Indian Army Artillery Programme

In case of plaines of punjab and all this is true but in case of mountains firing at max ranges doesn't occur due to variation in altitude contours and sometime targets is on the opposite side of the mountain in these cases high firing and direct firing is undertaken (which more or less makes the 48km record useless) other than that in tibet plains it could be a GAME change
Depends tbh. If firing from height into valley, 48 km range can be extended also.
>looks at tender for "indigenous" artillery guns
>looks inside
>two Indian guns
>keeps looking at the rest of the tender
>An Israeli gun
>A French gun
I am also not sure how Israeli and French guns are under Indian Designed Developed Manufactured category of tender.
Orders are for light towed artillery. So, it's for against China. They should go for Bharat forge ULH. They have developed it already.
Baba Kalyani says it's one-third the price of m777 but they are made of steel.
View attachment 6896
1/3rd the price implies less kickbacks to corrupt gernails and lobby, We will be very fortunate if atags even sees 100 no.s being ordered, its an Arjun in the making, and all corrupt bastards will go scot this stage aatmanirbharta is a fking joke !
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Indian Army is doing its best to eliminate ATAGS from its acquisition list. Like the Olympic wrestling Championship where 100 grams were used to disqualify a candidate; Indian Army is using weight to disqualify a top of the line artillery gun with much higher range from acquisition. They did the same for Arjun tank about 10 years back, because they wanted a highly questionable T-90 tank.

The Army's acquisition and standard setting organization needs a full overhaul.

there are news reports this tender, but where is the tender(RFP)?
it's not on IA website, and there is no new arty related RFI either.
there are news reports this tender, but where is the tender(RFP)?
it's not on IA website, and there is no new arty related RFI either.
Did you find the RFP for ATAGS?

Looks like either IA has not released it or they are keeping it out from public domain.

"We're not giving the complete order at one time for a particular type of that we can absorb better technology.. technology is fast changing.The aim is with every type of gun we can get the best technology available in market. "

Trials are going on for guided extended range with a range of 75km(pinaka mk2 trials still going on?)

MGS trials next year ( Key features:crew and ammunition on board the system, shoot -and -scoot capability)
TGS trials to start next year.

"Hopeful Atags contract will be signed within this financial year. "
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"We're not giving the complete order at one time for a particular type of that we can absorb better technology.. technology is fast changing.The aim is with every type of gun we can get the best technology available in market. "

Trials are going on for guided extended range with a range of 75km(pinaka mk2 trials still going on?)

MGS trials next year ( Key features:crew and ammunition on board the system, shoot -and -scoot capability)
TGS trials to start next year.

"Hopeful Atags contract will be signed within this financial year. "

Hopefully this general waits until his retirement to make a decision post retirement...

But then he tells the same lame excuse of the technology is changing so we will be evaluating... 🥸

Technology always evolves but what we have on our inventory matters.

We are far behind our rivals on our artillery inventory....

It's quite lame that we never learn from our mistakes...

Without significant orders our private sector cannot invest in R&D for artillery. We need a decent amount of order to Fuel their growth in a sustainable way. About 300 artillery won't be enough.

It's quite saddening that our babus are willing to import stuff in significant amount but not willing to support local producers...
technology is fast changing.
It's a fucking piece of artillery, the guns were the same 15 years ago and will remain the same 15 years later, WTF is he talking about.
"Technology is fast changing" that's why we will take a whole fucking decade just to do test and trials and still not order the fucking thing.

Trials are going on for guided extended range with a range of 75km
It's a fucking piece of artillery, the guns were the same 15 years ago and will remain the same 15 years later, WTF is he talking about.
"Technology is fast changing" that's why we will take a whole fucking decade just to do test and trials and still not order the fucking thing.

View attachment 10829

indigenisation process of 155mm arty started only after 2011 with dhanush, with first gun produced in 2015. our clock starts in 2015.

Since 2015 the public and private together produced :

- Dhanush (induction in process )
- Dhanush MGS (Proposed)
- Sharang

- Bharat ULH - 39
- Bharat 45
- Bharat 52
- MarG 155-BR (MGS)

- MGS 155/52
- ALTGS (Proposed)

- M777 (assembly) (delivered)

- K9 Vajra (assembly with modifications) (delivered)

Orders given :
2016 - M777
2016 - K9 Vajra
2017 - Dhanush
2018 - Sharang

Upcoming orders

Upcoming trails

Upcoming RFI

since towed gun requirement is around 1800 guns, that's where most of the noise is. rest of orders are in 100's, have been a relatively smoother process so far.
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We're not giving the complete order at one time for a particular type of that we can absorb better technology.. technology is fast changing.The aim is with every type of gun we can get the best technology available in market. "
Right....With jokers like this in IA, no wonder ATAGS will never get any orders beyond 300 (that too is doubtful)

indigenisation process of 155mm arty started only after 2011 with dhanush, with first gun produced in 2015. our clock starts in 2015.
Did you ever question why it only started in 2015 and not 2005, it's not like we didn't have the ToT at that time.
Why didn't the army ask the industry to make dhanush in 2005

- Dhanush (induction in process )
- Dhanush MGS (Proposed)
- Sharang
Dhanush and Sarang are fucking ancient, they were good in 2005 not 2015, it's based on ToT from a 90s gun in essence it's a 30 year old technology.

- Bharat ULH - 39
- Bharat 45
- Bharat 52
- MarG 155-BR (MGS)
Literally none of them are under order right now, ATAGS project started in 2013 FFS, it should have been in production by now but our harmkhor ( yes I understand the weight this word carries and I stand by it) Generals and corrupt Babus in the MoD have found a great trick of not buying indigenous equipment by setting unrealistic standards, then doing snail pace testing and taking years to give any firm orders and even then giving only piece meal order thus by the end of it a decade or so has passed with just few piece meal equipments I army's hand so rinse and repeat because technology is now outdated

Orders given :
2016 - M777
2016 - K9 Vajra
2017 - Dhanush
2018 - Sharang
Ordering nearly 4 decades old technology of Dhanush and Sharang is something only Indian Army can do

Upcoming orders
Remind me of this when the deal is actually signed and 1st ATAGS roll off the assembly line till then it's all smoke and mirrors, have been hearing about it for nearly 4 years now, I don't want to see another LCH

Upcoming trails
I am sorry but what exactly are you trying to prove with your reply, remind me of it when an actual deal is signed which I suspect won't be happening for atleast the next 10 years so no point bringing it up

Upcoming RFI
Ahhh yet another RFI, I can bet you that it would take another 10 years before this RFI is concluded
So what exactly are you trying to prove here, if you are trying to prove how slow our Harmkhor Generals are then congrats I am convinced,

since towed gun requirement is around 1800 guns, that's where most of the noise is. rest of orders are in 100's, have been a relatively smoother process so far.
If you want to be happy with piece meal orders then suit yourself but the enemy won't be this forgiving and I am sorry but did these harmkhor generals not learn anything from the Ukraine war, why are we still fixated on 1800 towed guns, Pakis will have the support of the Cheenis (you know the fuckin biggest producer of drones)
Also what exactly do you mean by smooth other than Vajra everything else is either outdated or still stuck in the hell called MoD's procurement process
Let me remind you We have 0 MGS, we have 0 Modern Towed Gun System (no Sarangs are not modern) and we have just 145 modern ULH's with not even a RFI for more, so stop defending the pure incompetence of these harmkhor generals who don't even have a fuckin sense of urgency
Did you ever question why it only started in 2015 and not 2005, it's not like we didn't have the ToT at that time.
Why didn't the army ask the industry to make dhanush in 2005

Dhanush and Sarang are fucking ancient, they were good in 2005 not 2015, it's based on ToT from a 90s gun in essence it's a 30 year old technology.

Literally none of them are under order right now, ATAGS project started in 2013 FFS, it should have been in production by now but our harmkhor ( yes I understand the weight this word carries and I stand by it) Generals and corrupt Babus in the MoD have found a great trick of not buying indigenous equipment by setting unrealistic standards, then doing snail pace testing and taking years to give any firm orders and even then giving only piece meal order thus by the end of it a decade or so has passed with just few piece meal equipments I army's hand so rinse and repeat because technology is now outdated

Ordering nearly 4 decades old technology of Dhanush and Sharang is something only Indian Army can do

Remind me of this when the deal is actually signed and 1st ATAGS roll off the assembly line till then it's all smoke and mirrors, have been hearing about it for nearly 4 years now, I don't want to see another LCH

I am sorry but what exactly are you trying to prove with your reply, remind me of it when an actual deal is signed which I suspect won't be happening for atleast the next 10 years so no point bringing it up

Ahhh yet another RFI, I can bet you that it would take another 10 years before this RFI is concluded
So what exactly are you trying to prove here, if you are trying to prove how slow our Harmkhor Generals are then congrats I am convinced,

If you want to be happy with piece meal orders then suit yourself but the enemy won't be this forgiving and I am sorry but did these harmkhor generals not learn anything from the Ukraine war, why are we still fixated on 1800 towed guns, Pakis will have the support of the Cheenis (you know the fuckin biggest producer of drones)
Also what exactly do you mean by smooth other than Vajra everything else is either outdated or still stuck in the hell called MoD's procurement process
Let me remind you We have 0 MGS, we have 0 Modern Towed Gun System (no Sarangs are not modern) and we have just 145 modern ULH's with not even a RFI for more, so stop defending the pure incompetence of these harmkhor generals who don't even have a fuckin sense of urgency
And the audacity officers have to say that the reason behind giving piecemeal orders is bcoz the technology is changing very rapidly so we are ordering 307 atags and introducing tgs competition

They will not induct guns with present technology (according to their logic) but ready to operate decade old guns until gold plated artillery guns arrive
Did you ever question why it only started in 2015 and not 2005, it's not like we didn't have the ToT at that time.
Why didn't the army ask the industry to make dhanush in 2005

Dhanush and Sarang are fucking ancient, they were good in 2005 not 2015, it's based on ToT from a 90s gun in essence it's a 30 year old technology.

Literally none of them are under order right now, ATAGS project started in 2013 FFS, it should have been in production by now but our harmkhor ( yes I understand the weight this word carries and I stand by it) Generals and corrupt Babus in the MoD have found a great trick of not buying indigenous equipment by setting unrealistic standards, then doing snail pace testing and taking years to give any firm orders and even then giving only piece meal order thus by the end of it a decade or so has passed with just few piece meal equipments I army's hand so rinse and repeat because technology is now outdated

Ordering nearly 4 decades old technology of Dhanush and Sharang is something only Indian Army can do

Remind me of this when the deal is actually signed and 1st ATAGS roll off the assembly line till then it's all smoke and mirrors, have been hearing about it for nearly 4 years now, I don't want to see another LCH

I am sorry but what exactly are you trying to prove with your reply, remind me of it when an actual deal is signed which I suspect won't be happening for atleast the next 10 years so no point bringing it up

Ahhh yet another RFI, I can bet you that it would take another 10 years before this RFI is concluded
So what exactly are you trying to prove here, if you are trying to prove how slow our Harmkhor Generals are then congrats I am convinced,

If you want to be happy with piece meal orders then suit yourself but the enemy won't be this forgiving and I am sorry but did these harmkhor generals not learn anything from the Ukraine war, why are we still fixated on 1800 towed guns, Pakis will have the support of the Cheenis (you know the fuckin biggest producer of drones)
Also what exactly do you mean by smooth other than Vajra everything else is either outdated or still stuck in the hell called MoD's procurement process
Let me remind you We have 0 MGS, we have 0 Modern Towed Gun System (no Sarangs are not modern) and we have just 145 modern ULH's with not even a RFI for more, so stop defending the pure incompetence of these harmkhor generals who don't even have a fuckin sense of urgency

on social media, it is really difficult to guess the baseline from when an individual's understanding starts.

since you mentioned 2005,

you are talking about an era where parliamentary defence committee meetings used to end early because MPs had flight to catch,
you are talking about an era where russians would deny permission to add a cooling system to T-90,
you are talking about an era, where services to return tens of thousands of crores of unspent capex each year,
you are talking about an era, where defence minister in parliament said there is no money to buy new jets.
you are talking about an era, when IAF chief had to run a secret op to open a forward airfield in ladakh because gormint of the day won't allow it.

list is long.

if you have the ability to go back in time and correct it, please do so.
else we all are in the same boat in the present.

don't drag me into shouting matches, i try my best to be a neutral and factual in my posts. i have no interest in these point scoring games.

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