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Colonel Dyer's infamous Jallianwala Bagh massacre is well known.

But Will Durant describes a "barbaric orgy of military sadism" thereafter.

Something I've never heard of:

"A reign of official terror followed. General Dyer issued an order that Hindus using the street in which the woman missionary had been beaten should crawl on their bellies; if they tried to rise to all fours, they were struck by the butts of soldiers' guns.

He arrested 500 professors and students and compelled all students to present themselves daily for roll calls, though this required that many of them should walk sixteen miles a day. He had hundreds of citizens, and some school-boys, quite innocent of any crime, flogged in the public square.

He built an open cage, unprotected from the sun, for the confinement of arrested persons; other prisoners he bound together with ropes, and kept in open trucks for fifteen hours.

He had lime poured upon the naked bodies of Sadhus (saints), and then exposed them to the sun's rays that the lime might harden and crack their skin. He cut off the electric and water supplies from Indian houses and ordered all electric fans possessed by Hindus to be surrendered, and given gratis to the British.

Finally, he sent airplanes to drop bombs upon men and women working in the fields."

Lest you forget, much of this was enforced & committed by Indians onto other Indians. Always keep that in mind.
Something even more interesting is this.
This handle is trying to decipher the Indus script and the decipherment makes sense if one takes the seals into account.

What more interesting is, in his research, he found Indus script used phonotactic principles of Sanskrit contrary to the previous assumption of proto Dravidian language dominance.


Sad to see there are no Central Initiative to take on Archeology and deciphering ancient scripts and texts.

Chinese started this back in 1970s and they found so many ancient burial grounds and texts and now take pride in their ancient history.​

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