Indian Politics and Democracy

In UP, they deserved at least 70 seats for all the hard work Yogi and the central leadership put in. I definitely blame the Hindus for UP.

But for Haryana, HP, UK, and MP, BJP didn't do shit, neither for the Hindus nor in terms of development. Whatever seats they got, they don't even deserve those.
I also am not saying BJP is better for Hindu (if but we all know other options. Sometimes best among worst is selected.
@altruistRor @Azaad Since this fella started doing rally across India before election. I have been noticing him closely. This man used to bee funny but now not anymore. He is disgusting to say the least I mean just look at his eyes and expressions. It's absolute devilish and filth.

Anyway, the opposition is doing politics. That's understandable. What BJP needs to do is start doing politics on their own. Instead they are busy doing Raj Dharma and what not's. R a aisa nahi hota hai. You cannot win just by doing progress and development. In UP the divide is clear, opposition is playing the caste card quite nicely. BJP wants to unite Hindus and vote them in bunch. What if it doesn't happen? Then well unite them to hate something else altogether. Whatever works.

I know that Babus have an affinity towards Khangress. But still Home Mistry is there under Shah. Why People like Lalu and Mamta are still roaming free? If opposition can use thee pulice then why not BJP?

Unless BJP starts playing the game like the opposition its going to be really hard for BJP in coming years.
TBH it seems BJP ko saap soong gaya hai or jane kya ho gaya , UP and few states Mai Jo jatka laga hai they don’t seems to put their mind in it.
Also development ,progress,,good governance overall ,no terrorist attaks like UPA don’t win you votes then there is something wrong with people which is true for last 1500 yrs and you might as well wish someone like deng should arrive.
@truthsoldier unable to reply in CI/CT thread for some reason, continuing it here.

this cycle will not stop, this is THE game. this is why the country needs capable people at the helm to handle these sort of negotiations.

on arjun, not aware if arjun went to govt for decision during UPA. based on that data sheet that keeps floating around, it was sabotaged within the IA itself.

if it is UPA you want comparison with, let's take climate change. there will be a email in wiki leaks by jairam ramesh to muricans, by the looks of it he seems fully bought into the climate change agenda. UPA interpreted climate change agenda as discouraging manufacturing, and making it hard for infrastructure projects by establishing National Green Tribunal. in 2014, modi govt had the same offer on the table, this govt interpreted climate change agenda differently, by building more renewable power projects and encouraging manufacturing. there is a reason john kerry threw tantrums after COP25.

negotiations are always on, when modi govt says to apple, if you want to sell directly to consumers you will have to set up assembly line here in India. that's a tradeoff GoI imposed on apple, and they accepted. apple didn't say, i'd rather lose a market but i won't set up assembly in India.

all negotiations have an element of tradeoff, this is why we need good negotiators at that table.
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We'll have to get used to witnessing the same scenes in every parliamentary debate.

BJP's wins in '14 and '19 were due to their ability to consolidate Hindu votes, regardless of caste. But now, Congress has tested the waters and broken the caste code, with visible results in UP and RJ.

Next, they'll focus on two things. First, a caste-based census to turn the remaining non-reserved castes against BJP. Second, the Hinduism vs. Hindutva debate, bringing the so-called intelligentsia, working class, and new "uneducated" wannabe liberal/woke voters against them.

The first will conclude in UP '27, and the second will unfold in various waves starting this year from MH.

If Congress successfully breaches the UP '27 fortress, with or without Yogi, nothing can bring BJP back in '29, with or without Modi or even Yogi.
What will be the end game here ? Will people start fighting along caste lines ? Is Hindu conscience so fragile ? Now a days a lot of twitter accounts have surfaced , who talk about unique DNA of their communities. Some people consider their ethnic identities superior to national identity nowadays, but their is a catch here i.e. forget entire country, states, cities , union territories, fact is, not even the villages are homogeneous. Every village, if I take the example of Haryana itself, has at least half a dozen communities inhabiting it with different customs and eating habits, big villages with above 10,000 population have all 36 biradaris, nobody has absolute majority, no single community has absolute control of resources. City economy , usually has major contribution from wealth creating communities like Bania and Khatris. Then what these caste supremacists are gonna achieve with their ego. Where are we going as a society ? Afterall we have to live here , just like we are living since thousands of years. There are dominant castes in every region of India. I failed to understand, how they gonna satisfy their ego ? How they gonna dominate others ? are they preparing for violence against more weaker or rich but less interested in martial prowess communities ? There are communities who had the expertise in robberies and confiscating the wealth and properties of others through muscle power during pre independence era or in mediaeval period. These activities were the major source of revenue for them, a lot of writers and travellers have written about their personal experience from Ibn Battuta to Khushwant Singh about them, if I am not wrong Ibn Battuta was robbed 7 times of his belongings from Multan to Delhi during Delhi Sultanate era. Now a days you cannot live that mediaeval lifestyle. Nowadays there's rule of law, now a days muscle power is important but brain power is given equal importance. Times have changed, economic structure has changed, for some money and class is the new caste. Due to these realities some communities feel lagged behind, some realised that reservation is not working for them as expected. They don't want to realise that nature always choose the fittest, that is why we have a concept of natural selection. Hard working, innovative people always grow leaps and bounds in their personal life, they accumulate wealth. Most or I should say a large majority of these successful people are from general category. Nature despise reservation, but still reserved category people have heartburn. I am flabbergasted when I see some communities people want to relive the past, relive the mediaeval period, they brag about their DNA, they brag about concocted History. Khalistanis are one such example, they are extremely jealous. All these caste warriors don't want to look inside, don't want to realise the various social problems they or their communities are facing, these problems are largely self inflicted, but they have a tendency to put blame on others. Just like Pakistanis blame Hindoo, Yahood ki sazish our local dehatis came up with new boogeyman I.e. Brahmin and Bania ki Sazish. They put the blame on others for their failure in personal life, they are in search of scapegoat. I am myself from one such egoistic community, but my views are different, I can see through the things what is going on . Nowadays some people want to make Brahmin, Baniyas or to some extent especially in Haryana and Punjab Khatris as the scapegoat, just like Nazis made Jews as the scapegoat, their only sin is, they are rich, sometimes even without having agricultural land. It gives a lot of heartburn to landowning communities, reserved category communities. These are the dehati fault lines which Rahul Gandhi and other leftist want to exploit. Question arises what they want to achieve ? How they gonna achieve ? Whatever Congress achieve from these shenanigans, will be short-lived. Even if they form the government with such iniquitous , wicked activities , they will definitely be kicked out in the next election as a result of mismanagement and ensuing anti incumbency.
We'll have to get used to witnessing the same scenes in every parliamentary debate.

BJP's wins in '14 and '19 were due to their ability to consolidate Hindu votes, regardless of caste. But now, Congress has tested the waters and broken the caste code, with visible results in UP and RJ.

Next, they'll focus on two things. First, a caste-based census to turn the remaining non-reserved castes against BJP. Second, the Hinduism vs. Hindutva debate, bringing the so-called intelligentsia, working class, and new "uneducated" wannabe liberal/woke voters against them.

The first will conclude in UP '27, and the second will unfold in various waves starting this year from MH.

If Congress successfully breaches the UP '27 fortress, with or without Yogi, nothing can bring BJP back in '29, with or without Modi or even Yogi.

safe to assume, NDA is not coming back in 2029, if it survives that long in the first place.
it's been only two months in this term, but if they continue to not invest in soft power accounting for hostile social media platforms , law of diminishing returns will apply.
What will be the end game here ? Will people start fighting along caste lines ? Is Hindu conscience so fragile ? Now a days a lot of twitter accounts have surfaced , who talk about unique DNA of their communities. Some people consider their ethnic identities superior to national identity nowadays, but their is a catch here i.e. forget entire country, states, cities , union territories, fact is, not even the villages are homogeneous. Every village, if I take the example of Haryana itself, has at least half a dozen communities inhabiting it with different customs and eating habits, big villages with above 10,000 population have all 36 biradaris, nobody has absolute majority, no single community has absolute control of resources. City economy , usually has major contribution from wealth creating communities like Bania and Khatris. Then what these caste supremacists are gonna achieve with their ego. Where are we going as a society ? Afterall we have to live here , just like we are living since thousands of years. There are dominant castes in every region of India. I failed to understand, how they gonna satisfy their ego ? How they gonna dominate others ? are they preparing for violence against more weaker or rich but less interested in martial prowess communities ? There are communities who had the expertise in robberies and confiscating the wealth and properties of others through muscle power during pre independence era or in mediaeval period. These activities were the major source of revenue for them, a lot of writers and travellers have written about their personal experience from Ibn Battuta to Khushwant Singh about them, if I am not wrong Ibn Battuta was robbed 7 times of his belongings from Multan to Delhi during Delhi Sultanate era. Now a days you cannot live that mediaeval lifestyle. Nowadays there's rule of law, now a days muscle power is important but brain power is given equal importance. Times have changed, economic structure has changed, for some money and class is the new caste. Due to these realities some communities feel lagged behind, some realised that reservation is not working for them as expected. They don't want to realise that nature always choose the fittest, that is why we have a concept of natural selection. Hard working, innovative people always grow leaps and bounds in their personal life, they accumulate wealth. Most or I should say a large majority of these successful people are from general category. Nature despise reservation, but still reserved category people have heartburn. I am flabbergasted when I see some communities people want to relive the past, relive the mediaeval period, they brag about their DNA, they brag about concocted History. Khalistanis are one such example, they are extremely jealous. All these caste warriors don't want to look inside, don't want to realise the various social problems they or their communities are facing, these problems are largely self inflicted, but they have a tendency to put blame on others. Just like Pakistanis blame Hindoo, Yahood ki sazish our local dehatis came up with new boogeyman I.e. Brahmin and Bania ki Sazish. They put the blame on others for their failure in personal life, they are in search of scapegoat. I am myself from one such egoistic community, but my views are different, I can see through the things what is going on . Nowadays some people want to make Brahmin, Baniyas or to some extent especially in Haryana and Punjab Khatris as the scapegoat, just like Nazis made Jews as the scapegoat, their only sin is, they are rich, sometimes even without having agricultural land. It gives a lot of heartburn to landowning communities, reserved category communities. These are the dehati fault lines which Rahul Gandhi and other leftist want to exploit. Question arises what they want to achieve ? How they gonna achieve ? Whatever Congress achieve from these shenanigans, will be short-lived. Even if they form the government with such iniquitous , wicked activities , they will definitely be kicked out in the next election as a result of mismanagement and ensuing anti incumbency.
Before that they will throw every BJP leader worth inside the jail. IMHO this 🇬🇧 copy pasted system is harmful to us.
safe to assume, NDA is not coming back in 2029, if it survives that long in the first place.
it's been only two months in this term, but if they continue to not invest in soft power accounting for hostile social media platforms , law of diminishing returns will apply.
exactly same thoughts. Opposition is being amply assisted by the western sponsored massive - I mean a massive social engineering campaign- which is being conducted via Social Media, Media right now as we speak. One can easily predict what the opposition is currently planning in coming future on by just observing trend on recommended videos to common people in past few weeks.

Creating middle class distrust especially Hindu middle class distrust - was/is the latest trend. You just need to read comments - which start like I am a hindu and I voted BJP but now I will vote only NOTA/Congress .... And those comments get boosted. These type of "original (Not)" comments are dead give away - whats the target demography.

Opposition is making systematically efforts at chipping away one by one every voter base type of BJP... But BJP was clueless before 2024 LS elections. Its clueless now.

2014 BJP had advantage of several volunteers especially NRIs coming out and helping in social media. But every one of them left for one reason or other. They need new social media team. More energized ground workers. I don't see any course correction moves.
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exactly same thoughts. Opposition is being amply assisted by the west and a massive - I mean a massive social engineering campaign is being conducted via Social Media, Media right now as we speak. One can easily predict what the opposition is currently planning on by just observing trend on recommended videos to common people.

Creating middle class distrust especially Hindu middle class distrust - was/is the latest trend. You just need to read comments - which start like I am a hindu and I voted BJP but now I will vote only NOTA/Congress .... And those comments get boosted. These type of "original (Not)" comments are dead give away - whats the target demography.

Opposition is making systematically chipping away one by one every voter base type of BJP... But BJP was clueless before 2024 LS elections. Its clueless now.

2014 BJP had advantage of several volunteers especially NRIs coming out and helping in social media. But every one of them left for one reason or other. They need new social media team. More energized ground workers. I don't see any course correction moves.
i'll add one more.

fatigue is a reality, it happens in organisations as well. BJP volunteers who were 24 in 2014, are now 35 years of age. can't expect 35 year olds to have the same time, same energy and enthusiasm when they were 24 year olds. 24 year olds in 2014 were reacting to their life experiences since they were 14 year olds. those 14 year olds by the time they reached 2014 what do they remember? power cuts, scams, big ticket corruption, terror attacks in cities, effects of high inflation, pakistan-pakistan-pakistan etc etc. they were responding to those circumstances.

the reality of 14 year olds in 2014, is very different from reality of 14 year olds in 2004.
exactly same thoughts. Opposition is being amply assisted by the west and a massive - I mean a massive social engineering campaign is being conducted via Social Media, Media right now as we speak. One can easily predict what the opposition is currently planning in coming future on by just observing trend on recommended videos to common people in past few weeks.

Creating middle class distrust especially Hindu middle class distrust - was/is the latest trend. You just need to read comments - which start like I am a hindu and I voted BJP but now I will vote only NOTA/Congress .... And those comments get boosted. These type of "original (Not)" comments are dead give away - whats the target demography.

Opposition is making systematically chipping away one by one every voter base type of BJP... But BJP was clueless before 2024 LS elections. Its clueless now.

2014 BJP had advantage of several volunteers especially NRIs coming out and helping in social media. But every one of them left for one reason or other. They need new social media team. More energized ground workers. I don't see any course correction moves.

Kek, its been two months since the results and still the party president has not been changed. Important states are coming up for elections like MH and these guys will fight under the same incompetent president.

Post election working is indication, these guys are satisfied with a record third term and have no hunger or desire to fight it out for a fourth term.
i'll add one more.

fatigue is a reality, it happens in organisations as well. BJP volunteers who were 24 in 2014, are now 35 years of age. can't expect 35 year olds to have the same time, same energy and enthusiasm when they were 24 year olds. 24 year olds in 2014 were reacting to their life experiences since they were 14 year olds. those 14 year olds by the time they reached 2014 what do they remember? power cuts, scams, big ticket corruption, terror attacks in cities, effects of high inflation, pakistan-pakistan-pakistan etc etc. they were responding those circumstances.

the reality of 14 year olds in 2014, is very different from reality of 14 year olds in 2004.
Agree but this is the same country which voted one party again and again for many decades before..
Congress drilled into people mind what was fight for colonialism and how they fought for it. That sailed them. But when it concentrated too much on one person/family - they lost ground

BJP's over emphasis on Modi and not highlighting/scrutinizing state leadership - has a more detrimental effect. The Yogi BJP tussle ship is one example. BJP has good spokesmen, but they often pick most uninspiring spokesmen to lead debates. And believe me - BJP being Hindu Hriday Smarat was damaged to large extent because non reaction to violence/rigging in Bengal and overall antipathy to assisting in organizing Hindus institutions/organization to one platform and communicating with them regularly.

Thats not to say Modi is/was bad. No sir - he is the best and stands in the lines of ABVP, PVNR, Shastri etc. But what we need is IPL kind of revolution in BJP. Before IPL - The whole cricket relied majorly on Sachin to click. But IPL forced every team member to shape up.
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I do know that. The last I had heard was Mamata arresting a person who posted a video about her dancing. No, my point isnt about comedy. Nor should any of you feel so offended that someone is raising a point.

My point is this: police is being used as the personal army of politicians. Cases are filed against people who go against the norm, whether it be in opposition states or BJP ruled states. This is something which frankly everyone should have an issue with.

Also, I don't have anything to do with Vir Das that he becomes "mine". Please refrain from ad hominem attacks.

Me being a BJP supporter doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. I am willing to bet that I have far more involvement with the Sangh than anyone here. So please, don't raise questions about my ideological leanings.

i'll keep my reply apolitical, otherwise this conversation will go into caveats and exceptions.

use of the phrase "poor post-colonial " in my reply was deliberate, it tells us we are too young a country to have reached a stage where there is consensus on various matters of the state. for example, U.S has more than two centuries of judicial history, yet there less than 10 topics they have reached absolute consensus in judicial terms and no further interpretation to be derived at their supreme court level.

as far as our SC and high courts go, if we follow proceedings on a frequent basis for a year or so, it's either govt trying to close a loop, courts opening a loop hole or vice versa. almost as if our higher court's understanding of our constitution is not in sync with the general public's demands.

state governments using police against political opponents in matters of freedom of speech, is a symptom. one opinion is that this happens because the debate on having strong libel laws within the country is not settled. if there was a non-criminal satisfactory way to deal with political statements, they would have been in vogue by now, but they are used sparingly. in absence of libel laws, Indian state use powers they have to use. this is one explanation, there will be others too.

and by the way, India also has a concept called preventive detention, that is to detain someone to prevent a crime from happening, as far as i know no other mature democracy has it.
i'll keep my reply apolitical, otherwise this conversation will go into caveats and exceptions.

use of the phrase "poor post-colonial " in my reply was deliberate, it tells us we are too young a country to have reached a stage where there is consensus on various matters of the state. for example, U.S has more than two centuries of judicial history, yet there less than 10 topics they have reached absolute consensus in judicial terms and no further interpretation to be derived at their supreme court level.

as far as our SC and high courts go, if we follow proceedings on a frequent basis for a year or so, it's either govt trying to close a loop, courts opening a loop hole or vice versa. almost as if our higher court's understanding of our constitution is not in sync with the general public's demands.

state governments using police against political opponents in matters of freedom of speech, is a symptom. one opinion is that this happens because the debate on having strong libel laws within the country is not settled. if there was a non-criminal satisfactory way to deal with political statements, they would have been in vogue by now, but they are used sparingly. in absence of libel laws, Indian state use powers they have to use. this is one explanation, there will be others too.

and by the way, India also has a concept called preventive detention, that is to detain someone to prevent a crime from happening, as far as i know no other mature democracy has it.
Means चार दिन की चाँदनी फिर अँधेरी रात है। hoped this goi however it was could go in for 2-3 decades. It’s understandable it’s the nature of electroral democracy + “dhindus” (a deadly combination in itself)+ opposition.
Divyakirti's nonsense is demonic. If the metro runs in the basement, then are there no entry and exit points? Is there no gate in Palika Bazar? Is there waterlogging outside it? Comparing the metro with the stuffing of children like sheep in connivance with the corrupt system is a different kind of cunningness.

Divyakirti's nonsense is demonic. If the metro runs in the basement, then are there no entry and exit points? Is there no gate in Palika Bazar? Is there waterlogging outside it? Comparing the metro with the stuffing of children like sheep in connivance with the corrupt system is a different kind of cunningness.


let's say 10 lakh aspirants take coaching across the country per year, how much each of them will be spending per year on coaching and acco. ?
85000 to 150000 for fee alone.

5000 rs for book and copy.

Accommodation anywhere from 2500 pm to 5000 pm.

It's a 200 million dollar industry.

say average of a lakh of spending per year,
if 10 lakh are taking UPSC coaching, it's 10,000 crores.
if 25 lakh are taking NEET coaching, another 25,000 crore
if 2.5 lakh are taking JEE coaching another 2500 crore

looks like a few more categories added together, coaching as industry will be reaching 1 lakh crore business.
exactly same thoughts. Opposition is being amply assisted by the western sponsored massive - I mean a massive social engineering campaign- which is being conducted via Social Media, Media right now as we speak. One can easily predict what the opposition is currently planning in coming future on by just observing trend on recommended videos to common people in past few weeks.

Creating middle class distrust especially Hindu middle class distrust - was/is the latest trend. You just need to read comments - which start like I am a hindu and I voted BJP but now I will vote only NOTA/Congress .... And those comments get boosted. These type of "original (Not)" comments are dead give away - whats the target demography.

Opposition is making systematically efforts at chipping away one by one every voter base type of BJP... But BJP was clueless before 2024 LS elections. Its clueless now.

2014 BJP had advantage of several volunteers especially NRIs coming out and helping in social media. But every one of them left for one reason or other. They need new social media team. More energized ground workers. I don't see any course correction moves.

So whats stopping us now ? We can start our own social media campaign and outreach program. I am willing to contribute time and effort ( as an IT professional).

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