Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

From the looks of it, its us who stopped the project and bangbros are compensating with murrica. Fine by us. Its still our diesel going to them. They wanna build it at 10x the price to spite us, good for them. This is smal potatoes for us. Ultimately the lion's share of income is going to be from the lifetime diesel export.
If kanglus wanna chop their nose to spite their face, let them.

The reality of geopolitics is simple for the little guys:
a) Ally with the nearest behemoth
b) Antagonise the nearest behemoth, while having backing of some other behemoths from far away.

Kanglus history is stauchly b)---> fliration with a) for ~15 of 50+ years--->veering towards b) again.
I say good.
Its high time Kanglus antagonized us to take a Pakistan-like status with us and get sealed off. We got Kanglus by the balls, as far as god-gifted geography goes, the onus is on us to use it and cleanse that land long-term of islamist tendencies, yet we have been sleeping on the job for ~20 years. High time we woke up and as luck would have it, we are waking up not due to clarity of our vision but because of annoying little asshole acting up like a retard at the slightest behest.

From the looks of it, its us who stopped the project and bangbros are compensating with murrica. Fine by us. Its still our diesel going to them. They wanna build it at 10x the price to spite us, good for them. This is smal potatoes for us. Ultimately the lion's share of income is going to be from the lifetime diesel export.
If kanglus wanna chop their nose to spite their face, let them.

The reality of geopolitics is simple for the little guys:
a) Ally with the nearest behemoth
b) Antagonise the nearest behemoth, while having backing of some other behemoths from far away.

Kanglus history is stauchly b)---> fliration with a) for ~15 of 50+ years--->veering towards b) again.
I say good.
Its high time Kanglus antagonized us to take a Pakistan-like status with us and get sealed off. We got Kanglus by the balls, as far as god-gifted geography goes, the onus is on us to use it and cleanse that land long-term of islamist tendencies, yet we have been sleeping on the job for ~20 years. High time we woke up and as luck would have it, we are waking up not due to clarity of our vision but because of annoying little asshole acting up like a retard at the slightest behest.

If Dhandho-maxxxers weren't in govt it would be a good time to send Kanglus back to where they came from, especially from places like Assam.

From a Bidhba Bilaap thread whose name i can't recollect on r/bangladesh, i realized the Burmese have a decent airforce

They have 30 MiG 29s and 18 Su-30s alongside other aircraft, much better in quality and quantity than the Kangal Air Force. :troll:

Solid bangle breaking and lungi-shivering by Kangludeens over this :cmegusta:

Burmese AF
Bangladesh AF
Not something to ignore.
We play no part in Myanmar, the rebels are christ instigated militia that will be US lackey and Junta probably hates us because we are indifferent to the situation.
This is our incompetence, we should have had good ties with both camps of Myanmar but we don't have roots in either side.

Junta wanted to diversify into good relations with us and not be dependent on the Cheenq.
Then Uncle Sam made an unholy alliance of Christian junglees and the Aung Sang Kyi premis amongst the Burmese, and the Junta was forced back into the lap of the Cheenq
Junta wanted to diversify into good relations with us and not be dependent on the Cheenq.
Then Uncle Sam made an unholy alliance of Christian junglees and the Aung Sang Kyi premis amongst the Burmese, and the Junta was forced back into the lap of the Cheenq
Traditionally the Burmese have never liked the Chinese throughout history. They didn't like the Indians too for taking over their entire economy during British rule & immediately after independence when these Indians mostly Bengalis Tamils & Marwaris were kicked out & their properties & businesses confiscated by the state ( incidentally the Tamils in Moreh , Manipur are the descendants of those Tamil traders booted out of Burma ) but their suspicion & dislike of the Chinese goes back a 1000 years.

Today the CCP has the junta by their balls. External sanctions inspired by the West has increased dependancies on the Han while the Han plays them like the fiddle also supporting the various Chinese & non Chinese insurgencies there .

Tatmadaw has often used India to counter balance the CCP there . It's more true today when they're totally besieged & beleaguered than ever before. The MEA had recently issued invites to the various rebel forces there to attend a conference on Myanmar . Didn't follow what happened beyond that or even kept a track of the participants.

Incidentally the Tatmadaw wasn't invited which means we're hedging. Btw we've also gifted them one of our Kilo class submarines.
Incidentally the Tatmadaw wasn't invited which means we're hedging. Btw we've also gifted them one of our Kilo class submarines.

Why wouldn't we? what other option is there?
We never gave #PhullSapport to Tatmadaw over the fear of offending West and Aung San Kyi's party/grouping.
The junglee militias and other rebels don't even ask us for phull sappot, America provides for all their needs

We have no skin in the game so we have to make do with whoever comes out on top.

People crying over "string of pearls" but Uncle Sam is running another "Garotte of Steel" around our necks about which we do nothing
Why wouldn't we? what other option is there?
We never gave #PhullSapport to Tatmadaw over the fear of offending West and Aung San Kyi's party/grouping.
The junglee militias and other rebels don't even ask us for phull sappot, America provides for all their needs

We have no skin in the game so we have to make do with whoever comes out on top.

People crying over "string of pearls" but Uncle Sam is running another "Garotte of Steel" around our necks about which we do nothing
US support is exaggerated. The proselytising groups operating in Myanmar do so mostly independent of the state though they could have ties with the deep state back home in the US .

Most of these groups have a thriving narcotics trade which finances them & their operations to a large extent. Remittances & financial support from these US based proselytising groups may constitute only a third of their income.

These groups then use the proceeds to buy arms to wage war against the Tatmadaw. The biggest source of the conflict there is the meddling of the Chinese who play both sides to get what they want. India as usual is caught on the horns of a dilemma . There's already so much on our plate that we don't want more what with the crisis in Manipur last year & the coup to oust SHW government this year.

Incidentally the US could use BD if it really wants to interfere in Myanmar's internal affairs now that they've a pliant regime in place .
US support is exaggerated. The proselytising groups operating in Myanmar do so mostly independent of the state though they could have ties with the deep state back home in the US .

Most of these groups have a thriving narcotics trade which finances them & their operations to a large extent. Remittances & financial support from these US based proselytising groups may constitute only a third of their income.

These groups then use the proceeds to buy arms to wage war against the Tatmadaw. The biggest source of the conflict there is the meddling of the Chinese who play both sides to get what they want. India as usual is caught on the horns of a dilemma . There's already so much on our plate that we don't want more what with the crisis in Manipur last year & the coup to oust SHW government this year.

Incidentally the US could use BD if it really wants to interfere in Myanmar's internal affairs now that they've a pliant regime in place .
Is Tatmadaw irredeemable?
If they some sense than we can help them establish peace by Means of negotiations like how we did in NE.
Our ability to maintain peace with NE and culling so many militias through negotiations is truly remarkable. Same can be replicated in myanmar.

Rest we can mesh our economy with that of Myanmar elites across all Tribes so that raising armed revolution becomes counter productive.

But that all depends upon the consciences of the Junta.

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