Indian Special Forces

Most likely with Ranveer Alhabadiya or Raj Shamani!
I think he'd be called by Major Gaurav Arya as well. The two were coursemates at OTA if I am not wrong na ? Or Brig SS might have been his senior, dont recall correctly. You know, I want people to ask him about operations planning, how the deployment cycle works like, when did 21 shift it's focus to NE and why, weapons, wind tunnel, skydiving, his opinion on the tri services cmd, 5th gen know all thoose things....not that - what was your favourite weapon saaar, how was your SSB exerience saaaar, did you eat a snake saaaaar, do you belive in ghosts saaaaaaar
I hate that one question that every chutiya podcaster asks, "What's the mindset of a SF operative" Arey maa chudaye Mindset, have heard hundreds of similar answers to same question. Ask about weapons, Operations and grill em on questions like INT gathering and deputation to units like SG/Archer/Phantom/52SAG.:)
There are millions of plumbers and doctors in this world.Do they all have a common mindset? Dumbest question ever asked bu these guys

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