Indian Politics and Democracy

Abhi Jo hai wo hai. Govt didn't do anything to remove caste problems or promoting unity among Hindus. First unite Hindus then talk of removing reservation

Banaya to tha mandir. Then the Bhajpais thought they are themselves Sri Ram. Now the condition is that RSS is fed up of them and their greed.
Banaya to tha mandir. Then the Bhajpais thought they are themselves Sri Ram. Now the condition is that RSS is fed up of them and their greed.
Agreee...BJP ignoring RSS. RSS people not happy with them. Too much arrogance. My brother told me

LOL, it's funny how the narrative spins.
For a long while now, the narrative was RSS and BJP are both bad for hindus for z, y, z reason.
RSS does not protect hindus, chaddi wearing old farts etc etc.

Now, RSS is so good and them poor good hindu org is being ignored by arrogant BJP.

reality does not matter, narrative does.
Before we all forget, let's all remember that Modi is more RSS man than BJP.
Banaya to tha mandir. Then the Bhajpais thought they are themselves Sri Ram. Now the condition is that RSS is fed up of them and their greed.
Agreee...BJP ignoring RSS. RSS people not happy with them. Too much arrogance. My brother told me

Then RSS can suck the cokc. Once BJP goes out of the power these RSS top brass will be licking the boots of Sullas as they always do. They are the pioneer of pismulla wing in RW organisations. Search what is Muslim Rashtriya Manch.
Apparently, sycophancy to British gora sahib never ended in Pakistan

Pakistan Arrests Man Over Disinformation That Helped Spur U.K. Riots

Pakistan Arrests Man Over Disinformation That Helped Spur U.K. Riots​

Local police sources indicated that the arrest was made at the request of the British authorities, although there was no official confirmation.


Riot police officers holding back protesters in Southport, England, on July 30.Credit...Getty Images
By Salman Masood

Reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan
Aug. 21, 2024, 4:16 p.m. ET

The Pakistani authorities arrested a man this week on charges of cyberterrorism for spreading fake news that helped set off violent riots in Britain following a deadly stabbing attack last month.

Ref - Pakistan arrests man for spreading "disinformation" that led to UK riots

They can ask India to arrest as well.

So we will have a situation wherein various Hinduphobes/India haters of all shades & KhaliKhopadis spread hate, venom on India, its culture, Hindus, issue death threats to Indian officials/PM/diplomats under the patronage of their security agencies but we "have to" "arrest" people for "disinformation" against their interests.

If such a case arises hope MEA gives them back a dossier consisting of thousands of Britshit/coolie names (anti India/anti Hindu leftists, monarchists, Khopadis, Islamist, etc.) who spread/incite/support hate/riots in India.
Everything INDI alliance dreams to accomplish will be carried out by NDA. If done, will rip apart the remaining unity Hindus have. Add private reservation to it and we're done.

Everything INDI alliance dreams to accomplish will be carried out by NDA. If done, will rip apart the remaining unity Hindus have. Add private reservation to it and we're done.


let's assume gormint will add muslim and christian castes in the census as well.
-lutyens will say there are no castes in muslims and christians, BJP wallahs will show marriage ads.

what will happen next?
It is very unfortunate that I have to write this , but India requires Criminal Tribe Act like Britishers used to have. They identified the thugs by characteristics studying the behavior. The lists still exists but that law is now abolished after independence.

-lutyens will say there are no castes in muslims and christians, BJP wallahs will show marriage ads.
There are caste in Indian muslims and even Christians too. The record has been maintained by Britishers. Just need to get that record. Britishers have ruled India on this basis only.
Everything INDI alliance dreams to accomplish will be carried out by NDA. If done, will rip apart the remaining unity Hindus have. Add private reservation to it and we're done.


Very true,
before BJP came into picture, hindus were very very united.

damn BJP, they created caste system, created caste divide, Modi went back in time using time stone and manipulated Ambedkar to give reservations based on caste, also mind controlled VP Singh using mind stone for OBC reservations and then promoted all the caste agitations across the nation.

damn them BJP, directly responsible for every thing even Mughal invasions, Christian invasions and every thing before and after that.
Everything INDI alliance dreams to accomplish will be carried out by NDA. If done, will rip apart the remaining unity Hindus have. Add private reservation to it and we're done.

Playing victim card always to snatch from other's plate is not called as Unity. It is called as compromising by one and bullying by other. SC ST creamy layer has done this to their own people who really need support.
let's assume gormint will add muslim and christian castes in the census as well.
-lutyens will say there are no castes in muslims and christians, BJP wallahs will show marriage ads.

what will happen next?
That discussion will be a blip in the whole play , and all attention will be over Hindu castes. Last few years BJP has been falling in their own pits.
In the end nothing is gonna make difference for abhrahmics of India. Did BJP not already tried best to please the Pasmanda.
They will vote against BJP only, Just like anti Hindu Dumbedkarites which BJP is trying to please by repeating "Dumbedkar ka Samvidhan" x100 times.
Dumbedkarites which BJP is trying to please by repeating "Dumbedkar ka Samvidhan" x100 times.

These Dumbedkarites don't even know that Ambedkar is a Brahmin surname, how that Bhim Rao Sakpal turned into Chitpavan Brahmin Ambedkar, people should know.

From day 1 it is a big lie to rest of the country.
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That discussion will be a blip in the whole play , and all attention will be over Hindu castes. Last few years BJP has been falling in their own pits.
In the end nothing is gonna make difference for abhrahmics of India. Did BJP not already tried best to please the Pasmanda.
They will vote against BJP only, Just like anti Hindu Dumbedkarites which BJP is trying to please by repeating "Dumbedkar ka Samvidhan" x100 times.
Yup I don't know why BJP is keen on hammering it's own foot . Maybe they genuinely believe this pasmand thing will get them votes.
Or maybe they have given up on everything and just want to hold on to power by any means necessary.
Everything INDI alliance dreams to accomplish will be carried out by NDA. If done, will rip apart the remaining unity Hindus have. Add private reservation to it and we're done.


Ofcourse when you have Nitishwa types, I am not leaving LJP of paswan here too out, then this type of self-kill is going to come.
These turncoats are famous for giving happy faces at the front and manipulative voices inside.
If BJP really believe about their so called HINDUTVA then the party should resist these type of pressures from inside as well as outside and go for fight.
Otherwise this slow killing of BJP will continue.
Now everyone says this and it is true too, those 10 years of BJP will always be going to be considered as LOST YEARS of HINDU UNITY, many things could have been done, but they lost.
I can understand first 5 years, but what stopped them in 2022 and 2023.
Had they united Hindus, these SP, LJP, RLD, etc. would had been wiped out, but, no, internal fighting (the biggest enemy of hindus) stuck again.
RSS cucked, everyone knows that Bhagwat speeches.
BJP cucked, too much entry of turncoats.
BJP again cucked, replacing strong local hopes by their yes men, the latest being that Rajasthan CM, time will tell about Odissa guy.

What hurt most? No visual signs of fighting for civilization, jokers think, Modi work is what they will bank on, what they themselves did?
What Hindus need are laws and Yogi yuva vahini types.
Now everyone says this and it is true too, those 10 years of BJP will always be going to be considered as LOST YEARS of HINDU UNITY, many things could have been done, but they lost.
I can understand first 5 years, but what stopped them in 2022 and 2023.
Had they united Hindus, these SP, LJP, RLD, etc. would had been wiped out, but, no, internal fighting (the biggest enemy of hindus) stuck again.
RSS cucked, everyone knows that Bhagwat speeches.
BJP cucked, too much entry of turncoats.
BJP again cucked, replacing strong local hopes by their yes men, the latest being that Rajasthan CM, time will tell about Odissa guy.

What hurt most? No visual signs of fighting for civilization, jokers think, Modi work is what they will bank on, what they themselves did?
What Hindus need are laws and Yogi yuva vahini types.
where exactly did you pick up this phrase from?



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