Indian Special Forces

Wear Rupa ka kacha from my side and go to war but stop your own brothers from dying my dear ignorant Army officers!!!!
Yes fair enough just wait for few more guys to express their opinions and they all will be under fire 😭
They are reacting like Major Jacob did..

Few guys asked him about some scope and nvg and brother didnt know insecure and started saying..

BC me nanga hi kaafi hu high altitude pe..accessory kuch nhi hoti ek goli hoti he ek AK hoti unki tera bisleri nhi peeta

So all this is just inferiority complex.
Wear Rupa ka kacha from my side and go to war but stop your own brothers from dying my dear ignorant Army officers!!!!
If we weren't taking this much casuality this wouldn't have blown up on Twitter like it did we had shit equipment standards in 2010s too but we weren't taking this much casuality so when you do that casuality it becomes a talking point and I am not one of those who can't digest casualities in conflicts if their is a conflict you loose people that's how conflicts work it's universal rule but when you fall for same thing again and again ambushes after ambushes something's wrong
Maj avinash and Col Shivendr haven't been that harsh. I'm quoting Maj Sushant of 1 para- "Bilkul Waahiyat equipment diya jaata tha hamare time mein toh"
Exactly,Col Shivenra was very honest and positive about their capabilities.

I am shocked he is being targeted.
Maj avinash and Col Shivendr haven't been that harsh. I'm quoting Maj Sushant of 1 para- "Bilkul Waahiyat equipment diya jaata tha hamare time mein toh"
Man didn't mince his words 💀 people wouldn't like that now not even Army

These baboons don't know the difference between PC and bpj
We are asking them to replase that abomination with decent PC setup and they are thinking we are asking them to wear full BPJs .

Dude justification that they ditch it in hight altitude ops . Bruh they are working in doda its foothills not high altitude.
why are you even engaging with these dimwits

Col sahb looking like a gangsta here
I am not these mofos are fighting within themselves on my tweet 😭 I replied a couple of guys saw hopeless Ness and dipped but I didn't plan on it getting that much traction now they are fighting lol
These baboons don't know the difference between PC and bpj
We are asking them to replase that abomination with decent PC setup and they are thinking we are asking them to wear full BPJs .

Dude justification that they ditch it in hight altitude ops . Bruh they are working in doda its foothills not high altitude.
If only they had above 0 IQ to understand that
These baboons don't know the difference between PC and bpj
We are asking them to replase that abomination with decent PC setup and they are thinking we are asking them to wear full BPJs .

Dude justification that they ditch it in hight altitude ops . Bruh they are working in doda its foothills not high altitude.
Is desh mein chutiyon ki kami nhi hai Gyan hai nhi pr bataenge poora BC bekar equipment ko justify kr rahe
what is the difference bertween pc and bpj. Is it that PCs, as standard, only carry your plates?
BPJ i.e, Bullet proof jacket they are bulky,bigger and has attached plates 1000052309.webp

They look something like this bigger, heavier, provides great protection and protects over-all bigger area but ristricts your movement and makes you slow with all that weight

Then Army went ahead and attached Plates with clothes with plates and use it as PC i.e, Plate carrier's those look something like this


Lighter dosent ristricts your movement and protects your vitals but downsides are barely any attachments poor quality with stitching often coming off during opps and that leaves operator with one plate hanging off their one shoulder

Then Army went ahead and got Chinese/local vests


Like these they have chain in front for better opening and you can insert plates they have some attachment for magazines but again being poor quality they are shit made from poor quality material which comes off and chain which often is useless in the end

Now this is what we want and they all should have Laser cut Plate carriers


(In pic a PC setup of Para officer)

So something like this Great quality, Lightweight, Great stitching, modular so operator can customise it however they like how many spare mags they want and what not and they come in different shapes and sizes from Square cut to shooter cut.

Sorry but that's about all I know I am a bit of a noob others here would give you better Answers 😅
what is the difference bertween pc and bpj. Is it that PCs, as standard, only carry your plates?
Plate carrier as in the name carry plates only .These plates are of optimal size as to protect the most vital areas of the body while not weighing much and hampering movement , generally there are 2 plates that protect the chest and the back , there are also side plates that protect the chest region from bullets coming from the side .
It covers only limited area thus even though it provides good protection in the covered areas the abdomen and other areas remain exposed . It is a tradeoff that must be made to reduce weight and keep optimal mobility .

BPJs on the other hand use soft/flexible Kevlar material that covers almost the whole torso . It may or may not contain plates depending upon the type of BPJ

They provide good 360 protection from small calibers and shrapnel and good protection from larger calibers in the regions where they use plates .
Now even though they are best when it comes to protection , they are generally not preferred by SFs as it weighs a ton and is very bulks thus slugging their actions and causing mobility issues which can be critical in the scenarios they work .

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