SCL is still running and supplying Fab Chips to the Govt of India especially ISRO etc. Yes it is not the newage technology but there is still a talent of skilled workers there who know how to operate Lithography machines, do testing and designing of VLSI Chips etc. Chandigarh is not in Punjab its a UT shared by both Punjab and Haryana. In ideal situation the Govt should have invited more pvt players and investments there which would have made the local youth population be employed and stay in the area instead of doing Donkey Route to US and Canada. It started in Punjab now even Haryana is following suit. If Punjab govt is not serious then you give it to Haryana Govt who can establish such fab plants in Panchkula Industrial area, on the foothill of Himalaya, not far from NCR as well as away from Al-Bakistan border.
Coming to the one in Bengal, there is a local company named Tagore Tech founded by IIT-Kgp Alumni which has R&D Centers in Illinois and Kolkata..this fabless company got acquired by Global Foundries..for their GaN Chip Patents and technology. It is prolly going to be R&D center where lot of Design and Testing work will be done right now it employing 1000 people. Not sure if a Fab Plant will be establish as there is a confusion. The company GF says they have no intend of opening a Fab Plant there but then the Govt is saying about establishing a Fab Plant 'Shakti' in Kolkata
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