Indian Air Force: News & Discussions

I deleted that before you even sent a reply, because I thought I was being harsh, not because I was wrong or misinformed.

What Machine "can do" can be overridden. I thought you would know that. I've had previously came across articles and interviews stating that Mig21 pilots used to override many limitations put into system/MC. Same was said about mig29.
You can read in below article on DFI.

And ? Even in real combat chances of head on collision might be very small. I always believe that if their combat involves such tactics that means they are heavily preparing for losing EW battle. Which kind of makes sense looking at the pending procurement offensive and defensive AEWC platforms.
In a modern FLCS equipped aircraft, the pilot only has a suggestion on what the final airframe output(i.e, how the elevons/etc are deflected) would be - however that comes at the cost of the computer limiting the pilot when it thinks that the aircraft is departing the operational envelope aerodynamically. When the pilot overrides this computer, he is still in the aircraft operating limits, but only within some margin.

It is necessary to override this limit put by the computer during training, because otherwise when the pilots actually need to use this feature, they will not know how it would respond - so it's inevitable that sometime or the other the override switch would be used.

Regarding the crash - you have to prepare about every possibility in training. That means training for BVR operations, WVR operations, BFM/ACM/any other close range operations, because you never know. Everything is not as binary up in the air where a situation can develop out of nowhere.

A BVR flow could be like this:


What happens after everyone has exhausted their BVRAAMs due to perfect defense by both sides? They will attempt to close in. What then, if the pilots have not studied close range ACM(air combat maneuvering) tactics for tackling 2v2 or 2v4, or 4v4 scenarios?

I am guessing that the crash at TACDE happened something like this:


In this video, a flight of 2 F-16s is pitted against a flight of 2 F-4s, with a setup that translates the fight from BVR to WVR. You can hear the pilot calling out a Fox2(sidewinder) shot moments before his plane crashes with the F-4. The F-16 pilot was positioning for the initial turn back around after the merge, and the F-4 was likely also following him in the vertical where they both crashed.

PS: We don't know yet what caused the MiG-29UPG crash in Rajasthan. I am guessing it's due to engine issues(flameouts, stalls, ..)
A good video of IAF's S/w Development Institute. It showcases Su-30MKI, LCA, MiG-29, turboprop trainer, AWACS.
AVM K N Santosh, the commander of S/w dev. institute, said that MLU is supposed to happen every 10 years. He believes in achieving 100% self-relliance.
Hats off :yo:to my fellow computer/electronics guys👨‍💻👩‍💻. I wish if i was good enough scorer :eric:to get into such priviledged place.


They made the video private:smiley-crying::wtf::wtfcat::rage: Why they invested in the 1st place?:facepalm4::sarcastic::smash:
Admins/Moderators/Members should download such videos a.s.a.p. after they upload & put it on a common Google drive or something.
BTW, guys which is the best website to download YouTube videos in its max resolution or at least FHD 1080p if the video supports?
I tried following:
Some sites provide"video only" option for higher resolution :rage::smash:
Ya'll Tarang Shakti 2024.


Is that the NoExpertAtAll guy? He's already getting shat on by the others lmao

From the video it looks like they were doing butterfly sets at 3K/6K/9K offensive/defensive BFM setups. You can see them flying together at one point between the HUD videos, and if that is not from some other random moment, then that is probably them in the setup for executing the defensive/offensive BFM exercise



Since offensive/defensive BFM has different characteristics to it at different ranges(standard is 3000, 6000 and 9000), the perch setup allows one to easily initiate such an exercise


We urgently need to place emergency order for F-35A and accept all US conditions for the sale.

U have any other options mate
Very soon we will not only face numerically superior threats but also 5th gen aircrafts
We don't have any answers
F*ck timelines given by ada or anyone if they find some errors during testing then they will definitely extend the timeline
And u can expect them to finish testing in just 3-4 years
Currently situation is such we need aircrafts forget who is responsible right now we need to act
Tbh we are small regional power our priority is to survive tomorrow rather planning for decades like big powers

I don't think usa will give us f-35 even if we give them huge amount
But we need to import
I like the optimism but we are not a close enough US ally for them to even think about selling us F-35A. It is classified technology they wouldn't hand it over to anyone they find favourable.
India's choice so far
F-35 - no
Su-35 - no
AMCA- yes
China has a lot of 5G fighters now and should have masses by 2030. Pakistan may also have a few by then. India, in contrast, promises to have no 5G fighters at all until late 2030's. Is that the way for IAF to provide credible defence?

KAI is reported to be offering KF-21 to Philippines with delivery of block 2 (A2A and A2G capable) in 2028. KAI may move to block 3 development with IWB soon. If AMCA does not progress satisfactorily, perhaps with likely delivery slipping towards 2040, KF-21 block 3 could be ordered.

Realistically, MRFA would start delivery after 2030.. Neat would be to forget MRFA, order Rafale and/or KF-21 block 2 if Rafale could not be delivered for many years. KF-21 block 3 could be ordered later if needed.

That would cover the IAF fighter crisis as well as anything else, wouldn't it?
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There is an option but I’m sure none will do/agreed for that so no point of discussion on that.
If discussion of the options available to improve IAF's capability is pointless, why don't people simply accept that IAF lacks capability and that cannot be changed because that's how things are done in India?

Imagine that hostilities broke out on two fronts simultaneously and India was badly mauled, The notion that the IAF lacks capability and that cannot be changed because that's how things are done in India would come under intense fire, wouldn't it?
If discussion of the options available to improve IAF's capability is pointless, why don't people simply accept that IAF lacks capability and that cannot be changed because that's how things are done in India?

Imagine that hostilities broke out on two fronts simultaneously and India was badly mauled, The notion that the IAF lacks capability and that cannot be changed because that's how things are done in India would come under intense fire, wouldn't it?

Whether people like it or not but IAF will be a nonexistent entity in any future war for next 20 years. IAF will be rather more of a liability in the war than a asset.

GoI now can not do surgical strikes on its will like they did earlier because even GOI is well aware about this fact.

We Indian crave too much and want everything instantaneously. But things need to plan much before the anticipation.

We like it or not but the Only option India have today is keep low and allow our adversories to take advantage.

Today we can't fight against Kuki militants, Jihadi in J&Ks. Can't fight even against Bangladesh and Maldive.
India's choice so far
F-35 - no
Su-35 - no
AMCA- yes
China has a lot of 5G fighters now and should have masses by 2030. Pakistan may also have a few by then. India, in contrast, promises to have no 5G fighters at all until late 2030's. Is that the way for IAF to provide credible defence?

KAI is reported to be offering KF-21 to Philippines with delivery of block 2 (A2A and A2G capable) in 2028. KAI may move to block 3 development with IWB soon. If AMCA does not progress satisfactorily, perhaps with likely delivery slipping towards 2040, KF-21 block 3 could be ordered.

Realistically, MRFA would start delivery after 2030.. Neat would be to forget MRFA, order Rafale and/or KF-21 block 2 if Rafale could not be delivered for many years. KF-21 block 3 could be ordered later if needed.

That would cover the IAF fighter crisis as well as anything else, wouldn't it?
Kf21 is not even a successful project, they are inducting half baked product currently and the one with 5th gen capabilities is still on paper.
AMCA is a pipe dream, rafale actually makes sense but we will need to order at least 100 for air force.

LCA mk1a project will be a failure unless we use kaveri engine as burgerican have stopped the engine delievery.

Rather than relying on imagination we must work on what we have - more rafales, kaveri engine for mk1a and su 30 mki upgrade.

Also put the mk2 and AMCA on hold and use the money to buy spare mirage and mig29 to help existing fleet.
Arming the heron drones will also be beneficial to fight against insurgents and terrorists.

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