The only challenging happens when GoI of the day forces the users to induct some deshi gear but in small numbers.
GoI can't micromanage them if that's what you mean, ((( Checks and Balances ))) and all that, even if GoI politicians had the "aptitude" and "domain knowledge" which they don't.
Change has to come from within the Users themselves, I praise the Navy for their Atmanirbhar Ships and all but they also have made sure that the MARCOS have a standardized set of gear, how good it is idk, but to my untrained eye aside from the Tavors they look like the "Special" part in Special Forces of foreign countries but y'all may know better.
Meanwhile you have Para SF, the only special part about them is the Tavor, baaki I can't find any difference between them and other average non-special soldiers, gear also isn't standardized, every guy seems to have unique clothing and equipment except the tavor.