Indian Politics and Democracy

ayo Prasad, ceasefire. You are attacking a friendly unit.:scared1:
There are some hopeless Modi fans, I have seen some of their posts in DFI....gujju gang headed by Modi and Shah have been disastrous to BJP when it comes to street power. Every bit of street power outside some pockets has been structurally neutralised from ABVP to related outfits to eliminate opposition. Outside his first term, this gang has been generally less protective of majority as visible in WB and else where.....sidelining YA in UP and they bit the dust in 2024 elections and causing most long term damage, this govt is so neutered that they will not even use legitimate controls granted under law to enforce. Grand gestures is all they do now.....empowering and emboldening every 2 bit useless creatures that dwell in this country.
There are some hopeless Modi fans, I have seen some of their posts in DFI....gujju gang headed by Modi and Shah have been disastrous to BJP when it comes to street power. Every bit of street power outside some pockets has been structurally neutralised from ABVP to related outfits to eliminate opposition. Outside his first term, this gang has been generally less protective of majority as visible in WB and else where.....sidelining YA in UP and they bit the dust in 2024 elections and causing most long term damage, this govt is so neutered that they will not even use legitimate controls granted under law to enforce. Grand gestures is all they do now.....empowering and emboldening every 2 bit useless creatures that dwell in this country.

ABV redux. BJP doesn't know how to rule, Congress does. Mamata Banerjee does (she was in Congress). Lalu Prasad Yadav does.

BJP performs better when it is not in power. Once it stays in power for a while, it's character changes. Bureaucracy and sycophants take total control over it. Most of it's energy goes into "image building" and "sabka biswaas" nonsense.

I am amazed by BJP's keenness to please it's critics even if that requires sidelining it's core principles and voters.

The urban middle class has been BJP's most loyal voter base, all it gets back from the BJP is a huge babaji ka thullu. The recent budget is a fine example.
There are some hopeless Modi fans, I have seen some of their posts in DFI....gujju gang headed by Modi and Shah have been disastrous to BJP when it comes to street power. Every bit of street power outside some pockets has been structurally neutralised from ABVP to related outfits to eliminate opposition. Outside his first term, this gang has been generally less protective of majority as visible in WB and else where.....sidelining YA in UP and they bit the dust in 2024 elections and causing most long term damage, this govt is so neutered that they will not even use legitimate controls granted under law to enforce. Grand gestures is all they do now.....empowering and emboldening every 2 bit useless creatures that dwell in this country.

Only Yogi or HBS can save the BJP. They need new blood for 2029 for sure.

But tbh, I feel Mudiji was okay till around 2020 and that was possibly the peak of his power and appeal after they passed in Art 370 and other laws. But somehow after 2021, he feels like a completely different man, no longer as energetic. Could be that his age is catching up with him. The farm law repeal and WB loss weakened his image quite a lot.
ABV redux. BJP doesn't know how to rule, Congress does. Mamata Banerjee does (she was in Congress). Lalu Prasad Yadav does.

BJP performs better when it is not in power. Once it stays in power for a while, it's character changes. Bureaucracy and sycophants take total control over it. Most of it's energy goes into "image building" and "sabka biswaas" nonsense.

I am amazed by BJP's keenness to please it's critics even if that requires sidelining it's core principles and voters.

The urban middle class has been BJP's most loyal voter base, all it gets back from the BJP is a huge babaji ka thullu. The recent budget is a fine example.
You are absolutely correct about congis and every other 2 bit unconscious idiot knowing how to rule and keep the majority divided....BJP is cucked beyond imagination and no wonder for every step they move ahead they take 5 steps back when they run into resistance.

Can't restrain executive branch that is so obviously working against majority and in the interest of foreign influences.....this is with full house majority in 2nd term. Good times don't follow wimp's in the house or in the government. Only UP, MP and Assam have some sort of leaders that realize but they are possibly restrained by this cuckoo gang. Gujju gang is now totally election arithmetic good optics.
Only Yogi or HBS can save the BJP. They need new blood for 2029 for sure.

But tbh, I feel Mudiji was okay till around 2020 and that was possibly the peak of his power and appeal after they passed in Art 370 and other laws. But somehow after 2021, he feels like a completely different man, no longer as energetic. Could be that his age is catching up with him. The farm law repeal and WB loss weakened his image quite a lot.

The farm law repeal turned Yogendra Yadav into a serious street politics actor, the same guy whose political career was destroyed by Kejriwal.

BJP effectively dug a corpse out of it's grave and resurrected it.

It is not the age catching up. Instead of controlling the system, BJP's top leadership has become a part of the system. The system has started to digest them from inside out.

"Part of the ship part of the crew"

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The farm law repeal turned Yogendra Yadav into a serious street politics actor, the same guy whose political career was destroyed by Kejriwal.

BJP effectively dug a corpse out of it's grave and resurrected it.

It is not the age catching up. Instead of controlling the system, BJP's top leadership has become a part of the system. The system has started to digest them from inside out.

"Part of the ship part of the crew"


Modi, Shah are not pragmatic leaders, they don't understand that most dehatis in India understand the language of "lath". Dehatis have a tendency to take advantage of people who are too kind to them or who showed weakness infront of them. Most dehatis have a mindset of assassin, if we take into consideration the property disputes between families or interpersonal relations or internal dynamics of different communities in villages. Most of them are not aware about the workings of government, their mandate, meaning of nation state, welfare, business, reforms, good governance etc . Comrades usually take advantage of such naive people to capture power but ironically same comrades slaughter these dehatis mercilessly after consolidating their power, simply because these same comrades understand the true nature of dehatis. Mao disciplined the dehatis and this is the reason successors of Mao steamrolled reforms without any resistance. In my opinion countries should be ruled with iron hand there's no other option, may be wrong people are ruling our country since Independence which itself was a botched action hastened up by the power hungry leaders because partition should have been done on the basis of total transfer of population.
Modi, Shah are not pragmatic leaders, they don't understand that most dehatis in India understand the language of "lath". Dehatis have a tendency to take advantage of people who are too kind to them or who showed weakness infront of them. Most dehatis have a mindset of assassin, if we take into consideration the property disputes between families or interpersonal relations or internal dynamics of different communities in villages. Most of them are not aware about the workings of government, their mandate, meaning of nation state, welfare, business, reforms, good governance etc . Comrades usually take advantage of such naive people to capture power but ironically same comrades slaughter these dehatis mercilessly after consolidating their power, simply because these same comrades understand the true nature of dehatis. Mao disciplined the dehatis and this is the reason successors of Mao steamrolled reforms without any resistance. In my opinion countries should be ruled with iron hand there's no other option, may be wrong people are ruling our country since Independence which itself was a botched action hastened up by the power hungry leaders because partition should have been done on the basis of total transfer of population.

Bharath is a democracy, and Modi is not Mao (thank heavens for that!). You cannot “steamroll” reforms or citizens in the name of “development.” Besides, Mao set China back culturally, politically, and even economically by centuries until Deng Xiaoping came to the rescue.

For all the talk of Modi and Shah being naive, he became the only PM after Nehru to win a third term, and that too with 200+ seats while battling post-COVID rural distress, global chaos, global inflation, failed monsoon, and all the manufactured drama by the opposition. The duo are responsible for planting BJP flags in every corner of India, have helped form governments in states where BJP was never in power before, and energized a base that was written off after constant defeats between 2004 and 2012.

There is only so much one can do with a fickle-minded voter base, a militant farmer and labor class, and a bureaucracy with corrupt roots going back to the 19th century. For all the talk of “bulldozing reforms,” we just saw what happened to Yogi Adityanath’s attempt to electronically track teachers’ attendance and have food sellers put their names on the signs. Democracy and electoral politics are all about maintaining a delicate balance because you never know what tomorrow holds, as Kejri found out the hard way.
Bharath is a democracy, and Modi is not Mao (thank heavens for that!). You cannot “steamroll” reforms or citizens in the name of “development.” Besides, Mao set China back culturally, politically, and even economically by centuries until Deng Xiaoping came to the rescue.

For all the talk of Modi and Shah being naive, he became the only PM after Nehru to win a third term, and that too with 200+ seats while battling post-COVID rural distress, global chaos, global inflation, failed monsoon, and all the manufactured drama by the opposition. The duo are responsible for planting BJP flags in every corner of India, have helped form governments in states where BJP was never in power before, and energized a base that was written off after constant defeats between 2004 and 2012.

There is only so much one can do with a fickle-minded voter base, a militant farmer and labor class, and a bureaucracy with corrupt roots going back to the 19th century. For all the talk of “bulldozing reforms,” we just saw what happened to Yogi Adityanath’s attempt to electronically track teachers’ attendance and have food sellers put their names on the signs. Democracy and electoral politics are all about maintaining a delicate balance because you never know what tomorrow holds, as Kejri found out the hard way.

There's so many blackpilling that BJP supporters need to man the fvck up and work on doing better for tomorrow.
Bharath is a democracy, and Modi is not Mao (thank heavens for that!). You cannot “steamroll” reforms or citizens in the name of “development.” Besides, Mao set China back culturally, politically, and even economically by centuries until Deng Xiaoping came to the rescue.

For all the talk of Modi and Shah being naive, he became the only PM after Nehru to win a third term, and that too with 200+ seats while battling post-COVID rural distress, global chaos, global inflation, failed monsoon, and all the manufactured drama by the opposition. The duo are responsible for planting BJP flags in every corner of India, have helped form governments in states where BJP was never in power before, and energized a base that was written off after constant defeats between 2004 and 2012.

There is only so much one can do with a fickle-minded voter base, a militant farmer and labor class, and a bureaucracy with corrupt roots going back to the 19th century. For all the talk of “bulldozing reforms,” we just saw what happened to Yogi Adityanath’s attempt to electronically track teachers’ attendance and have food sellers put their names on the signs. Democracy and electoral politics are all about maintaining a delicate balance because you never know what tomorrow holds, as Kejri found out the hard way.
The Eastern world operates on the principle of "lath ka zor". The sooner we realize this, the better it will be for our nation.

This lath ka zor is too weak on government employees, and look at their work throughput compared to private employees.

Demoncracy isn't suited for a population of over 140 crores, especially when the majority are "uneducated", don't understand shit about development, shatrubodh, good lifestyle. All they care about is an easy lifestyle with zero work and endless freebies. Khujliwal mainstreamed freebies, and now everyone, including the BJP, follows suit.

Even Lord Ram had to say the golden words, "bhaya bin huye na Preeti". Chinese model is the best suited model for eastern world population.
Bharath is a democracy, and Modi is not Mao (thank heavens for that!). You cannot “steamroll” reforms or citizens in the name of “development.” Besides, Mao set China back culturally, politically, and even economically by centuries until Deng Xiaoping came to the rescue.

For all the talk of Modi and Shah being naive, he became the only PM after Nehru to win a third term, and that too with 200+ seats while battling post-COVID rural distress, global chaos, global inflation, failed monsoon, and all the manufactured drama by the opposition. The duo are responsible for planting BJP flags in every corner of India, have helped form governments in states where BJP was never in power before, and energized a base that was written off after constant defeats between 2004 and 2012.

There is only so much one can do with a fickle-minded voter base, a militant farmer and labor class, and a bureaucracy with corrupt roots going back to the 19th century. For all the talk of “bulldozing reforms,” we just saw what happened to Yogi Adityanath’s attempt to electronically track teachers’ attendance and have food sellers put their names on the signs. Democracy and electoral politics are all about maintaining a delicate balance because you never know what tomorrow holds, as Kejri found out the hard way.
Government has to implement reforms like Farm laws to open up the farming sector, Police reforms, Judicial reforms, land and labour reforms etc .These are hard nut to crack due to no accountability among politicians, govt employees, milords and due to vested interests . Agrarian economy related reforms directly affect the dehati middle men. Financial and defence related reforms are going on at present which is easy thing to do. Govt has to find ways to deal with unruly opposition, so called farmers and labourers and Yogender Yadav like andolan jeevi anarchist. Handling of so called kisaan andolan by the government, when they pulled down the Tricolour and replaced it with nishaan sahib by the anarchist disguised as farmers was a failure from government side. They could have used firearms to stop them, but they did nothing on that day. Although they successfully stopped recent unrest by the so called annadata successfully, which is commendable. My point is they could have used tough measures on 26 jan 2021 itself. Even I got advanced information from relatives that they were planning to hoist religious flag on red fort, I find it hard to believe that government with so much security apparatus and intelligence was unaware of their nefarious motives. If this was the case, then it shows their incompetence and intelligence failure. IB might be in deep slumber at that time.
The Eastern world operates on the principle of "lath ka zor". The sooner we realize this, the better it will be for our nation.

This lath ka zor is too weak on government employees, and look at their work throughput compared to private employees.

Demoncracy isn't suited for a population of over 140 crores, especially when the majority are "uneducated", don't understand shit about development, shatrubodh, good lifestyle. All they care about is an easy lifestyle with zero work and endless freebies. Khujliwal mainstreamed freebies, and now everyone, including the BJP, follows suit.

Even Lord Ram had to say the golden words, "bhaya bin huye na Preeti". Chinese model is the best suited model for eastern world population.
Really mate, now you have said all this on forum,is it going to happen?
This is not first time someone has wished one party system or “Asian style system” but lets talk about reality, is it going to happen?
There's so many blackpilling that BJP supporters need to man the fvck up and work on doing better for tomorrow.
They aren't bjp supporter in first place,they were pretending to be though these guys are chamchas, since congress have won 99 seats inki aukaad badh gaye hai.
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I think modi also understands these are political games and anarchist one at that ,most people are affected by these people.
he should for once try to unleash iron hand of state ,otherwise it will keep repeating until he loose power.

Easier said done there is so many variables especially supposed intervention of aliens powers and economic growth.
Bharath is a democracy, and Modi is not Mao (thank heavens for that!). You cannot “steamroll” reforms or citizens in the name of “development.” Besides, Mao set China back culturally, politically, and even economically by centuries until Deng Xiaoping came to the rescue.

For all the talk of Modi and Shah being naive, he became the only PM after Nehru to win a third term, and that too with 200+ seats while battling post-COVID rural distress, global chaos, global inflation, failed monsoon, and all the manufactured drama by the opposition. The duo are responsible for planting BJP flags in every corner of India, have helped form governments in states where BJP was never in power before, and energized a base that was written off after constant defeats between 2004 and 2012.

There is only so much one can do with a fickle-minded voter base, a militant farmer and labor class, and a bureaucracy with corrupt roots going back to the 19th century. For all the talk of “bulldozing reforms,” we just saw what happened to Yogi Adityanath’s attempt to electronically track teachers’ attendance and have food sellers put their names on the signs. Democracy and electoral politics are all about maintaining a delicate balance because you never know what tomorrow holds, as Kejri found out the hard way.
Like Mamata Banerjee is steamrolling masses to win elections?

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