Indo-China Border & LAC

IMO, disengagements have occurred at specific locations which were deemed as extremely volatile "flash points". Rest of the border situation is still "under negotiation".


Disengagement kab hua ?

Is china pullback from our land.

Just to be clear, China was mentioning previous disengagements and not any current event.

As Nitin Gokhale mentioned, after 2022 there is no development (either positive or negative) from both sides.

Current status -

Both side troops face-to-face -
  • Depsang Y - Junction (bottleneck)
Both side disengaged -
  • PP14 (Galwan)
  • PP15 (Kungrang)
  • PP17A (Gogra)
  • PP17 (Hot Springs)
  • North Pangong Tso (F4 & Ridges)
  • South Pangong Tso (Yellow Top, Black Top, Maggar Hill, Rezang La)
Non-serious civilian incursion (no Armed Forces of either side present)
  • Demchok
Just to be clear, China was mentioning previous disengagements and not any current event.

As Nitin Gokhale mentioned, after 2022 there is no development (either positive or negative) from both sides.

Current status -

Both side troops face-to-face -
  • Depsang Y - Junction (bottleneck)
Both side disengaged -
  • PP14 (Galwan)
  • PP15 (Kungrang)
  • PP17A (Gogra)
  • PP17 (Hot Springs)
  • North Pangong Tso (F4 & Ridges)
  • South Pangong Tso (Yellow Top, Black Top, Maggar Hill, Rezang La)
Non-serious civilian incursion (no Armed Forces of either side present)
  • Demchok
Sir isn't pp-15= hot spring
They encroached into our land. The newly agreed disengagement is both would be pulling a few kms back, i.e., China will be going back to their pre-held position while we'd be disengaging from our originally held position

I doubt that.

The most likely scenario is that they grabbed some, we grabbed some. Both sides have deepely encroached upon each-other's claim lines. There is no other explanation behind the re-conciliatory tone from the CCP/PLA.

India's demand is "complete restoration of the pre-April 2020 status" along the LAC. The opposition will chew the government up in case of a unilateral concession.

Maybe all of the news of normalcy was a test balloon to gauge the mood of aam janatha, wether they have forgotten the statement - page can't be turned without normalcy at border and resolution of so called legacy issues.
All this disengagement talk in 4 places isnt just old chinese wine in new bottle.. Pangong Tso, Galwan, Gogra and Hot Springs disengagement happen in 2021 ? Anything new here ?
Sir isn't pp-15= hot spring

I also think so, but recently I am seeing veterans and few maps mentioning PP17 as hot springs. I think hot springs are present at both areas and people call it whatever they like. Better to call them by Patrol Point (PP) terminology.

All this disengagement talk in 4 places isnt just old chinese wine in new bottle.. Pangong Tso, Galwan, Gogra and Hot Springs disengagement happen in 2021 ? Anything new here ?

Nothing new unfortunately.

The quoted tweet. Pretty damning indictment . Something I'm veering around to accepting grudgingly.


The total absence of optics means that a section engaging the enemy at night will do so based only on muzzle flash and sound from the enemy’s weapon.The squad is night blind if the HHTI (presuming they have one) conks off.Their sole fallback remains eyeball Mk1.

This is an army which has been unable to roll out the new digital camo introduced in 2022 with matching helmets , jackets and accessories across formations.

Their turnout in an international exercise is akin to poorly equipped militia with helmets that offer zero ballistic protection , non existent personal communication and navigation aids.

An army which has procured small arms from 4 different foreign OEMs with zero parts commonality.Mindless chasing of QRs and price to the last decimal instead of inducting a family of small arms.These weapons shall be fielded in wars where the side with superior and sustainable logistics will win.

Any Army that could never visualise the need for a light tank along the LAC since the debacle of 1962 and inducted the K-9 SPH without taking into account the fact that they would also be fielded in High Altitude Areas.

The neglect and clear indifference of @adgpi’s top brass towards these glaring gaps in capability and equipment is mind numbing. Zero shame for putting out this disgraceful shit show year after year after year…

Our Generals want their VSM , AVSM and PVSM along-with OROP and are willing to fight out disability claims in courts and tribunals till the very end.

However in service they are spineless , speechless , mannequins happy saluting caskets of young men that they send out to their deaths without an iota of guilt. In the process carefully skimming credit and notching up marks on their career scorecard.

A leadership that is constantly looking at self serving , self conserving avenues to maintain status quo. One that brings in every bureaucratic nuance to delay and divert the very actions that they signed up and swore an oath upon.

If anyone believes that these bunch of nincompoops will not have their ass whopped by a capable adversary then they need to wake-up and smell the coffee.

The rot has set in deep and without inside out reforms our ability to defend our land borders is degrading with every passing day.
You are underestimating them.
Know this it is the same country which got industrialised in 30-40 yrs. you can be sure of it that CCP will use whatever resources and policy to avoid population decline beyond critical no.

Even their population is declined they don’t have much of internal problem and have taken good care of “future problem” that is ugyur and all.
Absolutely! How difficult is it for them to switch from 1 child policy and enforce a 3 child policy , esp. since they can use any and all means necessary unlike democrazies like us.
Absolutely! How difficult is it for them to switch from 1 child policy and enforce a 3 child policy , esp. since they can use any and all means necessary unlike democrazies like us.
Impractical. You can’t force people to make babies.
"Today’s “disputed” border is with an occupied country, namely Tibet"

"In fact, the border discussed by Wang Yi and Ajit Doval is hermetically closed, even the centuries-old trade exchanges between the Indian Himalayas and Tibet have stopped; ditto for for the Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra which is not accessible for Indian devotees."

There is a near total silence about this closure from right wing persons/party group about this closure. Contrast this with what will happen when closure of places of religious significance for other religious group happens.
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