First of the bat - have you read # 3102 & the linked article in this very thread ? If not I suggest you read it. A lot of your misconceptions will be cleared.
Secondly who told you the Chinese lack VLS in their submarines ? The Chinese don't use the JF-17 too but they built it for Paxtan. Similarly they can very well adapt a VLS to fit into the submarines they export to Paxtan.
I'd once again recommend you to read the article linked in the said post.
i read that hv too many mistakes.
1:- pakistani isnt getting qing class submarine but 8 hangor class submarine, which r export version of yuan class diesel submarine. yuan class hv no VLS nd SLBM missiles, how can they give it in export version to pakistan? they hv to do too much upgrade to inbuilt VLS on it, its not easy task. thats why only two diseal submarine (russian amur class nd south korean diesel submarine) hv VLS capabilities.
2:- in qing class submarine they r saying its first type S26 will be 3797 ton displacement (random number

)...than it says it s30 version will be 6628 ton displacement. again random number

. no diesel submarine in world is higher displacement than 3600 ton yet.
3:- they r saying this project is started from 2005 nd its S26 version commenced in 2012. but its S30 version hv no clue. they r saying it will commence in 2020. so its very old article.
4:- they r also saying these two only for pakistan, not for china. so china made S26 (qing class) for pakistan in 2012, but pakistan make deal with china in 2016 for hangor class submarine

5:- even its true, S26 hv no VLS on it. it present only in supposed 6628 ton

S30 class submarine. article also said S26 delivery will start from 2015 to pakistan

i think article written by a indian, by watching some pakistani fan boy video or defense forum post. who hv very little knowledge about diesel submarine.