Since this is an SF thread, I'll talk about history but still keeping it related to the topic
You know I too study alot of history and prefer to read as much primary sources as I can....Marcus Junianus Justinus, the Roman Historian who wrote on Selucus and the Selucid empire blammed "us" for the separation of Bactria from the Seleucid Empire. Bactria what is modern day western afghanistan and Tajikistan. Basically the Mauryans (Indians) created moles within the Selucids.
The Babylonian
Astronomical Diaries record that an unnamed Bactrian satrap sent a herd of twenty
war elephants to
Babylon at the beginning of 273 BC to join the Seleucid forces fighting against
Ptolemaic Egypt in the
First Syrian War. He is belived to be Diodotus by many. How did he get those war elephants ? Who trained them on war elephants. The same way America sends weapons around the world...we still had our fighters some people call it mercenaries to foriegn armies like you might have heard Indians fighting in Thermophyle. That was because Taxila was a part of Persian empire that time, Chanakya being from Taxila might have seen it beneficial to have Indians playing thew worldly interest but not having our presence known...see ancient battles were about numbers, which is why you dont here much of what we might have done back then. On top of that our record keeping has always been shitty.
So we dont have any claims as such from any historical document saying we directly did all that...but all fingers point towards us....Chanakya knew how to play the game. And me watching that Colin Farrel series Penguine these days...and Chanakya with all his twisted ways and twisted face might have just fit perfectly as the Penguine in the ancient world. The treaty between Chandragupta and Seleucus focused on defining their borders, with the Mauryans gaining territory in the east, but this did not extend to Bactria. So they might have just wanted to still make sure you we know they were good at this..they had Selucus's daughter, they had moles inside of him, they had nothing to loose and they were pretty stable
But modern day India has no fat fucking chance of pulling that shit over anybody
You know why ? Because we are idealists and pussies and lazy