Again, the whole prerequisite of this is that you're completely forgoing the long range expeditionary air-force capabilities and focusing on 10 or 15 "self sufficient ships" instead of 4 CBGs if you're tight on budget.
VTOLs have lower MTOW, they suffer from shorter're right on all the points. But..
• four F-35Bs with 8x Meteor and 32x CUDA (all internally for least RCS) can provide a considerable CAP capability
View attachment 12604
• four F-35Bs with 16x LRASM is a significant AShM force
View attachment 12605
Again we're not talking about a CBG; the aforementioned capabilities would be laughable for a CBG. It's just a single, slightly bigger than carrier ship here. For that, these are huge.
And that some reason is primarily the Soviet naval doctrine of revolving everything around the core capability to extremely potent AShM missiles (1,000kg carrier disabling warhead, that too at high supersonic) and secondly not making an "aircraft carrier" but rather a "heavy aviation cruiser" to mess with the Turks.
Soviets never tried matching USA in similar capabilities which we now see PLA trying to do at a surprising pace. The Soviet plan was always to "counter" USA
• You have a formidable Air Force so we'd have the best SAM coverage
• Low RCS planes? Here comes long wavelength radar
• You've best C4ISR capabilities so here's the most comprehensive EW system
• and in this context, focusing on AShMs to counter CBGs
Ummn...pretty much yes.
Like I said earlier, the Soviet doctrine of AShMs. We also follow that as it's one of the best strategy to counter not just numerically superior but even technologically superior naval adversary.
@SwordOfDarkness said that when one tries to adress multiple things at once the end result often turns out mediocre. It's absolutely true but the problem is, in terms of modular VLS it's not.
The armaments in Russian doctrine (and in turn ours) is fixed from the shipyard. So on hand we've perhaps the best ship based AShM capability in the region but on the other
• we still don't have long range land attack capability (even if Nirbhay gets inducted today, it would take considerable time to modify ships for hot-launching it)
• fleet wide BMD is non-existent (just validation test from one platform)
• still a very long way to multi-tier SAMs (Kusha would be made, tested, type certified for marinized use, retrofitted to ships if possible)
• the potential of ASROC is wasted by RBUs
Sorry for long ahh post