Indian Politics and Democracy

What we are hearing across delhi circles - circulating amongst journalists now.

Sheikh Hasina was told by her army chief in no uncertain terms that the military will not get further involved in protest suppression activity, and prepared to withdraw from their positions defending government facilities - incl. PM residence. With the admin completely reliant on army troops and the near collapse of police forces, the withdrawal of army cover effectively ended the ability of the admin to control the protestors.

In effect, the army chief advised Hasina to resign and escape - we think that the army chief advised her that without her resignation, effective immediately, the army could not or would not guarantee her safety and that of her family i.e. she would not make it out alive.

With that the end of her reign was sealed.
What we are hearing across delhi circles - circulating amongst journalists now.

Sheikh Hasina was told by her army chief in no uncertain terms that the military will not get further involved in protest suppression activity, and prepared to withdraw from their positions defending government facilities - incl. PM residence. With the admin completely reliant on army troops and the near collapse of police forces, the withdrawal of army cover effectively ended the ability of the admin to control the protestors.

In effect, the army chief advised Hasina to resign and escape - we think that the army chief advised her that without her resignation, effective immediately, the army could not or would not guarantee her safety and that of her family i.e. she would not make it out alive.

With that the end of her reign was sealed.
Army was dissuaded last time by India in 2012. This time Army got backed by engineered turmoil and already seems it had made backroom deal with US - so what happened seems Army had a role.
I think during Reservation related protests in Haryana in 2010 and 2016 , military was called in and some protesters/ anarchist were also killed due to direct firing by the soldiers.
No Army .. but yes there was firing to control loot and rioting by the reservationists
I am imagining a nightmare scenario.

Right now, there is already a war going in Europe with Russia engaged with Ukraine. There is another one in Middle East on a smaller scale. It is a open secret Iranians hate their Mullah regime. The regime itself has admitted some 50,000 mosques are seeing barely any people. Iranians will take the next chance they have to bring down the Mullah regime. And the Mullah regime will take the next chance to go to war to protect their power. They already have a opening with Middle east on the boil. With Israel taking out Hamas leader right in the middle of Tehran is nothing short of showing Iran the big middle finger right in their face.

If Iran makes a move, US will get engaged without a shadow of doubt. US cannot abandon Ukraine either. They will be engaged on 2 fronts. This will be a golden opportunity for China to make a move on Taiwan. And for US that will be a nightmare scenario. They be stretched thin if that ever comes to pass. India will also be stretched thin. On one hand we have to make our own moves to secure and push back the Chinese. If stars are aligned hopefully go into Tibet especially if US engages in war with China. Once our border is fully sorted out with China, we have to once in for all do the same with Swamp land and Porkistan. First, we need to create permanent peace at our borders for the next 50 years. Once we sorted our own shit and armed to the teeth, we can deal with what is coming after 50 years. This decade looks like something is going to happen. We better be prepared to extract our pound of flesh.
This IT celliya is useful at many occasions but not every.
You should have listened to podcast of Rishi Bagree in twitter. Seems like India has decided to wait and watch. they are comparing this situation to SL and Nepal upsets earlier. only speakers were allowed to ask question. All I can say - right now India should have raised shit storm for dislocating elected givernment. This another Maidaan revoultion. ONe that happened in Ukraine led to RUssian - Ukraine war. This maidaan revoltion in BD shall cause massive problem for India. Because defacto BD has taken first step to become US pawn.
You should have listened to podcast of Rishi Bagree in twitter. Seems like India has decided to wait and watch. they are comparing this situation to SL and Nepal upsets earlier. only speakers were allowed to ask question. All I can say - right now India should have raised shit storm for dislocating elected givernment. This another Maidaan revoultion. ONe that happened in Ukraine led to RUssian - Ukraine war. This maidaan revoltion in BD shall cause massive problem for India. Because defacto BD has taken first step to become US pawn.
I am not to sure if I will take him seriously on foreign affairs. I can defend GoI/Modi better than anyone here on this forum. But there need to explore all the options before someone takes the pussyfooting as the only way out.

So now we are surrendered by two US Pawns plus a cunning China-man who is open about his bets on G2?

Still, few Indians are shivering in their pants if we use our options to secure our military jumps into Bangladesh.

What is there to wait and watch in Maldives? In a decade it will be recording our submarine signatures and selling them to the highest bidders and after that, it will attempt to harass our trade routes using small boats.

TBH I am sick of the IPKF Sri Lanka example. I call it IPKF syndrome. It was a good move and setbacks were self-inflicted yet gave us plenty of learning about how the USA with local support can outmanoeuvre us. The spy games during that time made juvenile RAW into men who could venture into Europe and East Asia.
I am not to sure if I will take him seriously on foreign affairs. I can defend GoI/Modi better than anyone here on this forum. But there need to explore all the options before someone takes the pussyfooting as the only way out.

So now we are surrendered by two US Pawns plus a cunning China-man who is open about his bets on G2?

Still, few Indians are shivering in their pants if we use our options to secure our military jumps into Bangladesh.

What is there to wait and watch in Maldives? In a decade it will be recording our submarine signatures and selling them to the highest bidders and after that, it will attempt to harass our trade routes using small boats.

TBH I am sick of the IPKF Sri Lanka example. I call it IPKF syndrome. It was a good move and setbacks were self-inflicted yet gave us plenty of learning about how the USA with local support can outmanoeuvre us. The spy games during that time made juvenile RAW into men who could venture into Europe and East Asia.
I mentioned Rishi Bagree - because he spoke as if was in contact with Govt Higher ups and had pulse on what Govt was thinking. Also he hinted that they are aware of popular opinions in social media on national issues. he also talked about Govt going back on Long term capital tax in some form or the other - as Govt is aware of sentiment of middle class.

BD is a nation ripe for Balochi type operations. India could have armed Hindus/tribals bordering India in BD - so that they could be used as leverage. Expand the mayhem to Islamists hotspots within Bangladesh. They can be better supported by India. We did that before I think in limited manner when Khaleda was in power becoming too uppity. But I think time has come to up the ratchet.
I am imagining a nightmare scenario.

Right now, there is already a war going in Europe with Russia engaged with Ukraine. There is another one in Middle East on a smaller scale. It is a open secret Iranians hate their Mullah regime. The regime itself has admitted some 50,000 mosques are seeing barely any people. Iranians will take the next chance they have to bring down the Mullah regime. And the Mullah regime will take the next chance to go to war to protect their power. They already have a opening with Middle east on the boil. With Israel taking out Hamas leader right in the middle of Tehran is nothing short of showing Iran the big middle finger right in their face.

If Iran makes a move, US will get engaged without a shadow of doubt. US cannot abandon Ukraine either. They will be engaged on 2 fronts. This will be a golden opportunity for China to make a move on Taiwan. And for US that will be a nightmare scenario. They be stretched thin if that ever comes to pass. India will also be stretched thin. On one hand we have to make our own moves to secure and push back the Chinese. If stars are aligned hopefully go into Tibet especially if US engages in war with China. Once our border is fully sorted out with China, we have to once in for all do the same with Swamp land and Porkistan. First, we need to create permanent peace at our borders for the next 50 years. Once we sorted our own shit and armed to the teeth, we can deal with what is coming after 50 years. This decade looks like something is going to happen. We better be prepared to extract our pound of flesh.
First and foremost, we’re not in an era of war. Second, we are not able to exploit an opportunity against an inexperienced army of BD, expecting to settle scores with China is day-dreaming.

Regarding the scenarios you mentioned, if China were to attack Taiwan, it’s likely they would first seek peace talks with India and agree to a pre-Galwan settlement, at least for the short term.

If such scenarios were to become a reality, we should first address the Bangladesh issue decisively once and for all. If they don't materialize, we should begin with salami slicing of BD. Once those scenarios do arise, we can go full throttle.
I mentioned Rishi Bagree - because he spoke as if was in contact with Govt Higher ups and had pulse on what Govt was thinking.

BD is a nation ripe for Balochi type operations. India could have armed Hindus/tribals bordering India in BD - so that they could be used as leverage. Expand the mayhem to Islamists hotspots within Bangladesh. They can be better supported by India. We did that before I think in limited manner when Khaleda was in power becoming too uppity. But I think time has come to up the ratchet.
Indian intervention should be overt.

Watching them for 2 decades they preempt us on everything that goes/may go wrong in Bangladesh. Rishi Bagree is a kid in the town with no tab on the war of narrative that eventually turned the whole population hostile towards India.

What Pakistanis used to talk about Bangladeshis and Khalistanis is happening right in front of us. All their talking points are being implemented on streets while Indians used to laugh at them negating The two-nation theory. It is a slap on people who go to Pakistani forums and apologise for Hindu nationalists who are also proven right. Obviously, they will spin it differently to save their faces.
Indian intervention should be overt.

Watching them for 2 decades they preempt us on everything that goes/may go wrong in Bangladesh. Rishi Bagree is a kid in the town with no tab on the war of narrative that eventually turned the whole population hostile towards India.

What Pakistanis used to talk about Bangladeshis and Khalistanis is happening right in front of us. All their talking points are being implemented on streets while Indians used to laugh at them negating The two-nation theory. It is a slap on people who go to Pakistani forums and apologise for Hindu nationalists who are also proven right. Obviously, they will spin it differently to save their faces.
Pakistan plan in works since after defeat of 71. The northen green corrdior which Pakistan spoke of in a book is actually in making in front of our eye right now - what was laughable 20 years ago. Forget Bangladesh we dont have any policy to deal with them. RIshi may be Kid or anything - But the things he spoke explained the response of Govt. He spoke of Capital Tax being amended yesterday and today it was anounced - so it seems he does have pulse, Only take from his talks - we can take is that Govt does get aware of popular social media sentiment. How does this board can contribute to that - dont know yet.
Pakistan plan in works since after defeat of 71. The northen green corrdior which Pakistan spoke of in a book is actually in making in front of our eye right now - what was laughable 20 years ago. Forget Bangladesh we dont have any policy to deal with them. RIshi may be Kid or anything - But the things he spoke explained the response of Govt. He spoke of Capital Tax being amended yesterday and today it was anounced - so it seems he does have pulse, Only take from his talks - we can take is that Govt does get aware of popular social media sentiment. How does this board can contribute to that - dont know yet.
I dont think govt will not allow another pak on east side. Something big going to happen in coming days i think
I dont think govt will not allow another pak on east side. Something big going to happen in coming days i think
Dil ko behlane ke liye yeh khyal accha hai...

India will act but not something drastic as members here expect. It will be along the lines of: outreach, patching, concessions and trying to form lobby within new govt. It can only facilitate/encourage Sheikh to do something for the last hurrah in her ripe age...
Did we even have a Plan B, after hasina? We will know soon.

Meanwhile, it’s sleepless nights for jayasankar and the foreign office babus.
The anti-CAA riots, followed by the farmer-Khalistani protests, were orchestrated to provoke a forceful government response leading to high number of casualties. The intention was to generate global condemnation, allowing the instigators and their benefactors to escalate the unrest nationwide in the 2nd phase. While we criticized the govt for its weak initial response, their actions in hindsight seems like a very smart move. I really hope RA&W and IB are on highest alert. China will move most likely when we are distracted by internal strife.
Total BS, what kind of position is this. With this attitude we became a bitch of foreigners. If you are not going to use the powers given to you with full majority in both houses then its simply lack of backbone and hot gas is all you got. You are no different from congis appeasing converts and vote bank groups.

This government does not know how to use power when needed. India is not a country of nonsensical banana or mullah regimes. It is a civilization even now in basics. If you are going to give up before doing any needful things then make a deal with US and West and give them their bases or whatever by selling and bring social order by restricting conversions, knock out madrasas and so on. But no, we have to have a misguided soverign feeling but yet by heart a weakling worried about consequences.

By not using law, Modiji created forces that are emboldened. Heck even Indira had some guts. I think you are an expat and going by some of your posts in the past, always pinching for their blessings.

GOI just needs to do its basic job of protecting borders and make public respect laws of the country.
I am imagining a nightmare scenario.

Right now, there is already a war going in Europe with Russia engaged with Ukraine. There is another one in Middle East on a smaller scale. It is a open secret Iranians hate their Mullah regime. The regime itself has admitted some 50,000 mosques are seeing barely any people. Iranians will take the next chance they have to bring down the Mullah regime. And the Mullah regime will take the next chance to go to war to protect their power. They already have a opening with Middle east on the boil. With Israel taking out Hamas leader right in the middle of Tehran is nothing short of showing Iran the big middle finger right in their face.

If Iran makes a move, US will get engaged without a shadow of doubt. US cannot abandon Ukraine either. They will be engaged on 2 fronts. This will be a golden opportunity for China to make a move on Taiwan. And for US that will be a nightmare scenario. They be stretched thin if that ever comes to pass. India will also be stretched thin. On one hand we have to make our own moves to secure and push back the Chinese. If stars are aligned hopefully go into Tibet especially if US engages in war with China. Once our border is fully sorted out with China, we have to once in for all do the same with Swamp land and Porkistan. First, we need to create permanent peace at our borders for the next 50 years. Once we sorted our own shit and armed to the teeth, we can deal with what is coming after 50 years. This decade looks like something is going to happen. We better be prepared to extract our pound of flesh.
All hot gas, its not like we cement our positions based on the data so far. Buying cheap gas from Russia does not count.
Did we even have a Plan B, after hasina? We will know soon.

Meanwhile, it’s sleepless nights for jayasankar and the foreign office babus.
We don't need a plan beyond border walls and closing down every sq inch with that shit hole and introducing presidents rule in border states there if required and make 100 sq km from border all around central governed across India. These state governments can't be trusted from Punjab to WB, Bihar and so on. Let BD walk into sea or become a boycott just like Pakistan is needed.

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