India at Olympics

Very informative.. straight from the horse's mouth.

Q. What are some common nutritional challenges athletes face during the Olympics, and how do you address them?
Common nutritional challenge! A couple of things. Once when they travel to a new time zone, they have to adjust to sleep and their digestive system, their whole body process has to adjust according to the time, so that is one thing. For that challenge, what we generally tell, I tell the athletes before going to the new location and or in Paris in three, three and a half hour difference, so we ask them to shift their meal time here in India by at least one hour, so when they are there it will not be huge, now if they are travelling from India to totally to the US, where there is a gap 10-11 hours, then again we have to see. So, small-small changes we start making before they travel. That's one challenge, second challenge is, a lot of our athletes are vegetarian, the third is they are very used to homemade food, the Dal Chawal, Roti Rajma, Sabzi, etc.

Q. Being a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, does it make any
It does not, it's only that if you are vegetarian, we need to vey closely plan your diet and you have to follow it really well. So, it does not matter if a vegetarian or vegan as long as they have a plan in hand. They get almost all the nutrients to their vegetarian diet also. So, that is but that's a challenge for some of the Indian athletes, luckily many of them are not vegetarian but some of them are. Now the good part here in Paris is that they have sustainable, green food and lot of vegetarian and vegan options are available this year for the athletes in their Olympic village menu. So, we won't face so much of that challenge. But there are atheletes who are so used to having rice and chapati, and all that, that we won't be getting there every day. There are certain Indian dishes in the Olympic menu, it's not like every day. So, for that this challenge that why it is always always recommended to prepare yourself beforehand, that if tour familiar food is not available you should be able to eat a different kind of food.
Q. What are the main nutritional goals for the athletes leading up to the Olympics?
We have different sports but the nutritional basics are the same because we all need energy to work. So, the basics are the same but then there are certain power sports you would need to ensure that your protein intake is right there. For the endurance sport, you will have to make sure you are loaded with carbohydrates, at least your carbohydrate intake is good. Similarly, we have skill sports like archery and shooting, which don't need a lot of calories but they need nutrient-dense food. So, the quantity of food, what time they are eating, and what food they are eating. So, it is what, when and how much, that depends on different sports disciplines and according to their energy requirements, their event timings and how much they have been training. Some may train for two hours, some may train for one hour, so depending on that the nutritional goals differ for each athlete and especially when they are into weight-specific sport because some of them would be trying to maintain the weight some of them have to gain a little or loose a little, so based on their requirement, we do tweak here and there.

Q. How do you tailor nutritional plans for athletes in different sports?
We have to take the basic data in account- Age, Height, Weight. Then there is training timing. As I said, some may train once, some may train twice, then another thing that comes in is their body composition, we need to know what is the muscle mass in their body and what is the fat mass. The lean mass and fat mass. So, based on that we decide the tergets for different athletes and according to that then we change the percentage of carbohydrate protein and fat in their diet, and of course, we take care of micro-nutrients as well. So, depending on all this, the basic information, age height, weight, gender, training time, where they are training, and how much they are sweating because hydration also we need to take care of, and their fitness as well as the body weight goal. Based on that we modify the diet for each athlete.
We are talking about diet; but has anyone mentioned pollution and air quality?

In order to be athletic, you need to be able to breathe properly and not have any respiratory diseases.

Breathing is how you burn fat. If the air quality is poor, you don’t breathe well causing lack of stamina, athletic performance. Your lungs are literally handicapped because you are constantly coughing or have phlegm from the pollution.
you're right, there's a like a billion problem that hold us back in sports, and people are being emotional.
how will olympics play out in LA28?

muricans will have home advantage, and chini if they participate will be itching to teach "the west" a lesson in their own backyard.

outside of these two, what will be left for others at podiums?

For India don't expect a turnaround from the current situation. It's because:-

1. We participate in too few and mostly low-medal events. In the budget for Paris Olympics, we gave huge priority to badminton and Archery, both of which combined have only 10 medal events. There is almost no participation in Judo,Taekwondo, Weight lifting, cycling,fencing, and swimming which combined have around 130 medal events.

2. The available talent pool is not good enough.For example,in athletics barring exceptions like Neeraj Chopra, most athletes are mediocre, as evident in this Olympics itself where most failed to qualify from their heats. So Until and unless we run a talent scout program and unearth real talent, don't expect exceptional performances.
Any links? Would like to see the sample size and the kind of sports they were into and for how long. Also their general medical history and genetics. Also what protein type they had.
Saw on Netflix somw time back
But I unsubscribed from netflix due to spate of propahganda content some time back. I posted a link to such study in another post as reply to SKC
One of the last-ranked countries in the world...India is ranked 69th among the 80 countries that have won medals. And despite winning 6 medals, this Olympics marks India's worst performance since the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

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Damn, Uzbekistan the real chad. 5 GM's🤯. Looks like their best olympics tally ever.

Crazy good at Boxing, Judo and physical sports.

Don't even wanna look at this list anymore man. Hurts my f'ing eyes..
Damn, Uzbekistan the real chad. 5 GM's🤯. Looks like their best olympics tally ever.

Crazy good at Boxing, Judo and physical sports.

Don't even wanna look at this list anymore man. Hurts my f'ing eyes..

This is why I deleted my post..... just too hurtful

worst of all India's which currently stands at 69 could fall even further behind, beyond 71 will make it India's worst Olympics since the 1996 Atlanta games. Not to mention the first time in three decades that India will be ranked lower than Pakistan.

But somehow this will still be celebrated and presented as a victory against all odds.
This is why I deleted my post..... just too hurtful

worst of all India's which currently stands at 69 could fall even further behind, beyond 71 will make it India's worst Olympics since the 1996 Atlanta games. Not to mention the first time in three decades that India will be ranked lower than Pakistan.

But somehow this will still be celebrated and presented as a victory against all odds.

It is already being called the 2nd or 3rd best medal haul for India in Olympics.
Yup Mindset is important. Neeraj chopra like a typical Indian had the sabka saath sabka vikas mentality for the past 4 years whereas I am pretty sure Arshad treated it as a do or die battle to defeat the Kaffir.
i totally disagree , he is an army guy, no way he treats porkies as such . Neeraj's face in final said it all , he was'nt able to digest a porkie beating him. what goes in interviews is totally sugarcoating.
Although he has to improve his physique , he is no way going to cross 90 with such body. in few years he won't be able to throw what he is been throwing now if he don't change.
It's still unbelievable he throws such length with this ease. no one in that whole group has the body of neeraj. he was the smallest among all.

someone has posted shoaib akthar's tweet in this olympics site. don't believe what this site says :roflb: :roflb:

Roger Fedrer is 6'1".
AnyBodyCanDance.. ABCD ,
dance India dance etc might get us some medal there.
Wasn't there an Indian dance group KINGS who made lot of TSUNAMIS internationally.

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