Payment doesn't happens immediately after order.
Payment happens in batches, as orders are delivered in batches.
The deal can be signed this year, part of Payment can start when first rafale is delivered or when training on naval rafale starts.
This 30billion+ deal will receive its payment in the span of multiple years.
Not exactly. Once the contract is signed, it really start to be effective when the first payment arrive. Usually around 15% of the production cost. Then, partial payment are done during the production. And the remaining during delivery.
I don't know how it works in India but when I explain that in France, I tell to the people that it is exactly the same when you buy an apartment which is not built yet.
You pay something for booking the apartment, like 10%. Then, once the work start, you pay something more. Once the wall and the roof is done, you may more. And, when the day of final delivery arrive, you have a remaining 5 or 10% to finish to pay everything. And you can keep this final payment if you are not satisfied about something. Once everything is fixed, you pay the rest.
In case of IAF order 36 new aircraft now, and because the price of each aircraft is around 70 millions Euros, the total amount of the contract for building the planes will be 2,5 billions euros (rest is spare parts, support equipments, ammunition, contract support, etc.). So in that case IAF should make a deposit of about 380 million euros, or 35189501984 indian roupies (sorry, not comfortable with crore I don't want to make it wrong, but I think it is 351,89 crore ?)