Russian Ukrainian War

What part of 'former high up Indian military personnel' was hard for you to understand, inbred idiot ?
We dont see general staff of your nation or russia or usa present their conclusions publicly either.

You are not interested in opinions of neutral party because you are an invested party and too much of an inbred moron to know what higher credibility requires.
We already know that you are IQ challenged dumb idiot lowlife with a failed marriage and failed parents, so your retardation is clear to see.
But when you said that you want to read their conclusions, i pointed out who they are HERE, only to see you go 'i dont want to read'. Which means, you are a dumb typical retard who says shit he doesnt mean.
Like your entire race.
Now it's clear, because of your last sentence. You're just a racist. I can give you reports from our General Staff, but as I already said - you don't understand Ukrainian. All you need to know about you is that you fled your country. Only the most stupid people here remember about IQ and you are a typical representative of them if you saw the cult of Nazism in Ukraine. This is what they "feed" consumers of hawthorn tincture in Russia. It turns out that your intelligence is on the same level as theirs.
I think you have a problem with allegories. You have criticized Russia's small gains in territory. One of the best examples of an allegories is the "Tortoise and the hare" Slow and steady wins the race. Zelensky has gone completely insane. The west has gone silent about Zelensky's victory plan because they are in shock about how insane he's become. The Duran talks about this.


He's not insane he's just following orders from Washington DC
There's a reason that a Russian-speaking (((rootless cosmopolitan))) is the President of Ukraine, and the AFU seems to have a high percentage of troops motivated by :troll: National Socialism :troll: It's all by design, there is an escape hatch built in the chance that Ukraine is unable to cause a Russian regime-change.

Zelenskky will be on a plane to New York while the AFU chimps out when they realise the whole ass country has been scammed in the war against Russie that they were destined to lose, at which point the West will let Russie savage what remains of Ukraine since "it has been taken over by ebul Natzees who drove out the elected (((President))) "

The whole plan of the (((West))) is to take over Russia without Putin and his Siloviki pals, they don't care about any type of "day after" for Ukranians, the day they get fedup of trying to regime change Putin via disaffection among the Russian populace through this war, they pull the plug on Ukie support and make a deal with Putin.

Such is the West, ask the South Vietnam regime, Ask the Kurds operating in Syria, ask the ANA Govt of Afghanistan.
Now it's clear, because of your last sentence. You're just a racist. I can give you reports from our General Staff, but as I already said - you don't understand Ukrainian. All you need to know about you is that you fled your country. Only the most stupid people here remember about IQ and you are a typical representative of them if you saw the cult of Nazism in Ukraine. This is what they "feed" consumers of hawthorn tincture in Russia. It turns out that your intelligence is on the same level as theirs.
ofcourse i am racist against people who go to other countries and host known nazi war criminals in the parliament.
Your general staff is vested party. The basics of justice is, the non-vested party is more likely to be neutral because there is no riding interest to the conflict.
I didnt flee my country. I colonized your inferior people's land and bringing my country and people to these lands.
Our intelligence is far superior to yours and western ones, which is why Deans predicted in his blog that Donbass sector would lose territory this fall back in FEBRUARY. Something your entire collective general staff and bullshit western propaganda institutions couldn't predict.
@GaudaNaresh Brozzer why d you get so personal with Akim. I get that your tax dollars are getting set on fire in his country and you get embarrassed by having his nazis in your parliament and you have the risk of catching a few nukes ... oh okay nevermind :bplease: . But this is more the fault of the castro ka aulaad you have running your country rather than these fakirs.
@GaudaNaresh Brozzer why d you get so personal with Akim. I get that your tax dollars are getting set on fire in his country and you get embarrassed by having his nazis in your parliament and you have the risk of catching a few nukes ... oh okay nevermind :bplease: . But this is more the fault of the castro ka aulaad you have running your country rather than these fakirs.
I blame Castro jnr and Jaggu bhai more, but that doesnt mean this ukronazi retard is not to blame as well.
Moron thinks he is gonna say 'muh russian propaganda on ukrainian nazis' is gonna still fly, as if its 2022.
Last i checked, its Zelenski who came to MY parliament and honoured an actual living, breathing ww2 war criminal nazi. Not Putin.
@GaudaNaresh Brozzer why d you get so personal with Akim. I get that your tax dollars are getting set on fire in his country and you get embarrassed by having his nazis in your parliament and you have the risk of catching a few nukes ... oh okay nevermind :bplease: . But this is more the fault of the castro ka aulaad you have running your country rather than these fakirs.

Yea even i don't get it, i mean we are doing fookat ka jhumlebaazi here, we aren't actually affected.

Akim's fellows are getting killed, maimed, homeless, pushed into poverty etc and he runs a very real chance of ending up in a gulag or some sht if the Russkies get to him and his colleagues

No use hating him or his fellows unless they are racist towards us or cross lines otherwise.

You should hate the West though.

Perhaps in 10 more years Akim will also join the West hating club :cmegusta:
Yea even i don't get it, i mean we are doing fookat ka jhumlebaazi here, we aren't actually affected.

Akim's fellows are getting killed, maimed, homeless, pushed into poverty etc and he runs a very real chance of ending up in a gulag or some sht if the Russkies get to him and his colleagues

No use hating him or his fellows unless they are racist towards us or cross lines otherwise.

You should hate the West though.

Perhaps in 10 more years Akim will also join the West hating club :cmegusta:
Nazi nation who's entire claim to fame of existence is being given free shit by the Russians from Catherine the great days to 1990 is too dumb to think along these lines.
Yea even i don't get it, i mean we are doing fookat ka jhumlebaazi here, we aren't actually affected.

Akim's fellows are getting killed, maimed, homeless, pushed into poverty etc and he runs a very real chance of ending up in a gulag or some sht if the Russkies get to him and his colleagues

No use hating him or his fellows unless they are racist towards us or cross lines otherwise.

You should hate the West though.

Perhaps in 10 more years Akim will also join the West hating club :cmegusta:
These great mahapurush will always have my respect for educating me on how the world works.
0_Obit-Henry-Kissinger-22260697754902 (1).webp
Their allies .
>South Viets --- massacred
>jhaantistan --- partitioned
> "Freedum loving afghans" --- Lol lmao even
>Iraqi Shias --- massacred
>kurds --- genocided
>Libyan rebels --- turned into failed state
>Georgia --- Areas annexed
>Ukraine --- (it ain't going well)
I blame Castro jnr and Jaggu bhai more, but that doesnt mean this ukronazi retard is not to blame as well.
Moron thinks he is gonna say 'muh russian propaganda on ukrainian nazis' is gonna still fly, as if its 2022.
Last i checked, its Zelenski who came to MY parliament and honoured an actual living, breathing ww2 war criminal nazi. Not Putin.
That was the stupidest thing ever. It shows just how blind and stupid western leadership has become.
This doesn't say anything except the intensity of the fighting. Although, sometimes, due to the impossibility of evacuation, the wounded remain on the front line. But these are isolated cases, not a system.
Explain to me. Do you just want to believe? No one here speaks Russian/Ukrainian, and Western English-language publications are not believed here. Perhaps people like you enjoy sitting in an "information bubble" where the Russians are bravely winning?
When Strelkov was free, he often criticized the actions of the Russian army, for which he ended up in prison. Now this Russian nationalist criticizes less often, but still criticizes. Read (through a translator) his fragment of a letter on his TG channel - Стрелков Игорь Иванович. He often makes mistakes there, but you will understand the essence, that these victories are equal to defeat.

Kak ti dumais, mei sce durak izthis? Mei zinaem volse tibia
North Korean soldiers presence is not because Russia laking manpower but because Korean want to have first hand experience to know about NATO warfare.

Likewise, thausands of NATO officer/soldiers present in Ukraine as well.

Chinese also present there and no wonder even Indian also present both side.

Such opportunities are rare, to know about each other real capabilities
ofcourse i am racist against people who go to other countries and host known nazi war criminals in the parliament.
Your general staff is vested party. The basics of justice is, the non-vested party is more likely to be neutral because there is no riding interest to the conflict.
I didnt flee my country. I colonized your inferior people's land and bringing my country and people to these lands.
Our intelligence is far superior to yours and western ones, which is why Deans predicted in his blog that Donbass sector would lose territory this fall back in FEBRUARY. Something your entire collective general staff and bullshit western propaganda institutions couldn't predict.
You can also call Arabs in Europe colonists.:LOL: For some reason they don't go to poor EU countries (Bulgaria, Romania, etc.). A colonist comes and develops new lands, bringing his culture with him. I doubt you live in the Northwest Territories of Canada.
You can also call Arabs in Europe colonists.:LOL: For some reason they don't go to poor EU countries (Bulgaria, Romania, etc.). A colonist comes and develops new lands, bringing his culture with him. I doubt you live in the Northwest Territories of Canada.
Correct. A colonist comes and develops new lands, bringing his culture with him. Canada is 98% new lands. Most colonists like me come and set up our homes on virgin soil. And we are the highest earning, highest performing ethnicity in the western world in each and every metric known to man, while we are ALSO importing our culture with us.
The difference between us and your kind of euro-barbarians, is that colonization for the civilized world (which begins in India and ends in Japan as far as i am concerned) means going and SETTLING the land, bringing your culture and winning by non violent means. Aka, grow faster, grow better and profilferate. This is ALSO what the Chinese and filipinos are doing (two of the ethnicities who do universally better than whites in the west at everything as well). This is ALSO what we did to colonize SE Asia along with the Chinese.
The millions upon millions of us Indians and Chinese got to SE Asia the same way we are colonizing the west: peacefully, over time. And over time, we yeilded a fusion culture, a blended culture, where ALL our colonized lands think very very well of us (the people of SE Asia are the friendliest people to Indians/Chinese outside of a few exceptions here and there). Why ? Because we are not barbarians like your kind of savages who's entire civilization is younger than my own freaking personal family tree and i aint even one of the older ones by indian standards.

You can run away like the typical panzy that you are, but your question has been answered : there *IS* professional Indian military analysis present on this site itself, by a poster of this site, with extensive military analysis chops going back to gulf war, back when you were too young to even have swimmers in your ballsack.
And you also cannot run away from the fact, that his blog has actually predicted the outcomes of this war in various stages better than the SUM TOTAL of western analysists and your dumb nazi lover government.

So STFU and dont tell us what to think of your war, because this isnt 1500s where you being 200km from the frontlines gives you any significant extra advantage in knowing facts pertaining to the war, while unlike your dumb inbred ass, we are not encumbered with bias of nationalism/self preservation/ethnic hatreds etc. that come to ALL VESTED PARTIES IN A GIVEN WAR.
Clear enough ? dumdum ? Now fack off about trying to tell us how the war is going. Because you dont know shyte. 99.9% of your countrymen don't. Neither do the Russians actually, but they are less encumbered with propaganda because their survival doesn't depend on winning the war, like it does to your side. Just like 99% of murricans didnt know shyte about the wars they fought, coz they are VESTED PARTY, SUBJECT TO STATE PROPAGANDA over said wars.
Neutral parties are not in such a position. We are said neutral party. If you had more than 2 braincells or more than a teaspoon of civilization in yourself, you'd seek to learn about the war of your country's existential crisis from us rather than yap like a typical propagandized fool of a side fighting tooth and nail and trying to peddle his version of what is reality coz his life depends on it. CLEAR enough ???

PS: Arabs in europe **ARE** colonists you dumb retard. They are the ones who are the MOST open about it. when your enemy tells you what their intentions are and who they are, you should listen instead of being a dumb ukronazi. However, they are colonists like you dumb euro barbarians. They also seek to win new lands via genocide, subjugation, war and violence. That is why i said, as far as i am concerned, civilization begins at India and ends at Japan as far as i am concerned. Russia gets to join the club one day and they know now that is where their destiny lies - not as an euro-simp but as a major and final layer to the Asian pie.
So that is the greatest thanks i can give to the rest of the west and your moron leaders, for finally getting the Roos to see that they aint with the 'we wuz vikaaangzzzz' barbarians, they are actually the 'Asia++' bracket. if nothing, global warming will see to that.
Correct. A colonist comes and develops new lands, bringing his culture with him. Canada is 98% new lands. Most colonists like me come and set up our homes on virgin soil. And we are the highest earning, highest performing ethnicity in the western world in each and every metric known to man, while we are ALSO importing our culture with us.
The difference between us and your kind of euro-barbarians, is that colonization for the civilized world (which begins in India and ends in Japan as far as i am concerned) means going and SETTLING the land, bringing your culture and winning by non violent means. Aka, grow faster, grow better and profilferate. This is ALSO what the Chinese and filipinos are doing (two of the ethnicities who do universally better than whites in the west at everything as well). This is ALSO what we did to colonize SE Asia along with the Chinese.
The millions upon millions of us Indians and Chinese got to SE Asia the same way we are colonizing the west: peacefully, over time. And over time, we yeilded a fusion culture, a blended culture, where ALL our colonized lands think very very well of us (the people of SE Asia are the friendliest people to Indians/Chinese outside of a few exceptions here and there). Why ? Because we are not barbarians like your kind of savages who's entire civilization is younger than my own freaking personal family tree and i aint even one of the older ones by indian standards.

You can run away like the typical panzy that you are, but your question has been answered : there *IS* professional Indian military analysis present on this site itself, by a poster of this site, with extensive military analysis chops going back to gulf war, back when you were too young to even have swimmers in your ballsack.
And you also cannot run away from the fact, that his blog has actually predicted the outcomes of this war in various stages better than the SUM TOTAL of western analysists and your dumb nazi lover government.

So STFU and dont tell us what to think of your war, because this isnt 1500s where you being 200km from the frontlines gives you any significant extra advantage in knowing facts pertaining to the war, while unlike your dumb inbred ass, we are not encumbered with bias of nationalism/self preservation/ethnic hatreds etc. that come to ALL VESTED PARTIES IN A GIVEN WAR.
Clear enough ? dumdum ? Now fack off about trying to tell us how the war is going. Because you dont know shyte. 99.9% of your countrymen don't. Neither do the Russians actually, but they are less encumbered with propaganda because their survival doesn't depend on winning the war, like it does to your side. Just like 99% of murricans didnt know shyte about the wars they fought, coz they are VESTED PARTY, SUBJECT TO STATE PROPAGANDA over said wars.
Neutral parties are not in such a position. We are said neutral party. If you had more than 2 braincells or more than a teaspoon of civilization in yourself, you'd seek to learn about the war of your country's existential crisis from us rather than yap like a typical propagandized fool of a side fighting tooth and nail and trying to peddle his version of what is reality coz his life depends on it. CLEAR enough ???

PS: Arabs in europe **ARE** colonists you dumb retard. They are the ones who are the MOST open about it. when your enemy tells you what their intentions are and who they are, you should listen instead of being a dumb ukronazi. However, they are colonists like you dumb euro barbarians. They also seek to win new lands via genocide, subjugation, war and violence. That is why i said, as far as i am concerned, civilization begins at India and ends at Japan as far as i am concerned. Russia gets to join the club one day and they know now that is where their destiny lies - not as an euro-simp but as a major and final layer to the Asian pie.
So that is the greatest thanks i can give to the rest of the west and your moron leaders, for finally getting the Roos to see that they aint with the 'we wuz vikaaangzzzz' barbarians, they are actually the 'Asia++' bracket. if nothing, global warming will see to that.
So you don't live in Toronto or even Winnipeg, but in some small town like Mahone Bay? You have to be doubly crazy to do something like that.
Probably no one from neutral views saw such a defeat of the Russian army in ct. of Grozny in advance. The finale was of course predictable, like the war between the USSR and Finland, but it was thanks to these events that Hitler realized that the Soviet army only looked powerful.
But he did not take into account the factor of the peoples who lived in the USSR. Putler did the same thing now. "Let's surrender" is the answer option chosen by only 5% of Ukrainian society and no neutral views are able to take this factor into account.
So you don't live in Toronto or even Winnipeg, but in some small town like Mahone Bay? You have to be doubly crazy to do something like that.
Probably no one from neutral views saw such a defeat of the Russian army in ct. of Grozny in advance. The finale was of course predictable, like the war between the USSR and Finland, but it was thanks to these events that Hitler realized that the Soviet army only looked powerful.
But he did not take into account the factor of the peoples who lived in the USSR. Putler did the same thing now. "Let's surrender" is the answer option chosen by only 5% of Ukrainian society and no neutral views are able to take this factor into account.
Are you born this dumb or did your mother drop you on your head while getting drunk like a typical low quality ukronazi ? Neutral sources are of HIGHER QUALITY AND AUTHORITY than invested sources. That doesnt mean neutral sources are perfect or never wrong, you dumb retard uneducated drunkie fool of a idiot russian.

Besides, moron, toronto itself has plenty of virgin lands it has expanded into in the last 20 years alone. This isnt the old world where someone somewhere has been living for a longass time wherever there is places to live in. Your kind of sun dodger snow-demons made sure that 99% of this continent was empty when they came and canada is pretty empty anyways because its colder than your ukronazilandia itself for the most part.

I dont care about your probabilities, to the CERTAINTY that i presented - that the abovementined blog HAS proven to be more accurate than your own country or entire west or russia's own claims about THIS war.You are the typical ukronazi scumbucket with typical barbarian iq level of ukrobariarians, who is whinign against a CLEAR CUT SOURCE that SHOWS you to be wrong through the last two years, since its a FREAKING BLOG OVER TWO YEARS PERIOD, prior to the events and catalouged as such. But no, you dont care. Because you are a dumb shit idiot like the bottom 25% of humanity are and to make it worse, your dumb shit is now propagandized by war and all the emotional cloudiness being involved brings.

PS: What a beaten society choses is irrelevant to the outcome. Only the COURSE of the outcome will differ. For when you are not winning, it doesnt matter what YOU want.
Once Russia kicks you on the barbarian side of the Dneiper, they have no need to advance further, neither would you have the ability to take anything back and that is the point your truncated country gets to whine with no recourse, coz whether Russia chooses to continue the war or not, is up to them at that point. And whether you like it or not, it is the most likely outcome without NATO boots on the ground.

Which aint happening, because you are just not that important to us to risk our own lives against Russia.
Are you born this dumb or did your mother drop you on your head while getting drunk like a typical low quality ukronazi ? Neutral sources are of HIGHER QUALITY AND AUTHORITY than invested sources. That doesnt mean neutral sources are perfect or never wrong, you dumb retard uneducated drunkie fool of a idiot russian.

Besides, moron, toronto itself has plenty of virgin lands it has expanded into in the last 20 years alone. This isnt the old world where someone somewhere has been living for a longass time wherever there is places to live in. Your kind of sun dodger snow-demons made sure that 99% of this continent was empty when they came and canada is pretty empty anyways because its colder than your ukronazilandia itself for the most part.

I dont care about your probabilities, to the CERTAINTY that i presented - that the abovementined blog HAS proven to be more accurate than your own country or entire west or russia's own claims about THIS war.You are the typical ukronazi scumbucket with typical barbarian iq level of ukrobariarians, who is whinign against a CLEAR CUT SOURCE that SHOWS you to be wrong through the last two years, since its a FREAKING BLOG OVER TWO YEARS PERIOD, prior to the events and catalouged as such. But no, you dont care. Because you are a dumb shit idiot like the bottom 25% of humanity are and to make it worse, your dumb shit is now propagandized by war and all the emotional cloudiness being involved brings.

PS: What a beaten society choses is irrelevant to the outcome. Only the COURSE of the outcome will differ. For when you are not winning, it doesnt matter what YOU want.
Once Russia kicks you on the barbarian side of the Dneiper, they have no need to advance further, neither would you have the ability to take anything back and that is the point your truncated country gets to whine with no recourse, coz whether Russia chooses to continue the war or not, is up to them at that point. And whether you like it or not, it is the most likely outcome without NATO boots on the ground.

Which aint happening, because you are just not that important to us to risk our own lives against Russia.
In general, it is clear - I am a colonizer - the abortion victim squealed loudly and disappeared into a multi-million city.
Even when Harjit Sajjan was the Minister of Defense, he defended the interests of Canada, not India. You do not adapt Canadian laws to yourself (as colonists do) - you adapt to them yourself.
An ordinary emigrant. There are many like you who call the radio station "Russian Toronto" and spit poison from impotence. After all, they are against it, but the Canadian government, 2 days ago, still transferred another aid package for 47 million.
That's how it is with a neutral view too. I already showed a video with infographics, where Russia has more of everything, but for some reason there are D-74 and North Korean troops on the battlefield.
In general, it is clear - I am a colonizer - the abortion victim squealed loudly and disappeared into a multi-million city.
Even when Harjit Sajjan was the Minister of Defense, he defended the interests of Canada, not India. You do not adapt Canadian laws to yourself (as colonists do) - you adapt to them yourself.
An ordinary emigrant. There are many like you who call the radio station "Russian Toronto" and spit poison from impotence. After all, they are against it, but the Canadian government, 2 days ago, still transferred another aid package for 47 million.
That's how it is with a neutral view too. I already showed a video with infographics, where Russia has more of everything, but for some reason there are D-74 and North Korean troops on the battlefield.

Sajjan types defend the """"interests of Canada"""" for the same reason people like Snowden may defend Russia today ;)
Sajjan types defend the """"interests of Canada"""" for the same reason people like Snowden may defend Russia today ;)
Who is Snowden now in the political scale? He is a zero. During the Cold War, spies were motivated by different reasons. Who remembers them now?

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