AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

If we went also for boom-tanker system then AMCA could have spine-receptacle system with lower RCS from front & right side.
Compatibility with the fleet
Compatibility with the fleet
There are tankers with mixed options also : boom + drogue, we should consider. some countries operate both types separately also. F-18 uses drogue while others use boom.
War means fight, so Fighter which are in more numbers should be given 1st priority & auxilliary items should be made or purchased accordingly.

It came with 5gen jets helping pilot to focus on 1 picture of battle space, coming from multiple sensors as part of the jet or from wingman, other friendly jets, AWACS, satellite, ground asset, etc.

RWR was a standard among 4gen jets, but with analog wide sector indicators. I guess no jet had spherical sensor coverage & narrow direction indicator of incoming missile or enemy jet locked on to us.
Thereafter moresensors were added - RF/EW/ESM/IFF, IR/MAWS, LWR.
It became important even for MLUed 4.5gen jets to have spherical coverage & some degree of sensor fusion with digital display.


Demo cockpit of AMCA has been shown at Aero-India expo. The static model has 1 wide primary MFD & 2nd MFD below it b/w legs.

The actual inducted jet will have a sensor fused view.
But this demo cockpit may not be showing it yet. In lower right coner we see RWR & stores display.
The main 4 bigger sections, from left to right -
- Digital gyroscope/attitude indicator
- Navigation display with map
- Radar/Attack display
- Multiple systems - Fuel, Hydraulics, Electrical, Nozzle position, Anti-ice, Engine RPM % bar,

Another pic:
The RWR has been enlarged on the right.
Navigation display remains at 2nd from left.
Radar/Attack display has been moved below to bottom row.


Navigation & RWR displays


2nd from left is navigation+map display.
Below it are RWR & Radar/Attack displays.
AFAIK the 5gen jets F-22, F-35 & others too, do not care anymore about individual displays like RWR, IRST sweeping, radar sweeps & AESA beams, passive ESM finds, etc. All those things become processing overhead for pilot & for display GPU, hence fused into 1 situation display.

As the AMCA project progresses, we hope to see better version of demo cockpits, more precise, showing sensor fused display.
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Don't compare the Turkish and Korean programs to AMCA. They are nowhere near indigenous.
You can say that about Koreans, but you can't use the Kaan program as an excuse. US has even placed embargoes on the simplest, least critical things like electrical cables, actuators, landing gears and cockpit glass for the Kaan project.

You need to reform your defense bureaucracy for AMCA and other advanced projects.
An old infographic depicting the Stealth & Non-Stealth configuration of the AMCA.


Non-Stealth configuration refers to the configuration of a stealth aircraft wherein it carries it's stores such as missiles, bombs, sensors, fuel tanks etc on external hard points, in other words, more commonly referred to as "Beast-Mode" by military enthusiasts like us.

Point to be noted: Beast mode actually not only involves carrying stores externally but rather it's a combination of the maximum amount of payload in terms of bombs, missiles, Fuel Tanks (FT), sensors that can be fielded by any fighter jet, especially stealth aircraft such as the F-22, F-35, J-20, J-31/J-35, Su-57 etc.

Here is Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning II's in Beast Mode. Same will be seen with AMCA when it enters service.

In the Infographic I shared, the design of the AMCA is different from the most recent & updated configuration which is more akin to the F-35. The design I showed shows the AMCA to be more similar to the F-22 Raptor in terms of design, with the clipped diamond-like delta wings, all-moving horizontal tails (stabilators), fixed rhombohedral shaped jet intakes, which all look almost identical to the ones seen on the F-22. Only the Vertical Stabilisers and the cockpit (somewhat) resembles the F-35.

Scale model of the same AMCA configuration showcased during a def-expo held in India many years ago.

We have come a long way since the first design of the AMCA till the latest one. Extensive wind tunnel testing and CAD modeling has helped our scientists a lot during the course of the AMCA's R&D.
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It is very difficult to decipher some elements in the demo cockpit display. Those who play DCS, MSFS & other simulators might be able to guess better.

Top row:

> AP - Auto Pilot
> AHLD - Altitude Hold?
> ASEL - Altitude Select?
> FD - Flight Director?
> L | G ?
> AT - Auto Thrust?

> NAV - Navigation map/mode active?
> 0.35 206, 0.25 151 ?
> FUEL 2931, 2350 - remaining fuel.
> 027 degree ?
> 6090, 5080 - Altitude?
> SPOO1?
> RT1, RT2?
> VOR - VHF Omni-directional Range?
> TAC - Tactical air navigation?
> IFF M3 - Interogate Friend or Foe frequency select?
> M?

> DISP - Display options?
> 50X TR?

> 068 / 102 NM, 273 / X88 NM - may be navigation beacons bearing, distance.

Multiple systems status


> 2 circles at top corners with 52, 17 - could be nozzle position open %.
> A/ICE - Engine Anti-ice heating OFF / AUTO.
> Vertical white scale & green bar, range 1-10, AB (After Burner), value 82%, 88% - Engine RPM %.
> Vertical yellow scale & greenbar, range 2-10, value 610, 671 - could be engine temperature.
> Small vertical white scale & green bar, range 0-200, FF value 31, 83 - could be Fuel Flow.
> REMN 2931 - Remaining Fuel?
> INT 2350 - Internal Fuel?
> BINGO 400 - Bingo Fuel mark.
But INT should be total & REMN should be less than that, right?
> HYD1, HYD2 280 BAR - Hydraulic pressure.
> DC 28.0 V, AC 114 V - Electricity.
> OIL 6.6, 6.9 BAR - Engine oil pressure.
> LPL, LPR ON - LP no idea, but on Left & right are ON.
> BPL, BPR - BP no idea, but on left & right.
May be LP, BP are pumps.


Navigation, Map display

> LOC - Localizer?
> DCN? - Display Contrast?
> DCL? - Display Color?

> SCL? - Symbols Color?
> DAN?
> FD?
> FPI?
> OVR? - Overlay?

> OBL?
> Lower left corner, blue color : ETA 11:30:55 - Estimated Time of Arrival at waypoint?
> Lower center, blue color : EF with some number - no idea
> Lower right corner, 096/3.42 NM, 058/2.4 NM - Waypoint bearing/distance?
> Top right corner, 6100, 4550 - Altitude?
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