which is like 7 years, the dude has hit below 85m in medal round only once. Ie, a 9-1 record in last 10 major events for throwing 85m+.
No other javeliner has even done this 5 times in the same time period,fyi. (Arshad Nadeem is that guy, fyi).
Basically, Neeraj is the djokovic of the javelin field. You know that if he is present, you will have to go 85m+, most likely 86m+ to win. Day in, day out, thats not an easy task, Because if you are having an off day ( slightest of niggles etc), you can easily drop down in the low 80s ( 81-84m mark) in javelin.
Which means that he is always the guy to beat in the last few events he's played and he will remain so, unless age or fitness changes. And that is why, he is by far the most winning javelliner since 2018. Thats six years and counting, for anyone keeping score.
Yes, he got ' out-feded' in this Olympics. Happens. But reality is, day in-day out, he is the only one who's gonna be in #1-#2 spot in the field and onus is on YOU to match him that day and some days you will match him, but over time, he will win more than anyone else and so far, he has in the period he's been top quality.
Sir, you seem to have drunk whole bottle of CoHopium Cool-aid.

I don't see Neeraj going over 90mtr with current physique and I can see other players crossing 90mtr again soon!
Ya'll The number of atheletes on only vegetrain diet are known rise globally. And many of them are from sports which demand high physical strength and training.

Sushil Kumar - 1 Silver, 1 Bronze; is pure Vegetarian.

He also won Gold in World Wrestling Competition after Olympics beating the Non-vegetarian Ukranian or some other CIS country Wrestler.​
Sir, you seem to have drunk whole bottle of CoHopium Cool-aid.

I don't see Neeraj going over 90mtr with current physique and I can see other players crossing 90mtr again soon!
That is fine, given that almost all gold medal winning efforts are in the 85-89.++ range- a range that Neeraj strikes at far more frequently than any other javeliner. World records are less important in my eyes than winning gold.
All those kanging about meat eating and genes should know that 5ft 5in east Asians throw all muscular arab momins Outta water in sports. Performance comes down to 2 things training and mindset. What many people don't know that most western and even relatively poor country have robust sport infra in their schools, that allows people there to train from ages like 9-10 and be invested in it, now compare that to our shit school system where in the name of physical activity who either have just running like idiot for 5mins in a circle or Playing dumb outdoor games, hell atleast like 10 years ago we used to play kabaddi or light kusthi, both boys and girls used to play these. Nowadays in the name of study barely any school has freetime for sports, even those that have it on paper usually give to some teacher cuz they have to "complete the syllabus". This is not how you make athletes, no matter how much you spend in advanced levels without a robust primary and middle level infra all of that is just useless. Most of our athletes pickup their sports when they're like 14-15 years of age, by this point only a pure genius can give you consistent good performance. Even then training is dogshit outside really top academies and we still don't have good sports doctors.

People whining about budget and diet should know that real problem is in lower levels, from which those who make it to higher levels are already quite mediocre compared to their competitors worldwide, after that no amount of training or meat is gonna make them turn into record breakers.

There are some steps we take rn to improve out situation first of it would be to have mandatory 3 hours of pt atleast 2 days out of 6 school days in all school,no expections and there should be strict policy that these hours can't be used for anything else. Second we need more sports centres in rural semi-urb areas , they don't have to be world-class just make them function even that would be a massive improvement, we can implement sports based quota in unis like yanks do but I'm a bit on the fence about this. Our general shit performance in sports doesn't have a single Silver bullet solution as many would like to think. Eating more meat and allocating a gorillion rupee will not suddenly give us 100 golds in Olympics, the issue is multi-layers and structural.
The earlier we come out of this "chene are smaller" stuff; is better for us.

Shandong in China is the tallest district in whole Asia (including Asian part of Russia and Central Asia).

Go to any tier2 and 3 cities in China and Korea and you will see close to 5'10" girls and boys above 6' quite easily.
The earlier we come out of this "chene are smaller" stuff; is better for us.

Shandong in China is the tallest district in whole Asia (including Asian part of Russia and Central Asia).

Go to any tier2 and 3 cities in China and Korea and you will see close to 5'10" girls and boys above 6' quite easily.
The coping mechanism is getting the better of us lol.
Like few others Neeraj's height is not correct in many portals. He is 180cm and not 182-183cm-6'1"
Paris Olympics has his height stated as 6 1
I think they will be having the correct stats.
Going by his pictures as well it seem he is that height.
Paris Olympics has his height stated as 6 1
I think they will be having the correct stats.
Going by his pictures as well it seem he is that height.
They have wrong heights and figures for many athletes not just Indian one.

Also, 180cm is already good height in Indian standards so he does not look that small!
They have wrong heights and figures for many athletes not just Indian one.

Also, 180cm is already good height in Indian standards so he does not look that small!
He's nearly 6 feet. Last time we met, he's taller than me. I'm 5.10. It's a decent height.
You won't find an open field in most of the city, such is the state.
I wonder how high density country Like Japan and Korea do it.
There are community parks everywhere in these countries usually spread according to the population density patterns of their cities.
These community parks include running tracks, football field which can be used for multiple ground sports, badminton/tennis court, basketball courts and many other sport facilities.​
India in Olympics.

1. Archery - Complete failure. Deepika. Kumari laughing at us Seals the deal.
2. Shooting - Most successful of lot. 3 medals, 3 4th places. Also only federation which conducts trials in a serious way.
3. Hockey - Another best Olympics and sealed the best team from Asia. But still not an world beaters.
4. Badminton - Satchi and laksya sen disappointed most. Sindhu is not in form. WD is a joke. (Prakash Padukone statement Seals the deal).
5. Table Tennis - The women contigent performed well to enter R016, QF. But no massive support from Government.
6. Athletics- Except Neeraj and maybe Sable others were joke. Relay team may help do something.
7. Rowing, Sailing - Participation certificate only. Also only way to practice is by joining armed forces.
8. Golf - No support and players are not upto mark.
9. Wrestling - Just play third/fourth/fifth fiddle to Iranians, japanese, Russians and USA. Shit federation and players with problems.
Table Tennis - I don't think we can ever reach the skill-set required. Chinese are simply the beast here. Even Koreans and Japanese rarely reach the finals. It is always Chinese team vs Chinese team.

Golf - Not sure what exactly is Govt support here! Most of the Golfing is private and supported by corporate funding.

Rowing/Sailing - simply no chance for us. Highly-highly technical sport with again height to weight rate stats needed. Almost non-existent Infrastructure for this sport in our country.

Only Badminton we have managed to reach the Asian skillset but lose out on mental stability part most of the times. Denmark often comes out of syllabus for us.​

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