Russian Ukrainian War

Who is Snowden now in the political scale? He is a zero. During the Cold War, spies were motivated by different reasons. Who remembers them now?

Let's just say Sajjan has his own separatist interests which align with the "Canadian Interests" in the same way that Snowden's "O pls save my ass Russkie sirs" interest aligns with the Russies extracting info about the CIA from him

Let me make it understandble for you.

Sajjan's "Canadian Interests" are 1:1 to what some Donbass Russian-speaker's "Russian interests" would be if he'd be made a Russian defence minister, the Donbass Russian speaker was not loyal to Ukraine in the first place, neither was Sajjan or his religious grouping to India.
Let's just say Sajjan has his own separatist interests which align with the "Canadian Interests" in the same way that Snowden's "O pls save my ass Russkie sirs" interest aligns with the Russies extracting info about the CIA from him

Let me make it understandble for you.

Sajjan's "Canadian Interests" are 1:1 to what some Donbass Russian-speaker's "Russian interests" would be if he'd be made a Russian defence minister, the Donbass Russian speaker was not loyal to Ukraine in the first place, neither was Sajjan or his religious grouping to India.
That's why I'm here.
This is Donetsk in 2012.
The whole city was in Ukrainian flags at Euro 2012. Almost every car had a Ukrainian flag. It was so eye-opening. I remember how the carriers of the Russian flag who came from Rostov were almost beaten up.
Another thing is that many there have the character of slaves and obey a stronger master. All of us who did not want to become slaves of Russia - left for the free part of Ukraine.
In general, it is clear - I am a colonizer - the abortion victim squealed loudly and disappeared into a multi-million city.
Even when Harjit Sajjan was the Minister of Defense, he defended the interests of Canada, not India. You do not adapt Canadian laws to yourself (as colonists do) - you adapt to them yourself.
An ordinary emigrant. There are many like you who call the radio station "Russian Toronto" and spit poison from impotence. After all, they are against it, but the Canadian government, 2 days ago, still transferred another aid package for 47 million.
That's how it is with a neutral view too. I already showed a video with infographics, where Russia has more of everything, but for some reason there are D-74 and North Korean troops on the battlefield.

You need to learn better english if you think colonist means you cant come live in a city of millions. Your american and canadian masters clearly think that it still makes me a colonist, so who the eff are you to say otherwise, dog ?
Impotence ? We basically have already ensured that Canada govt reflects one india policy and have gotten them to admit it, despite their anti-india behaviour.
We already have pro-India caucuses in USA and Canada, dog. Thats called influence. Influence your barbarian kind doesnt have and never will have.
I guess you uncivilized ukronazi barbarians think of colonisation only in terms of the genocidal european way of colonization. Good. That means we get to take you over without your idiot kind even knowing you are being taken over by the civilized ones.

There are D-74 and North Koreans on the battlefield, the same reason everyone was on the battlefield in Spain for spanish civil war, fool : they want the experience of NATO doctrine and facing NATO equipment.

As i said, you can run all you wish, but as the blog cited CLEARLY proves, we are more accurate in prediting the war than your western masters or your own government. The proof is in the timestamps, which you are too much of a coward to check out.
Putin has not changed his stance on Ukraine. It's important to remember that. It's also important to remember Putin has learned from his mistakes in the past when dealing with the west. He will never trust any deal they propose.

Putin says no peace until Russia’s goals in Ukraine achieved​

In televised year-end address, Russian president calls for Ukraine’s unconditional surrender.
In the final question, Putin was asked about the advice he would give to himself in 2000, the year he first became president. Highlighting his resentment towards the west, the president said he would tell his younger self to be wary of “excessive naivety and gullibility regarding so-called western partners”.

“My word of advice … we must believe in the great Russian people,” he said.
You need to learn better english if you think colonist means you cant come live in a city of millions. Your american and canadian masters clearly think that it still makes me a colonist, so who the eff are you to say otherwise, dog ?
Impotence ? We basically have already ensured that Canada govt reflects one india policy and have gotten them to admit it, despite their anti-india behaviour.
We already have pro-India caucuses in USA and Canada, dog. Thats called influence. Influence your barbarian kind doesnt have and never will have.
I guess you uncivilized ukronazi barbarians think of colonisation only in terms of the genocidal european way of colonization. Good. That means we get to take you over without your idiot kind even knowing you are being taken over by the civilized ones.

There are D-74 and North Koreans on the battlefield, the same reason everyone was on the battlefield in Spain for spanish civil war, fool : they want the experience of NATO doctrine and facing NATO equipment.

As i said, you can run all you wish, but as the blog cited CLEARLY proves, we are more accurate in prediting the war than your western masters or your own government. The proof is in the timestamps, which you are too much of a coward to check out.
You already have an example - the Chinese traveler Zheng He, who founded Chinese colonies on the same principle. Peaceful dictatorship did not work, but the Spaniards sailed to America and in a short time, by force of arms, proved who was boss there.
This is what Russia is doing now. Peaceful dictatorship of its demands is very ineffective. You will see that if military clashes begin between China and the USA, then all the Chinese in North America will be sent to filtration camps. Whichever side India takes, that is how you will be treated in Canada.
And then you will have to prove to your neighbor that you are a colonist in a prison barracks. And I, in my country and any resident of democratic countries, can influence the government.
I searched the Internet yesterday. By the way, regarding the third sight: In the USA, only a quarter of those surveyed believe that India is a democracy. I think the figure in Indian society is different.
An army that is stuck in the 90s and weapons from the 50s of the last century to test against NATO - don't make me laugh. They fight for food. We already have phrasebooks where they offer Koreans to surrender in exchange for a bowl of rice with meat.
You already have an example - the Chinese traveler Zheng He, who founded Chinese colonies on the same principle. Peaceful dictatorship did not work, but the Spaniards sailed to America and in a short time, by force of arms, proved who was boss there.
Peaceful dictatorships do work, they've worked in civilized asia for thousands of years, fool. Zheng He colonized like us, not like your kind of Eurobarbarians.

This is what Russia is doing now. Peaceful dictatorship of its demands is very ineffective. You will see that if military clashes begin between China and the USA, then all the Chinese in North America will be sent to filtration camps. Whichever side India takes, that is how you will be treated in Canada.

We are already close to 10% of Canada. Whichever side we pick is the side Canada picks, as including the Chinese, we are at nearly 20% of Canada.

And then you will have to prove to your neighbor that you are a colonist in a prison barracks. And I, in my country and any resident of democratic countries, can influence the government.
I searched the Internet yesterday. By the way, regarding the third sight: In the USA, only a quarter of those surveyed believe that India is a democracy. I think the figure in Indian society is different.
We dont care what you or your moron master murricans think, given that they are inferior to us in their own country at everything.

An army that is stuck in the 90s and weapons from the 50s of the last century to test against NATO - don't make me laugh. They fight for food. We already have phrasebooks where they offer Koreans to surrender in exchange for a bowl of rice with meat.

Given that NATO is getting its ass handed to it by Russia and had its ass handed to it by cavemen Afghans, your laughter only shows you are a complete moron.
Good job running away from the point though that your side is losing as our blogs and analysis shows and that we are better analysts of your war than you are, as proven by the blog.
That's why I'm here.
This is Donetsk in 2012.
View attachment 12840
The whole city was in Ukrainian flags at Euro 2012. Almost every car had a Ukrainian flag. It was so eye-opening. I remember how the carriers of the Russian flag who came from Rostov were almost beaten up.
Another thing is that many there have the character of slaves and obey a stronger master. All of us who did not want to become slaves of Russia - left for the free part of Ukraine.

Looks like an empty stadium where 90% of the local Russians didn't show up :rolleyes:
Peaceful dictatorships do work, they've worked in civilized asia for thousands of years, fool. Zheng He colonized like us, not like your kind of Eurobarbarians.

We are already close to 10% of Canada. Whichever side we pick is the side Canada picks, as including the Chinese, we are at nearly 20% of Canada.

We dont care what you or your moron master murricans think, given that they are inferior to us in their own country at everything.

Given that NATO is getting its ass handed to it by Russia and had its ass handed to it by cavemen Afghans, your laughter only shows you are a complete moron.
Good job running away from the point though that your side is losing as our blogs and analysis shows and that we are better analysts of your war than you are, as proven by the blog.
I don't see that we are losing. Indeed, due to the fear of nuclear weapons, our partners are slowly supplying us with weapons. But they are supplying them. They have chosen the tactics of weakening Russia militarily.
Unfortunately, we have to suffer longer, but we will not be able to solve this issue on our own.
OSINT recently pointed out that BRDM-2s have begun to disappear en masse from storage bases in Russia. Either the Russians are converting them into light armored personnel carriers for themselves, or for small Koreans. But this is another indicator that the Russians have problems with armored vehicles.
So shove the opinions of your bloggers up your ass.
This is another lie of yours. 3.7% of Canadians in 2021 were of Indian descent. I doubt that this proportion has increased by 6.3% in three years. So you can only colonize only the mold under your bed.
You can also call Arabs in Europe colonists.:LOL: For some reason they don't go to poor EU countries (Bulgaria, Romania, etc.). A colonist comes and develops new lands, bringing his culture with him. I doubt you live in the Northwest Territories of Canada.

This UkroNazi from the poorest beggar nation of the world talks other EU countries :deadhorse:
Looks like an empty stadium where 90% of the local Russians didn't show up :rolleyes:
Is this how you can see it better? This match Ukraine-France was in Donetsk. At least don't disgrace yourself, you live in Europe. On the first day of the opening, football matches were held in Kyiv. At the stadium in Donetsk there were only symbolic events.
I don't see that we are losing. Indeed, due to the fear of nuclear weapons, our partners are slowly supplying us with weapons. But they are supplying them. They have chosen the tactics of weakening Russia militarily.
Unfortunately, we have to suffer longer, but we will not be able to solve this issue on our own.
OSINT recently pointed out that BRDM-2s have begun to disappear en masse from storage bases in Russia. Either the Russians are converting them into light armored personnel carriers for themselves, or for small Koreans. But this is another indicator that the Russians have problems with armored vehicles.
So shove the opinions of your bloggers up your ass.
This is another lie of yours. 3.7% of Canadians in 2021 were of Indian descent. I doubt that this proportion has increased by 6.3% in three years. So you can only colonize only the mold under your bed.

You will nuked way before you get to building one. Look here fellas, a retard ukro nazi hiding in basement talking about tactics.
You will nuked way before you get to building one. Look here fellas, a retard ukro nazi hiding in basement talking about tactics.
Usually, I throw away the used condom. Why do you think that I have a different attitude towards you?
Rare footage of a swarm of Russian kamikaze drones "Geran-2" has been published, the video was published by a resident of the Poltava region of Ukraine. Earlier, something similar was recorded in the Odessa region of Ukraine. Mass production of drones "Geran-2" has now been established in Russia. It also became known that the Russian army began to equip drones with Luneberg lenses, they are installed on the drones "Gerbera" and other models. Luneberg lenses are made in the form of a plastic ball and wrapped in foil, their use allows to increase the EPR of the drone. A drone with a Luneberg lens becomes the most contrasting target and air defense missiles are primarily aimed at them. This method allows to distract air defense forces from the "Geran-2" drones and deplete the ammunition of the missiles of the air defense systems of Ukraine.

I don't see that we are losing.
That is because you are a moron. Duh. Retreat from the heaviest fortified position in the frontline is sign of losing.
Indeed, due to the fear of nuclear weapons, our partners are slowly supplying us with weapons. But they are supplying them. They have chosen the tactics of weakening Russia militarily.
Unfortunately, we have to suffer longer, but we will not be able to solve this issue on our own.
OSINT recently pointed out that BRDM-2s have begun to disappear en masse from storage bases in Russia. Either the Russians are converting them into light armored personnel carriers for themselves, or for small Koreans. But this is another indicator that the Russians have problems with armored vehicles.
So shove the opinions of your bloggers up your ass.
We will shove the opinions of the bloggers up YOUR and america's ass, since that blog is more accurate than the sum total of western and ukrainian media in predicting the frontline landscape for 2 years running.
Checkmate, loser.

This is another lie of yours. 3.7% of Canadians in 2021 were of Indian descent. I doubt that this proportion has increased by 6.3% in three years. So you can only colonize only the mold under your bed.
The number is close to 10% for SOUTH ASIANS, moron. Your country has zero experience in colonization and immigration, yet, like a typical inbred barbarian, you deign to lecture people of one fo the top 5 colonist countries, on how colonialism works.
Perfect example of how idiots like you talk on shit they have zero experience in.
That is because you are a moron. Duh. Retreat from the heaviest fortified position in the frontline is sign of losing.

We will shove the opinions of the bloggers up YOUR and america's ass, since that blog is more accurate than the sum total of western and ukrainian media in predicting the frontline landscape for 2 years running.
Checkmate, loser.

The number is close to 10% for SOUTH ASIANS, moron. Your country has zero experience in colonization and immigration, yet, like a typical inbred barbarian, you deign to lecture people of one fo the top 5 colonist countries, on how colonialism works.
Perfect example of how idiots like you talk on shit they have zero experience in.
We have an expression: "We plowed - me and a tractor." Why are you responsible for all the peoples of Asia? As far as I remember, a Filipino is very different from an Indian not only in appearance but also mentally, so the vast majority did not come to colonize Canada. They moved to where they could live better. For the same reason, Africans and Arabs flee to Europe. For the same reason, @Immanuel bragged about his Mercedes, and not a combine for harvesting colonized fields.
You yourself admitted that you are a racist - which means you have not integrated into society and are forced to drive white people behind the wheel of your taxi. I don't care what race the person in front of me is, because neither I nor he are independent of each other.

Here, Avdiivka was the most fortified area. The Russians, costing great losses, broke it. What's next? 40 km and they are now storming Selidovo. Meanwhile, new fortified areas are being built on other borders. Vovchansk is an example for you. Yes, at the cost of losing territories, we are turning the Russian baseball bat into a pencil.
We have an expression: "We plowed - me and a tractor." Why are you responsible for all the peoples of Asia? As far as I remember, a Filipino is very different from an Indian not only in appearance but also mentally, so the vast majority did not come to colonize Canada. They moved to where they could live better. For the same reason, Africans and Arabs flee to Europe. For the same reason, @Immanuel bragged about his Mercedes, and not a combine for harvesting colonized fields.
You yourself admitted that you are a racist - which means you have not integrated into society and are forced to drive white people behind the wheel of your taxi. I don't care what race the person in front of me is, because neither I nor he are independent of each other.

Here, Avdiivka was the most fortified area. The Russians, costing great losses, broke it. What's next? 40 km and they are now storming Selidovo. Meanwhile, new fortified areas are being built on other borders. Vovchansk is an example for you. Yes, at the cost of losing territories, we are turning the Russian baseball bat into a pencil.
Listen ****** ukr****, who himself has seen maybe 5 filipinos and 8 indians in real life, that above mentioned line IS why you are such a dumb clueless inferior barbarian. Because that bolded line is perfect example of ' apperances can be decieving'.
Yet again, you show your penchant to try and pontificate about that which you are literally in the bottom 5% of this group - experience in multiculturalism. So STFU.
You dont get to tell us what indians and filipinos are like. Not when i live in a city of 200,000 filipinos and there arent that many in your entire facking country.
Clear ?

We move to europe/north america, for the same reason you whites moved to north america. We are not going to accept your culture anymore than you whitemen accepted native american cuture. Especially when we are better than you in your own country at everything. If you cant see that, then you = dumbass about immigrants.

You are turning nothing into a pencil, you are just being ground into dust. In another 2 years, you will lose entire east bank of Dneiper. Come back and revist here and then then still yap about your inferior analysis and inferior propaganda from the west than our analysis. Book-mark this post, if you got ze balls.
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Listen stupid ukronazi, who himself has seen maybe 5 filipinos and 8 indians in real life, that above mentioned line IS why you are such a dumb clueless inferior barbarian. Because that bolded line is perfect example of ' apperances can be decieving'.
Yet again, you show your penchant to try and pontificate about that which you are literally in the bottom 5% of this group - experience in multiculturalism. So STFU.
You dont get to tell us what indians and filipinos are like. Not when i live in a city of 200,000 filipinos and there arent that many in your entire facking country.
Clear ?

We move to europe/north america, for the same reason you whites moved to north america. We are not going to accept your culture anymore than you whitemen accepted native american cuture. Especially when we are better than you in your own country at everything. If you cant see that, then you = dumbass about immigrants.

You are turning nothing into a pencil, you are just being ground into dust. In another 2 years, you will lose entire east bank of Dneiper. Come back and revist here and then then still yap about your inferior analysis and inferior propaganda from the west than our analysis. Book-mark this post, if you got ze balls.
In the 19th century, there was a popular cartoon in the US about the "melting pot". Society doesn't care what gods you pray to or what you eat for dinner. There is one parameter - whether you can handle the job or not. If you can't - a kick in the ass. It doesn't matter if you are a white Irishman or a yellow-faced Chinese.
The idea itself has transformed, but the essence is the same to this day.
So stop making up excuses.
I am interested in history, but I do not live in the past, unlike you. You still cannot forget the centuries of colonization and humiliation of your people. Live yourself, and do not rejoice that in a hundred years there will be many Indians in Canada.
Someone lives in the present and sells us shells not with the goal of his descendants living there. He sells shells to live well in this life, and not when his soul moves into a dog.
How will they get to the Dnieper, by whom? The Donetsk/Luhansk slaves are finish, the prisoners are finish, even the Africa Corps is gone. Putler started buying North Korean slaves, but when half of them run away, Kim Jong Un will stop selling them, because they can become free citizens of South Korea.
In the 19th century, there was a popular cartoon in the US about the "melting pot". Society doesn't care what gods you pray to or what you eat for dinner. There is one parameter - whether you can handle the job or not. If you can't - a kick in the ass. It doesn't matter if you are a white Irishman or a yellow-faced Chinese.
The idea itself has transformed, but the essence is the same to this day.
So stop making up excuses.
I am interested in history, but I do not live in the past, unlike you. You still cannot forget the centuries of colonization and humiliation of your people. Live yourself, and do not rejoice that in a hundred years there will be many Indians in Canada.
Someone lives in the present and sells us shells not with the goal of his descendants living there. He sells shells to live well in this life, and not when his soul moves into a dog.
View attachment 12933
How will they get to the Dnieper, by whom? The Donetsk/Luhansk slaves are finish, the prisoners are finish, even the Africa Corps is gone. Putler started buying North Korean slaves, but when half of them run away, Kim Jong Un will stop selling them, because they can become free citizens of South Korea.

Again, ukro-*****, you are completely wrong.
It does matter what gods you worship, what food you eat, what clothes you wear. If it didn't, murrica wouldnt be for its entire history more involved with europe than it has been with africa.

The goal of colonization is always the same - to turn the colonized land into a cutural satellite of the motherland.

And we are doing it. as i said, you should just shut up and learn from us what colonization and multiculturalism is, since we are far more muticultural than your homeland and i live in a colonized land as a colonizer. But no, like a typical low IQ ukrainian, you wish to tell ur masters how their lands work, instead of learning from them.

they will get to dneiper because you are retreating and they are dealing 9:1 casaulties over the last 4 months. Duh.
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