AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

Don't compare the Turkish and Korean programs to AMCA. They are nowhere near indigenous.
Only an ignorant person unaware of Turkish/Korean programs would ever say this.

Their 5th gen platforms are more indigenous and more mature than our paper plane named AMCA.

I won't even comment on the botched timeline of our projects or industrial capacity of Turkey and Korea
Just the subcomponents of these fighters jets would tell you the full story.
it's true for nearly every defence sector from aircrafts to radars to naval sensors to even guns

So let's not chest thump and wrongfully pull others down to show Indian MIC in a positive light
Only an ignorant person unaware of Turkish/Korean programs would ever say this.

Their 5th gen platforms are more indigenous and more mature than our paper plane named AMCA.

I won't even comment on the botched timeline of our projects or industrial capacity of Turkey and Korea
Just the subcomponents of these fighters jets would tell you the full story.
it's true for nearly every defence sector from aircrafts to radars to naval sensors to even guns

So let's not chest thump and wrongfully pull others down to show Indian MIC in a positive light
I'm well read up. Feel feel to share the list of components that were independently developed without direct assistance or production license from abroad, for both Korean and Turkish programs. Also don't ever assume you know better than the person you disagree with.
AMCA Vs TFX Kaan Vs KF-21, top view, side view, front view, isometric/corner view, as per present state of designs.
Good AMCA diagrams are not yet available, even by CAD artists.
Turkey was given F110-GE-129 engine. India was offered F-16IN with F110-GE-132A engine. We can't go for older airframe designs but if the business was done for the engine then we could have designed a jet better than AMCA.

Will AMCA have Towed Decoy?
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Obviously given iaf's love for towed decoy they will put that in AMCA maybe Mk2 or possibly mk1.
They put that in india specific rafales they su30s are getting it under super Sukhoi.
I hope drdo starts developing one iaf has been keen with Israeli x guard towed decoy.
I think f35 has 4 obviously it's sead/dead focused platform.
AMCA should atleast have 2.
Will AMCA have Towed Decoy?

Missiles are evolving faster than Fighter Jets. I don't know how effective this thing gonna be in future. If the Missile has dual seeker like Israeli Stunner Missile the usefulness of this may be questionable.
'The usefull ness will be questionable'

Dude that's literally made a Israeli firm. Israel has been the first country to defeat sam. They're systems are sam oriented I'm not being a fanboy just saying they have experience of real combat against sam so they have developed upon that experience.

They're is only one missile or sam which has dual seeker. (Not counting iir a2a Ms)
Keep aside even in future if only long range sam class can have such dual seeker heads if we speculate (s400,David sling class)
There would still be many buk class missile defence system(hq series based on buk) deployed on both sides of our border to tackle.
It would never be viable it to put dual seeker in them nor they can accomodate. They're too many complexities involved.
Even keep that aside let's see the primary purpose of that dual seeker interceptor
The system's Stunner missile is designed to intercept the newest generation of tactical ballistic missiles at low altitude, such as the Russian Iskander and the Chinese DF-15, using on-board dual CCD/IR seekers to distinguish between decoys and the actual warhead of the missile,

The stunner is not actually developed keeping area denial in mind it for ballistic missiles.
Still it would be capable of hitting aircrafts. As it posses rf seeker but it's ir seeker functionality for that long ranges is still doubtfull. Israelis have published it to be a 300km class missile.
then they're complexities involved such as how long u can keep the iir seeker cool in thick atmosphere. need to have some cooling mechanism for that. Which is limitation. That being said it will still be a effective against fighter but that alone doesn't negate the towed decoy advantage. And no where near questionable against dual seeker missiles. There's just one bud what made u think that ?
Albeit now I remembered some a2a missile and sams have laser proximity fuze which can counter jamming as well as decoys. But that being said x guard decoy will always have its advantage in certain scenarios and against certain systems which our adversaries have not all systems can counter it.
That's my conclusion for now.

Secondly it lacks warheads it is a hit to kill kinetic missile. Kind of just a paac 3 missile of patriot with a ir seeker. Primarily for ballistic missile. Israelis must have learned from patriots failure to intercept paac series missile of patriot against Iraqi B. missiles back then.
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Is there even a slim chance for sidebays or bay door pylons for CCMs and DAS integration on Mk1 ?
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Irde has already designed a high definition distributed aperture system which posses 7 lrus, 10 months ago news broke out irde has completed the design they are soon initiating realisation of system.
As far as I know the eots is also developed by irde.
Given the timeline of AMCA it is sure das will go into AMCA mk1.
By 2035 das would be ready for production.
There was a pic of eots mounted on a nose which was for hawker hunter test bed aircraft. I suppose it will soon be realised and tested on hunter testbed. Same testbed on which uttam was tested.
Das too will undergo testing as soon as it is fabricated.
Given that we saw something peculiar in irde's high definition das which posses 7 lrus instead of 6. As even the f35 has 6 j20 has 6. 6 sensors are more than enough as they provide 360 coverage.

Irde has already completed design phase of eots back in 2021. Then it was supposed to be fabricated by 2022 it was supposed to began testings
the technology was given to a private firm most likely tonbo imaging. For fabrication and prototypes testing on hawker testbed.
Vendor delivered/provided software, electro optical sensor , sensor interphase, mfd integration for man machine integration, thermal imager, ccd camera, safe eye laser range finder, & irde to provide laser illuminator & beam generator.
This altogether will enable AMCA mk1 to do both a2a & a2g missions.

Now since 2022 we have heard of it going on hunter testbed that's it. Is it being tested or is it being fabricated successfully or not, is there any problem or not has it faced any issue or it is under seamless testing nothing has came into public they are keeping it highly secretive.
I suppose it is under testing it's fabrication must have been completed by end of 2021 or beginning of 2022. Then to start testing.
Eots was supposed to do 2.5 yrs testing on hunter.
Talking about peculiar part of having 7 sensors I recall initially AMCA had 2 irst sensors. Or this is how it envisioned.
Ig the 7th sensor must the replacement of that upper irst. Iaf must have had thought of having a long range passive sensor on upper side. Given there experience with su30, mig29, rafale all have passive sensors on upper side. It has some role in doctrine.
The ventral side has eots. Which does the job of target designation too for a2g operations. Most likely iaf didn't wanna missout the su30 like irst.
Just another speculation lol.

Now think twice mada faka's before calling AMCA is just paper plane.
We are doing this all with no foreign help.
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Is there even a slim chance for sidebays or bay door pylons for CCMs and DAS integration on Mk1 ?
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Indeed das and eots will go on mk1 it's timeline has made it clear by 2035 this thing will be ready or even in improved form.
Bay doors seems impossible the f35 bay is a deep and its door has outward curve Shape which increases its volume so it has more volume to accomodate a missile there that's not the case with AMCA. It's just a flat like f22's. Also it's internal payload is more 2500kgs compared to 1500kgs of AMCA. Not even slim chance i would rather Expect side bay for CCM on mk2.
And very soon f35 will be able to carry 6 a2a missile.
Is there even a slim chance for sidebays or bay door pylons for CCMs and DAS integration on Mk1 ?
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SWB on AMCA Mk1? I don't think so as the metal cutting started 2 yrs back with design frozen. Bad luck!:smiley-crying:
But DAS-MAWS is a basic part of 5gen jet.
I don't have any infographic or static model pic from IAF/ADA/NAL showing EOTS.
5 CAD asrtists have made AMCA CAD & only 1 of them has shown his visualization with EOTS & DAS:



SWB on AMCA MK2? I'll sincerely pray :pray::pray2: If DRDO can develop CUDA/SACM/MSDM kind of AAM then it would be good. There are Chinese infographic showing they may do it on J-31/35. I put it in my previous post:
I thought the design had been frozen last year.

More mass, same thrust? Does that not reduce fuel/munitions load?

I wonder if there are any signs of the new engine deal for Mk2 coming good soon.
I could be for payload external payload is just 5 tons they could have strengthened wings to carry heavier than design change. The bulkhead is being fabricated.
In what way it can reach 5 ton in external configuration?
The max will go with 2 brahmos ng of 1.5 tons and 2x500kg on each side and a a2a missile on both sides
And also brahmos ng is not gonna weight 1.5 tons it would be around 1.3tons.
But even then ain't no way it is reaching its max.
I speculate they have strengthened the wings for 1000kg, 2000kg bombs. Which then increased the mtow. Otherwise they are in no position to do major redesigning.
Or they just want higher rated hardpoints for future readiness.
SWB on AMCA Mk1? I don't think so as the metal cutting started 2 yrs back with design frozen. Bad luck!:smiley-crying:
But DAS-MAWS is a basic part of 5gen jet.
I don't have any infographic or static model pic from IAF/ADA/NAL showing EOTS.
5 CAD asrtists have made AMCA CAD & only 1 of them has shown his visualization with EOTS & DAS:


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SWB on AMCA MK2? I'll sincerely pray :pray::pray2: If DRDO can develop CUDA/SACM/MSDM kind of AAM then it would be good. There are Chinese infographic showing they may do it on J-31/35. I put it in my previous post:

Apart from the diverterless intake everything looks superb.
When it comes to mic pr we stand at last.
Apart from the diverterless intake everything looks superb.
When it comes to mic pr we stand at last.
I appreciate the work of these CAD artists. But they don't seem to have studied 5gen aircraft design much. None of them have produced a labeled diagram. They might have hurried & competed with each other to bring up a CAD 1st to be used in news & fan websites. For example they have not followed Transonic Area rule. Most of them have not shown DAS/MAWS, EOTS, RF sensors & antennas. The access panels are copied from F-22 & F-35. The EOTS would obstruct bottom DAS. The IRST is non-stealthy. The canopy edge angles are inappropriate.
But for preliminary work they all have done well. On DFI i noticed some of them getting help by knowlegeable members & few things got corrected..

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