Russian Ukrainian War

Trading fear?? What do you mean?? Will Russia not use Nuke if time arrives??

By the way, When you have Nukes, you don't need to tell other party that you are going to use it.... Other party know it already.

So your bad habit of singing nuke song is just a whining.

Now Fight and make Ukraine great again. you are so dumb that it's impossible for Putin to make peace with you.

Abrahamic religions has yet to solve their 2000 years old conflicts first.
What does it mean "great again"? We are an ordinary country where tangerines are sold all year round, and not like in the great USSR - only during the New Year holidays.
Of course, he is selling fear. Look: according to the Russian Constitution, he was obliged to use nuclear weapons during the invasion of a foreign army in the Kursk region. But he called the Ukrainian Armed Forces - gangs and simply transferred the conventional war to his territory, because he knows that nuclear weapons can only be used once, but fear can be used much more often.
That is why the Americans and Europeans do not give permission to use their missile weapons at a range of 300 km. across Russian territory.
Personally, my opinion: The new package, where 200 M113 and Bradley X-number - is better than such permission.
What does it mean "great again"? We are an ordinary country where tangerines are sold all year round, and not like in the great USSR - only during the New Year holidays.
Of course, he is selling fear. Look: according to the Russian Constitution, he was obliged to use nuclear weapons during the invasion of a foreign army in the Kursk region. But he called the Ukrainian Armed Forces - gangs and simply transferred the conventional war to his territory, because he knows that nuclear weapons can only be used once, but fear can be used much more often.
That is why the Americans and Europeans do not give permission to use their missile weapons at a range of 300 km. across Russian territory.
Personally, my opinion: The new package, where 200 M113 and Bradley X-number - is better than such permission.
This is what the Russian constitution actually says. I don't see the word obliged, or legally obliged, but perhaps you can show your evidence.
"The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat
See it's kind of weird and funny that in trading stock options it says "you have a right but not an obligation to buy or sell a stock or security ect. ect.) See Akim, once again you are distorting and/or just plain lying, but it's possible you're not doing it on purpose, it's more likely your just plain stupid. From what I see Putin has the right, but not the obligation to use nuclear weapons in such a circumstance.
This is what the Russian constitution actually says. I don't see the word obliged, or legally obliged, but perhaps you can show your evidence.
"The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat
See it's kind of weird and funny that in trading stock options it says "you have a right but not an obligation to buy or sell a stock or security ect. ect.) See Akim, once again you are distorting and/or just plain lying, but it's possible you're not doing it on purpose, it's more likely your just plain stupid. From what I see Putin has the right, but not the obligation to use nuclear weapons in such a circumstance.
I like it when an English speaker quotes the Russian Constitution and decrees of the President of Russia to me. That's why he started the CTO, although there is a full-fledged war there. Wait for your elections and go vote, but here you are an ordinary observer and your "woof" will not change anything.
I like it when an English speaker quotes the Russian Constitution and decrees of the President of Russia to me. That's why he started the CTO, although there is a full-fledged war there. Wait for your elections and go vote, but here you are an ordinary observer and your "woof" will not change anything.
He didn't use nuclear weapons because he wasn't oblige to do so. You're illogic is funny. What do you mean he can only use nuclear weapons one time? The west isn't going to do anything if Putin uses nuclear weapons in his own country to defeat the invaders. Now if he uses them in Ukraine, that's another story. So instead of ducking my question, trying answering it? Also, he didn't need to use nuclear weapons, Russia kicked the shit out of Ukraine, and will soon see them running home with their tail tucked between their legs.
He didn't use nuclear weapons because he wasn't oblige to do so. You're illogic is funny. What do you mean he can only use nuclear weapons one time? The west isn't going to do anything if Putin uses nuclear weapons in his own country to defeat the invaders. Now if he uses them in Ukraine, that's another story. So instead of ducking my question, trying answering it? Also, he didn't need to use nuclear weapons, Russia kicked the shit out of Ukraine, and will soon see them running home with their tail tucked between their legs.
That is, you are one of the supporters of "bombing Voronezh" or as Margarita Simonyan said "- Let's drop a nuclear bomb somewhere over Siberia and show that we have nuclear weapons"
Logic - minus level one hundred.
Nuclear weapons are effective in concentrating troops. Who told you that there is more than a company in one place?
Besides, radiation does not know about state borders. I have already said: He will be able to use it only once and an immediate response will follow. A person who is waiting for the elixir of immortality is ready for this - I think he is not ready.
He was not ready from the very beginning for our resistance - he thought that it would be like in Crimea. Now he is not ready to start a nuclear war.
That is, you are one of the supporters of "bombing Voronezh" or as Margarita Simonyan said "- Let's drop a nuclear bomb somewhere over Siberia and show that we have nuclear weapons"
Logic - minus level one hundred.
Nuclear weapons are effective in concentrating troops. Who told you that there is more than a company in one place?
Besides, radiation does not know about state borders. I have already said: He will be able to use it only once and an immediate response will follow. A person who is waiting for the elixir of immortality is ready for this - I think he is not ready.
He was not ready from the very beginning for our resistance - he thought that it would be like in Crimea. Now he is not ready to start a nuclear war.
I never heard of the bombing of Voronezh, so how the fuck can I support it? Also what specifically would that immediate response be? Harsh language from the west? Do you really think Ukraine is worth the west engaging in a nuclear war? They don't give a shit about your people, but the do care about money and exploiting your dumb asses. No way would they risk their own asses. I bet if Russia nuked Kiev, the west wouldn't do shit about it.
You are just talking out your ass again, he actually is ready to start a nuclear war if (and I'll quote it again) ""The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat
At no time did Ukraine's invasion come even close to that kind of threat. So instead of talking out your ass and making shit up to distract from reality, just know that he's just stating commons sense. The USA, UK, or France would also use nuclear weapons under the same circumstances.
I never heard of the bombing of Voronezh, so how the fuck can I support it? Also what specifically would that immediate response be? Harsh language from the west? Do you really think Ukraine is worth the west engaging in a nuclear war? They don't give a shit about your people, but the do care about money and exploiting your dumb asses. No way would they risk their own asses. I bet if Russia nuked Kiev, the west wouldn't do shit about it.
You are just talking out your ass again, he actually is ready to start a nuclear war if (and I'll quote it again) ""The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat
At no time did Ukraine's invasion come even close to that kind of threat. So instead of talking out your ass and making shit up to distract from reality, just know that he's just stating commons sense. The USA, UK, or France would also use nuclear weapons under the same circumstances.
"Bombing Voronezh" is a Russian expression that means "punishing ourselves".
This is precisely the indicator that you do not understand anything about their mentality.
This is precisely why Putler is able to trade in fear, because neither you nor Western officials can understand the Russian bluff. This is why our military did not consult with American generals when they were developing a plan to invade the Kursk region. 10 thousand Ukrainian Cossacks are chasing 30 thousand Moskals throughout the region.
"Bombing Voronezh" is a Russian expression that means "punishing ourselves".
This is precisely the indicator that you do not understand anything about their mentality.
This is precisely why Putler is able to trade in fear, because neither you nor Western officials can understand the Russian bluff. This is why our military did not consult with American generals when they were developing a plan to invade the Kursk region. 10 thousand Ukrainian Cossacks are chasing 30 thousand Moskals throughout the region.
You like to make assumptions and connections without proof or evidence. It reminded me of what Carl Sagan wrote in his book cosmos.
“I can’t see a thing on the surface of Venus. Why not? Because it’s covered with a dense layer of clouds. Well, what are clouds made of? Water, of course. Therefore, Venus must have an awful lot of water on it. Therefore, the surface must be wet. Well, if the surface is wet, it’s probably a swamp. If there’s a swamp, there’s ferns. If there’s ferns, maybe there’s even dinosaurs.”
The original observation was effectively a lack of an observation. The conclusion was dinosaurs.
That is, you are one of the supporters of "bombing Voronezh" or as Margarita Simonyan said "- Let's drop a nuclear bomb somewhere over Siberia and show that we have nuclear weapons"
Logic - minus level one hundred.
Nuclear weapons are effective in concentrating troops. Who told you that there is more than a company in one place?
Besides, radiation does not know about state borders. I have already said: He will be able to use it only once and an immediate response will follow. A person who is waiting for the elixir of immortality is ready for this - I think he is not ready.
He was not ready from the very beginning for our resistance - he thought that it would be like in Crimea. Now he is not ready to start a nuclear war.
It seems you are itching to take bath in nuclear fallout. Before the war you used to say similar things like let’s Putin invade us then you will teach him a lesson. Now you and Europe is crying as things not going accordingly.

Now you want get smoked by nukes. Why Abrahamic people are so dumb to resolve the conflict. Why you people have such weird fantasies?

Honestly, you are not very far to get nuked. One wrong step by NATO and next moment Ukrainians will be smoking in nuclear fire.

Dumb Ukrainians, what happened to your NATO membership application for which you sacrificed everything?
You like to make assumptions and connections without proof or evidence. It reminded me of what Carl Sagan wrote in his book cosmos.

The original observation was effectively a lack of an observation. The conclusion was dinosaurs.
It all depends on the timing of what was said. There is a Soviet science fiction film "Planet of the Storms" (1962), which also shows dinosaurs on Venus.
It was later that everyone learned that the clouds of Venus are made of sulfuric acid.
As for the number of troops in the Kursk region, there is a detailed analysis of what units are there.
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