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If you want to have a good laugh , hear this female out . If you're as serious about history as any history buff is you'd hold your head in despair on what can be described as pseudo history which in itself sounds respectable for these quacks

Meet Rupa Bhaty acolyte & student of the Nilesh Nilkanth Oak school of history which dates the Mb to 12-15,000 years ago & Ramayana to 18,000-22,000 years ago & the Vedas 2 lakh years old , the latter a known charlatan who's been called out multiple times in spite of which he gets invited to podcasts specialising in Dharmic affairs.

As an aside there's a handle on Twitter by the name of Dr Raja Ramohan Roy who's repeatedly debunked Oak with evidence repeatedly among several other people .

Returning to the topic , these are the kind of people who make genuine questioning of theories like the AIT / AMT be branded as either loony or a follower of Hindutva.

And these are the kind of guests popular podcasters like Ranveer Allahabadia hosts which obviously means his team doesn't whet guests beforehand which in turn attracts a viewership of 27 lakhs & counting apart from > 5000 + comments on the video .

Then these half baked ignoramus's go out in the world virtual & real & regurgitate this nonsense liberally adding a few more zeros to the dating.

Be warned I watched the initial 5 min & shut down the podcast .

Meh, i am not too bothered, these type of unga bunga cavemen 'hinduism is 4 lakh crore years old, we are first at everything but also 4 lakh crore years ago' stuff is common to any theory of xyz origination and is seen in the west for the hyperborean AMT peoples (who reject ukraine and put it as vikingstan as the origin of aryan white people and indo europeans etc), same as Chinese ultranationalists etc.

These people are not our direct enemies, they are basically our crazy allies who do more harm than good but still our allies and are best just contained as crackpots than directly attacked in any scholarly way.


Frankly I'd rather we discuss these attempts by Indian born & based historians who've overcome what we've all gone through namely foundational level distortion in our history as taught to us in schools to transcend it & carve out his own path, which we while we ridicule Paxtan's attempts at coming to terms with its own history should also note as to how're we better placed to ridicule them ?

I hope this podcast reaches much more people than intended which is to say that people with little interest in both Tipu & the book on him penned by Vikram Sampath at least view the podcast assuming they won't be buying the book.

What also comes across quite clearly is the transactional spirit of the Hindus which even back in the 18th century was Dhandho Parmo Dharma which some one as astute as Hyder Ali immediately recognises as he calls Hindus a feeble lot not very different from the British description of Hindus being an effeminate lot ( Pranami Gandu & his non violence only underlining their thoughts & beliefs ) & Muslims being the virile ones . Strength has ALWAYS respected strength.

What's more if Tipu wasn't a megalomaniac & indulged in extreme bigotry those Hindus serving him would continue to do so ! What changed the course of events was he brought in his bigoted views to his Court & did away with them .

If this isn't the saddest take away of this podcast , I don't know what is. Plenty of other reveals awaiting those patient enough to sit through 2 hours.

Enjoy !

Similiar video. Loved it
@Azaad @GaudaNaresh

found this twitter handle, focuses on history

On the birthday of Emperor Krishna Deva Raya, a small thread on his daily routine.


Ah yes ! Prasun Nagar from Varanasi - an old twitter friend. Good informative tweets. However lacks depth in analysis which I'd put down to his young age.

Out right now else I'd have linked a few really good handles to follow who offer great in depth analysis focussing on historical processes & obscure History.

Thanks for the tag , brought back memories.

Follow , telugu bidda - Brahmin actually settled in UK into software. Also an old chat buddy.


For those interested in the technical aspects of the decipherment of the SVC language script , Abhijit Chavda hosting Yajnadevam aka Bharat Rao.

2 hour long interview but extremely well presented & rewarding if you're interested in such topics .
@Azaad @GaudaNaresh

found this twitter handle, focuses on history

On the birthday of Emperor Krishna Deva Raya, a small thread on his daily routine.


I wish KDR had put some efforts in modernising Vijayanagara armies. One often overlooked aspect of the battle of Talikota is that the battle was a very slow grinding progress for vijayanagar despite massive numerical advantage ( before the switch of the muslim commanders) and that is largely in part due to lower tech of the Vijayanagar armies compared to the Bahamani coalition- who had significantly better chain mail and used crossbows significantly in their militaries, something that we never adopted, despite its awesome capability of killing horses in 1 shot and getting elephants to be uncomfortable due to deep penetration of its bolts compared to arrows, while having the capability of 'incredible lucky shot to 1 shot an elephant too'.

The one consistent theme of Indian history since the middle kannauj period has been Indian militaries always fall behind technologically/lack innovation compared to the invaders and rely on discipline, strategy and numbers to carry the day.

It would be interesting to explore the history of why this is - yes, we know the pattern of 'big empire =lots of elephants = all foreigners stay away, except huns who killed the guptas', we also know the whole 'its a free for all when north indian empire is falling, come in and conquer, coz they dont have horses and now only have a couple 100 elephants each'.
But what we also see, is that foreign powers consistently get their asses owned somewhere in central India - from Arabs to Huns to Greeks, they get their asses owned in Malwa region, then piss off, India goes back to infighting for supremacy. Yet, after the kannauj triangle period, that all changed.
The successors of the Kannauj triangle period - except for the Chaulkyas & Cholas- were all total fattus and somehow everything north of maharashtra-andra region became total incompetent fools at war and pretty much always lost to the invader in the 950s CE to the 1700 CE period.

Even the great mughals were technologically significantly behind when Nader Shah finally kicked their asses in Karnal.
@Azaad @GaudaNaresh

found this twitter handle, focuses on history

On the birthday of Emperor Krishna Deva Raya, a small thread on his daily routine.


Here's a list in no particular order of some user handles I used to follow, of individuals mostly & some of online media specialising in Indic history , religion , rituals , art , aesthetics , architecture , temples, philosophy, society , culture , genetics especially archaeogenetics , current affairs, politics, etc as seen thru Indic / Dharmic lens almost all Indians mostly residing in India & in a few cases the US except for the last 3 .

Have interacted with most if not all of them & a few on a near daily basis when I was active on Twitter .

who had significantly better chain mail and used crossbows significantly in their militaries, something that we never adopted, despite its awesome capability of killing horses in 1 shot and getting elephants to be uncomfortable due to deep penetration of its bolts compared to arrows, while having the capability of 'incredible lucky shot to 1 shot an elephant too'.
As someone who have fired both, I think crossbows have a shorter range, and Arrows carry more kinetic energy and penetration at range
As someone who have fired both, I think crossbows have a shorter range, and Arrows carry more kinetic energy and penetration at range
It's not a cross bow but the Turkish composite bow which has a longer range & deeper penetrative capabilities , with its origins in the Asian steppes & its use documented to at least the 3rd century BCE.

Practically every nomadic group which originated there had been using it in war till medivael times.



For those interested in the technical aspects of the decipherment of the SVC language script , Abhijit Chavda hosting Yajnadevam aka Bharat Rao.

2 hour long interview but extremely well presented & rewarding if you're interested in such topics .

Just watched it. Won't believe until peer reviewed and vetted. But if proven right, that would change the whole narrative.
even if someone/some group agrees to review it, what will they validate it against?
considering it's his own cipher, methodology he used to create his cipher and it's application?
He did claim to have used Shannon's work as a basis.
As someone who have fired both, I think crossbows have a shorter range, and Arrows carry more kinetic energy and penetration at range
well that maybe so, but if we read about the Han-Xiongnu wars, the han pretty much used pike & crossbow formation tactic where crossbowmen were center core of bunch of pikemen and absolutely massacred any Xiongnu horsemen who got anywhere in range and were devastatingly effective in such fashion.
Sure, at range, a bow, particularly composite bow packs a lot more power but if you were to use projectile weaponry to neutralize horsmen without having much horsemen of your own, the crossbow works in ways that normal archers don't.
At least we dont have historical records of steppe cavalry getting mowed down by foot archers anywhere in record, but we DO have record of steppe cavalry getting mowed down by crowssbows. Maybe its because crossbows are smaller and much more durable so you can rest them on the ground easier and thus easier to hide/surprise the incoming horsemen with - whatever it is, the point is, the crossbow works well in neutralizing cavalry in close range and may even work against elephants to a certain degree at close range is why the Bahamani sultans used crossbows and phased out foot archers. With proliferation of chain mail, i think crossbows became better bet, especially at killing elite soldiers/commanders in elite armor, coz crossbows definitely win the penitration contest vs arrows when it comes to versus armor.
What peer review ??
It will fail in peer review, just like shrikant Talageri's brilliant work have will not be accepted because it will completely change the narrative
Highly possible. The gatekeepers are red clowns. Even worse, this is a multi disciplinary work requiring experts from respective fields. The bias would be heavy.
Highly possible. The gatekeepers are red clowns. Even worse, this is a multi disciplinary work requiring experts from respective fields. The bias would be heavy.
You only require an expert Sanskritist & an expert Cryptographer to validate his work . Shouldn't be too difficult in this land of ours.
You only require an expert Sanskritist & an expert Cryptographer to validate his work . Shouldn't be too difficult in this land of ours.
actually yes, it is indeed too difficult. finding them is easy but getting them to work on this particular project is difficult. this kind of works generally take decades to get reviewed and getting any recognition. I believe this dude will publish books and make a lot of money with the hype he created. meanwhile, the actual papers will rot in the time until it finally gets reviewed, if ever.
actually yes, it is indeed too difficult. finding them is easy but getting them to work on this particular project is difficult. this kind of works generally take decades to get reviewed and getting any recognition. I believe this dude will publish books and make a lot of money with the hype he created. meanwhile, the actual papers will rot in the time until it finally gets reviewed, if ever.
From the little I understand it's the cipher that needs to be validated. If it holds true for a few long worded seals it'd hold true for all the seals . That's how he went about cracking the SVC by his own admission. That & by studying Sue Sullivan's decryption of the SVC script.

Moreover he isn't a trained Sanskritist either , not that he needs to be one too but relied on whatever he learnt or any rate remembered from his school days which is elementary Sanskrit with the rest being whatever he found online.
From the little I understand it's the cipher that needs to be validated. If it holds true for a few long worded seals it'd hold true for all the seals . That's how he went about cracking the SVC by his own admission. That & by studying Sue Sullivan's decryption of the SVC script.

Moreover he isn't a trained Sanskritist either , not that he needs to be one too but relied on whatever he learnt or any rate remembered from his school days which is elementary Sanskrit with the rest being whatever he found online.
his site has many deciphered long worded sentences. one thing that is bugging me though is that the seals are mostly religious in nature as per his translation into vedic sanskrit. I always assumed the seals were more trade related.

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