Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

"For vs BD part, Indian Armed forces will decimate their main command in days if not hours within starting of war. Problem will be guerilla warfare from local population (unless GoI chooses to do massacres which they won't)"

We don't need to fight a guerrilla warfare,

Just like how Russians did in gorzny or Azerbaijan in karabakh, Russians in donbass region, flatten the area, make a blockade, create a crisis, which gonna led to a point where, they have to evacuate the civilians from the area, if the civilians fled from the area, Just massacre the defending troops, make up a defensive position, a new boundary or should we call annex the area, no need to occupy the whole country or installing a puppet govt
Oh i missed this, so in addition to nukes, this Kangali midget swamp dwelling mudskipping retard wants Ghauri missile to be deployed on their border!!

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Only thing Rakibool will have is a missile looking thing up him bum hole.
How did India muck this one up? We liberated this turd of a nation and now this nation is asking for its former rapist for collaboration?!?! We need serious introspection of the policies of RAW, IB and foreign ministry!! The bonds of chummah and hatred of the kaffir appear far greater than any forced bdsm performed on them!! :facepalm4:
How did India muck this one up? We liberated this turd of a nation and now this nation is asking for its former rapist for collaboration?!?! We need serious introspection of the policies of RAW, IB and foreign ministry!! The bonds of chummah and hatred of the kaffir appear far greater than any forced bdsm performed on them!! :facepalm4:
Yeh aise hi hai, yeh kisi ke wafadar kabhi nhin hoonge
How did India muck this one up? We liberated this turd of a nation and now this nation is asking for its former rapist for collaboration?!?! We need serious introspection of the policies of RAW, IB and foreign ministry!! The bonds of chummah and hatred of the kaffir appear far greater than any forced bdsm performed on them!! :facepalm4:

1. India never had a proactive foreign policy of damaging, maintaining, or containing its enemies. Heck, we have to accept them as enemies or probable enemies first. Was apalled by the news of people showing shock at present pak army chief quoting Kargil as started by the army. Duh, how much proof does one need for all these years??

It was basically hands off approach until shit hits the fan.It has just started with present govt. in limited scale. Unhelpful was also the fact that congoons were in power.
2. Then there is the M problem. They can only be contained and not really reformed. They will always take the path of aggression and religion first.
3. Our passive and pacifist mentality. Makes us weak and easy targets.
Whats with all these oil claims from our neighborhood? First pakis and now kanglus 😅
be very afraid India, Bangladesh has developed world-beating weapons.

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Why are space rockets taking off from what appears to be a railroad.
Why does the jet have engines in tail fins, and Why are all the missiles firing at the same time, why is exhaust coming out of flaps?
Are those port holes on the hull of the submarine? Why are they so tiny? Or are they normal size and it's the sub that is big? Then why are the masts and periscope so huge?
Who even thought of making these whatever these are???

(I know, I know, I am asking serious questions on some fanboys creations, just couldn't resist, I also know there is no legit answer to my questions)
Whats with all these oil claims from our neighborhood? First pakis and now kanglus 😅
Could be true india started exploring andman which I believe will have one of the largest reserves
Remember folks that madarchod abdulah changed Sanskrit names of more than 2000 places to Urdu. Which isnt a kashmiri language. They aren't even teaching there kashmiri even today the real kashmiri has gone extinct long ago.
Musadas are biggest enemy of a indigeneous culture.
Now we are seeing in kanglus women's are not treated well after seen in sarees. Not much though but we will see the change soon..
Whats with all these oil claims from our neighborhood? First pakis and now kanglus 😅

As someone who grew up in the middle east to oil engineer dad, take it from me, this is what low quality PR is called. "6.5 trillion taka' field isnt a massive field by any estimate. That turns out to be about 50 billion dollars of gas. Tidy sum, but not earth shattering.
The 'new finds are apparently 5 trillion cubic feet. Article doesn't say what the 'existing' field size was, but its gotta be significantly smaller than 5T cu.ft. for this one to even be called massive.
But even then, well, North dome/south pars field is the size of like 1200 trillion cubic feet. Theres like 50 gas fields in the world who's individual size is above 20 trillion cubic feet. Another 70-80 which are in the 10-20T cu.ft. zone.
This one, doesnt enter the top 100 IIRC.

PPS: The article says that once fully tapped, the total yeild of bhola gas field will be around 900 million cu.ft. per day.
Well, North Dome/South Pars produces about 60 billion cu. ft. per day of gas. A dying Urengoy field produces about 20 billion cu.ft. per day.

Kanglus are as usual, making mountain out of molehill.
In front of the physics department of a kangladeshi university.

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This time we will paint entire Indian subcontinent saffron. There will not be a fucking hint that this desert cult ever had presence here apart from history books. Time has come for Akand Bharat from Afghanistan to North East minus the cheap converts.
Mann there is so much going on in this picture I didn't even notice 3 engines and lack of vertical tail stabilizers, must be some serious thrust vectoring with those 5 engines.

Who needs vertical stabilizer.
Here is thrust vectoring prototype of BhosdDeshi teknolagy .

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