Opinions and Discussion about Feminism.

The most significant aspect of this event is that people have been exposed to the bufoonery of courts. Never before someone had put court in this much fire.
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Some poeple value integrity over everything else, I think he was one of them.
5 lakhs could be solution to all of his problem but he didn't budge.
Not his fault, if we condemn him for this than we have to excuse every criminal that has bribed his way out. Calling Atul into fault is excusing everything wrong with society.
Not his fault society is rotten.

The constant harassment was solely for getting higher bribe negotiation.
Blame is not to be put on him.

Leave that 5 lakh amount (I did not even mention it), there was still enough legal avenue. Guy was not really broke, he 100% could have approached a higher court - there was enough legal avenue already as I have pointed out in my post. He received 110 hearings (majority of them were not even conducted because the other party did not turn up) over a course of 2+ years and chose to take it lying down? Were his lawyers idiots?

With all due respect, taking his own life solved nothing - nothing at all! Just that his ex-wife is fucked too. But that is irrelevant now, cuz the poor guy is no more.

He was in touch with a prominent MRA group ie SIFF so it is doubtful that he did not have any help/knowledge/legal advice. The depression angle MSM is trying to push but it's doubtful if that was even the issue here.

I don't know man. His relatives and lawyers are saying that he rarely spoke about it. Even his mother knew bits and pieces only.
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Leave that 5 lakh amount (I did not even mention it), there was still enough legal avenue. Guy was not really broke, he 100% could have approached a higher court - there was enough legal avenue already as I have pointed out in my post. He received 110 hearings (majority of them were not even conducted because the other party did not turn up) over a course of 2+ years and chose to take it lying down? Were his lawyers idiots?

With all due respect, taking his own life solved nothing - nothing at all! Just that his ex-wife is fucked too. But that is irrelevant now, cuz the poor guys is no more.
I an not much well versed in legal matters but wouldn't he be allowed to approach higher court only once the lower court had given its verdict?
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I an not much well versed in legal matters but he wouldn't he be allowed to approach higher court only once the lower court had given its verdict?
Absolutely. Family courts are the first stage, then one can move the appeals court, the high court, the supreme court. The journey is arduous and long, but there have been many instances where the women have been chastised and castigated by the court for their misdeeds.
Don't wa

Let me give an anecdote from my personal life.

Every now and then, let's say my mother puts less sugar in my Coffee, and I say "Mom, there's less sugar in my Coffee" and the immediate response from her would be "No Vinash, the Coffee is fine".

This used to drive me mad. As I matured, I realised there's something evolutionary in women that stops them from taking responsibility for anything at all in their lives. They'll give a 1,000 excuses for something as small as a Coffee but never accept the truth that it was their fault of putting less sugar.

Women will do all sorts of mental gymnastics but will never accept any responsibility. They'll always claim that it was someone else's fault.
Look at it from their perspective for years they have been subject to musing of men. It's not necessary that most of them weren't treated badly but they had no power at their disposal even if someone did get treated badly.

If you make a statement that "women have no accountability" than it won't be accepted by any women.
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I can say only one thing to the members out here. Be a man. Even if it means death, but be a man.
This guy went out in the exact opposite way of being a man.
Don't glorify a suicide case.
There are lakhs of men out there who are taking their evil spouses head on through the legal system.
And.. if you think legal system is not for you - fine. be a man about it, do what our forefathers did, enough said.
I an not much well versed in legal matters but he wouldn't he be allowed to approach higher court only once the lower court had given its verdict?

Replugging from one of my earlier posts;

The repeated changes in the statements of the accuser, along with filing and withdrawing of newer charges at regular intervals should have been noted by his lawyer and could have been reason enough for a fresh petition at some higher court. Astonishing how nobody even bothered.

Some of those criminal cases were filed at the High Court (by his ex-wife) and withdrawn subsequently.

The case was receiving hearings after hearings but the ex-wife was not turning up - thereby dragging the case. The guy could have moved to a higher court seeking speedy resolution here.

I know this cuz was involved in a legal battle over a disputed piece of land and one of the opposing parties (who were my blood relatives) employed a similar tactic of filing and withdrawing criminal cases at regular intervals against my dad and would routinely skip hearings at a lower court.
There are lakhs of men out there who are taking their evil spouses head on through the legal system.
Few lawyers in the extended family. 1/3rd of the cases they get in metro cities are messy divorce fillings. 3 out of 5 times it's the men who are the victims, and only 1 out of 5 cases would be a mutual agreement. And in 90% of these divorce cases, the soon to be ex-wifey already has a new boyfriend. 5 out of 5 times the husbands are earning a handsome wage, and the abusive wifey wants the lion's share of it. These women often bring a gang of goons and thoroughly loot the husband's house and abuse the elderly in-laws. The whole process is so meticulous, it's almost as if the women had been planning it for over a year. Women are abusing and then separating from their ill husbands, but they won't file a divorce. They are just waiting to claim the house after the untimely death of the poor husband, who's condition may have been rapidly deteriorated by their wife's abuse. But the advocates always say, persevere. The civil code may be tipped in favor of women, but men can still fight, and men are winning these fights.
Some poeple value integrity over everything else, I think he was one of them.
5 lakhs could be solution to all of his problem but he didn't budge.
Not his fault, if we condemn him for this than we have to excuse every criminal that has bribed his way out. Calling Atul into fault is excusing everything wrong with society.
Not his fault society is rotten.

The constant harassment was solely for getting higher bribe negotiation.
Blame is not to be put on him.

He was in touch with a prominent MRA group ie SIFF so it is doubtful that he did not have any help/knowledge/legal advice. The depression angle MSM is trying to push but it's doubtful if that was even the issue here.
Ya'll FYI those 5 lakh would had stopped only one came not the others and the women filed 9 cases against, it was never ending fight.
Current trend is to appease women to win elections. So expect things to get worse for men from here on.

Noticed how the bribe taking family court judge has been conveniently forgotten by media?
I can say only one thing to the members out here. Be a man. Even if it means death, but be a man.
This guy went out in the exact opposite way of being a man.
Don't glorify a suicide case.
There are lakhs of men out there who are taking their evil spouses head on through the legal system.
And.. if you think legal system is not for you - fine. be a man about it, do what our forefathers did, enough said.

Well, suicide only create further problems. Now there is an entire family lost their son and don't even know what he is upto.

Instead of taking extreme measures, if he talked to them there will be an moral support.
Look at it from their perspective for years they have been subject to musing of men. It's not necessary that most of them weren't treated badly but they had no power at their disposal even if someone did get treated badly.

If you make a statement that "women have no accountability" than it won't be accepted by any women.
Thereby substantiating the point. This whole eMpOwErMeNt jumla rests on the notion that women were being abused and oppressed for millenia and that a corporate girlboss slut who freezes her eggs and lives like a character from Sex and the city is the only one who can possibly be empowered. It's even deeply misogynistic on some level as it thinks the choice to live like a trad wife can only come from a place of 'internalised potatoarchy' and nothing else.
There is such a thing as revealed preferences where their actions contradict their words which is when you ignore the latter completely.
It seems like DS agenda is to depopulate Urban Middle/Upper Class and rich. So, in next few decades India would be left with bullas and dehatis
This is not the DS agenda for India, but the agenda for the western world. What happens in India is bonus/seepage outta the system.

Follow Cicero's line of enquiry 'que bono?' - who profits ? (And Why).

What is the end goal of this whole feminism + transgerdism+ queer ideology ?
The answer is, to crash population growth to 0.
If that is the answer, then for what purpose ? How do you benefit from a 0 population growth society ?
Answer: by immigration. Something those who are pro population crash are also pro in terms of.

So what is the goal, to be pro immigration + anti population growth ??

Answer : to turn the west into 'lands people come to die in'. Think about it. If immigration to the west is going to work + west is to remain rich, it means people who come here must extinctify their gene pool inside 0-3 generations, to maintain the model of ' nearly static western consumer base' that feeds off of rest of the world.
If the west was to promote self growth along with immigration, then the west would become overcrowded in no time.

Now the obvious question is, 'well why go through all the trouble of bringing in immigrants but promoting 0 population growth rate to do super complicated minimal population growth rate, when you can just ditch immigration and try and promote family ideals that in modern world will still yeild 1.8-2.3 birth/woman rate, aka very slow growth rate/stagnation rate ??'

The answer to that is, well when you close off immigration, then you close off globalisation and different parts of the world retains talent and gets rich & developed fast - like japan did in late 1800s or korea did in era before West embraced immigration en masse.
And this is where the western lazy lifestyle + higher entitlement of pay + shit demographic metrics means its matter of when, not if pretty much entirity of Asia + Latin America + most of Africa overtakes it in sheer industrial output + advancement.

So to counter this, you need globalization + immigration into the west + destabilization of rest of the world ( to keep the pipeline of talent open into the west), while industries get outsourced to wherever its cheaper to build shit, with the western economies turning more and more post industrial ( aka more banking + more war sector + more real estate bubbles + tech sector but industrial goods still at near zero).

This is the whole angle to this game. Now the bleed into the rest of the world elite zones in developing countries and non western allies alike, is a bit of 'soney pe suhaaga' : it keeps their pipeline open while wrecking the middle class to upper class consolidation through the generations/healthy middle class proliferation via generational branchouts.
Marriage now a days has turned into gamble, no man knows what kind of hand he will be dealt with, i don't know how its in the dehat but it sure is true for the metros.

The guys need to adapt and start being smart instead of being simps.

Longer courtship periods, getting prenuptial agreements done, having property and investments in your mothers name etc.

Just earning money is not enough, one needs to know how to safeguard it.

As some members have pointed it out , learn to be a man, this is the biggest drawback of the current generation .

I can say it from experience, love your partner, be caring , fulfill their wishes, but know when to put your foot down and be firm, its like dealing with a child.

All said and done, if you get a gold digger who can go at any lengths to get your money, you are fuck@d.
Marriage now a days has turned into gamble, no man knows what kind of hand he will be dealt with, i don't know how its in the dehat but it sure is true for the metros.

The guys need to adapt and start being smart instead of being simps.

Longer courtship periods, getting prenuptial agreements done, having property and investments in your mothers name etc.

Just earning money is not enough, one needs to know how to safeguard it.

As some members have pointed it out , learn to be a man, this is the biggest drawback of the current generation .

I can say it from experience, love your partner, be caring , fulfill their wishes, but know when to put your foot down and be firm, its like dealing with a child.

All said and done, if you get a gold digger who can go at any lengths to get your money, you are fuck@d.
solution is staring at the face of the metro men but they wont take it : go for the dehati women.
Fukk all the caste + uppityness of riwaazi etc. Dehati women work hard, they play hard, they love hard, they are super loyal, no BS, all in with you all the way to the future you wanna build into retirement. And they will beat the living shit outta your idiot child if they start spouting feminazi retardation before you can say 'kya bolaa' so your child raising is gonna be double-engined and not one engine permanently on reverse mode.
Yes, she may cuss out your idiot aunty or some near relative after folding her sari like a lungi and charging her in true dehat fashion, describing how to cut her up into pieces and all, for tippani against her, but thats a small price to pay for the big picture.
Warning to all simps.
Please don't simp.
You will destroy yourself
You will destroy your family
You will also end up destroying femininity
solution is staring at the face of the metro men but they wont take it : go for the dehati women.
Fukk all the caste + uppityness of riwaazi etc. Dehati women work hard, they play hard, they love hard, they are super loyal, no BS, all in with you all the way to the future you wanna build into retirement. And they will beat the living shit outta your idiot child if they start spouting feminazi retardation before you can say 'kya bolaa' so your child raising is gonna be double-engined and not one engine permanently on reverse mode.
Yes, she may cuss out your idiot aunty or some near relative after folding her sari like a lungi and charging her in true dehat fashion, describing how to cut her up into pieces and all, for tippani against her, but thats a small price to pay for the big picture.

Saar, my friends and family will laugh at me for having a dehati wife.I need a educated, earning and good looking trophy wife to fit in my social circles.
Leave that 5 lakh amount (I did not even mention it), there was still enough legal avenue. Guy was not really broke, he 100% could have approached a higher court - there was enough legal avenue already as I have pointed out in my post. He received 110 hearings (majority of them were not even conducted because the other party did not turn up) over a course of 2+ years and chose to take it lying down? Were his lawyers idiots?

With all due respect, taking his own life solved nothing - nothing at all! Just that his ex-wife is fucked too. But that is irrelevant now, cuz the poor guy is no more.

I don't know man. His relatives and lawyers are saying that he rarely spoke about it. Even his mother knew bits and pieces only.
At higher level view, we all are saying that the guy should have approached higher courts and what was his Lawyer doing in all this mess.

But it is the lawyers who keep these men in a bubble. In divorce cases most of the time, lawyers from both sides are working together to extract as much as possible. No matter how much info is lying around us in open, social media, they mold men in such a way that they stop seeing anything.

Many time, even if the person knows what to do but they are unable to do so, due to constant pressure from their own lawyers and open threats from other side as well as from the people working inside courts. You get dejected in the end and start thinking - nothing will happen and I am stuck and goes down into depression.​

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