India at Olympics

The thing is player internal thinking, India this time totally lost because of PLAYERS DEFEATIST MINDSET, no conditional coach can do anything here.

These type of TOTAL DOMINATION things must come from inside. In India TOTAL DOMINATION is treated with BHAV KHA raha hai terms. Yes, I am talking about neighborhood gullies from where every Indian athelete of this olympics might have come.

It's too much for a nation like us,many of them here too in this forum, who carry the legacy of BROWN SEPOY, who seeks validation of everything from gora and world.

You show BHAI CHARA to these jihadis they will start in their mind with GHAZWA-E-HIND stupidity.
Yup Mindset is important. Neeraj chopra like a typical Indian had the sabka saath sabka vikas mentality for the past 4 years whereas I am pretty sure Arshad treated it as a do or die battle to defeat the Kaffir.
Veg vs non-veg is nothing but primitive cluelessness on the part of Indians. When you can not grasp the nuances of modern competitive sports you start blaming diet. Same like old granny 'Mere bete ne Khana khaya kya?
Since people were talking like Alpha males in this thread sometime. Lets see some data points of this two throwers.

From 2017 to 2024. (Wiki)

Neeraj Chopra

Arshad Nadeem


Can you see the pattern both of these guys become consistent in the 88-89 range with occasional monster throws by Nadeem. Upto Tokyo Arshad is poor and started to pick up from CWG 2022. Neeraj on the other hand look consistent with this throws. His variations are minor compared to Arshad. But he played less tournaments coming to Paris 2024 and had some injuries.

This become a more or less an equal footing and only way to break the ice is to throw the monsters. Yesterday Nadeem throwed and won. In coming years both of these guys going to throw big to win since their throwing distance become more or less same.

On the other hand the Germans, Czech have big history in Javelin is now struggling to throw decently. A very rare case where an Competition become fight between two sub continent countries and an Carribean country.

Both of them were 26/27 age bracket and if not injury prone will have another peak at LA28.
Congratulations Indian Hockey and Neeraj Chopra.

I hope we retain all the learning, soak and develop libraries on coaching techniques and keep investing in new technologies to advance our sports.

This has been our main problem across all domains, be it sports, military, education. We never learn or don't develop on the things we have learnt.
Like @ezsasa has said in one of his post, winning an Olympic medal is an outcome of a process. We still do not have that process set properly like school championships, university level championships etc. Until then we cannot expect anything big. No amount of top down approach will work in getting us medals consistently.

Congrats to Neeraj Chopra. Like many have said its not easy to win back to back medals.
Veg vs non-veg is nothing but primitive cluelessness on the part of Indians. When you can not grasp the nuances of modern competitive sports you start blaming diet. Same like old granny 'Mere bete ne Khana khaya kya?

Ya'll Remember Neeraj Chopra got Silver despite ingury and beating own record at Tokyo. Find this Veg Versues Non veg argument childish by members who are unable to garpse the situation at all.
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This is fully misleading than protein can only be get in numbers from non veg diet, FYI I was able to recover my protein levels from all time low, and that was extreme low literally to more than needed in a average person in just months, without any protein supplements or medicines. So even for many athletes who were vegetarian were able to perform better and totally dominate their fields.
no you cant an athelete needs protein which is much more than usual people need lets say you weigh at 75kg
a non atheletic person needs 0.8-1 gm protein /kg of his body weight=60-70gm daily

a gym going person which does normal workout needs 1.5-1.6gm/kg of his body weight=120gm daily

a olympic level athelete needs 2-2.4gm/ pg of his body weight =165 gm daily

now veg diets with milk products are okay for the first two categories but for olympian levels (in some sports) you would need a protein source which is natural ,low carbohydrate and easily consumable (is it not possible for veg guys i would say its possible but again its much much harder for them to complete the protein profile and balance fats carbs intake cause the primary nutrient of plant based diet is starch (which is carbs) )
no you cant an athelete needs protein which is much more than usual people need lets say you weigh at 75kg
a non atheletic person needs 0.8-1 gm protein /kg of his body weight=60-70gm daily

a gym going person which does normal workout needs 1.5-1.6gm/kg of his body weight=120gm daily

a olympic level athelete needs 2-2.4gm/ pg of his body weight =165 gm daily

now veg diets with milk products are okay for the first two categories but for olympian levels (in some sports) you would need a protein source which is natural ,low carbohydrate and easily consumable (is it not possible for veg guys i would say its possible but again its much much harder for them to complete the protein profile and balance fats carbs intake cause the primary nutrient of plant based diet is starch (which is carbs) )
Ya'll @hit&run Nibba expect your expert opinion on this post.
Nothing seems to be going well for us this year.
All those kanging about meat eating and genes should know that 5ft 5in east Asians throw all muscular arab momins Outta water in sports. Performance comes down to 2 things training and mindset. What many people don't know that most western and even relatively poor country have robust sport infra in their schools, that allows people there to train from ages like 9-10 and be invested in it, now compare that to our shit school system where in the name of physical activity who either have just running like idiot for 5mins in a circle or Playing dumb outdoor games, hell atleast like 10 years ago we used to play kabaddi or light kusthi, both boys and girls used to play these. Nowadays in the name of study barely any school has freetime for sports, even those that have it on paper usually give to some teacher cuz they have to "complete the syllabus". This is not how you make athletes, no matter how much you spend in advanced levels without a robust primary and middle level infra all of that is just useless. Most of our athletes pickup their sports when they're like 14-15 years of age, by this point only a pure genius can give you consistent good performance. Even then training is dogshit outside really top academies and we still don't have good sports doctors.

People whining about budget and diet should know that real problem is in lower levels, from which those who make it to higher levels are already quite mediocre compared to their competitors worldwide, after that no amount of training or meat is gonna make them turn into record breakers.

There are some steps we take rn to improve out situation first of it would be to have mandatory 3 hours of pt atleast 2 days out of 6 school days in all school,no expections and there should be strict policy that these hours can't be used for anything else. Second we need more sports centres in rural semi-urb areas , they don't have to be world-class just make them function even that would be a massive improvement, we can implement sports based quota in unis like yanks do but I'm a bit on the fence about this. Our general shit performance in sports doesn't have a single Silver bullet solution as many would like to think. Eating more meat and allocating a gorillion rupee will not suddenly give us 100 golds in Olympics, the issue is multi-layers and structural.
All those kanging about meat eating and genes should know that 5ft 5in east Asians throw all muscular arab momins Outta water in sports. Performance comes down to 2 things training and mindset. What many people don't know that most western and even relatively poor country have robust sport infra in their schools, that allows people there to train from ages like 9-10 and be invested in it, now compare that to our shit school system where in the name of physical activity who either have just running like idiot for 5mins in a circle or Playing dumb outdoor games, hell atleast like 10 years ago we used to play kabaddi or light kusthi, both boys and girls used to play these. Nowadays in the name of study barely any school has freetime for sports, even those that have it on paper usually give to some teacher cuz they have to "complete the syllabus". This is not how you make athletes, no matter how much you spend in advanced levels without a robust primary and middle level infra all of that is just useless. Most of our athletes pickup their sports when they're like 14-15 years of age, by this point only a pure genius can give you consistent good performance. Even then training is dogshit outside really top academies and we still don't have good sports doctors.

People whining about budget and diet should know that real problem is in lower levels, from which those who make it to higher levels are already quite mediocre compared to their competitors worldwide, after that no amount of training or meat is gonna make them turn into record breakers.

There are some steps we take rn to improve out situation first of it would be to have mandatory 3 hours of pt atleast 2 days out of 6 school days in all school,no expections and there should be strict policy that these hours can't be used for anything else. Second we need more sports centres in rural semi-urb areas , they don't have to be world-class just make them function even that would be a massive improvement, we can implement sports based quota in unis like yanks do but I'm a bit on the fence about this. Our general shit performance in sports doesn't have a single Silver bullet solution as many would like to think. Eating more meat and allocating a gorillion rupee will not suddenly give us 100 golds in Olympics, the issue is multi-layers and structural.

have you seen the chinki olympic battalion? Even their girls are 1.70m and above. No idea where this east asians being short meme came to be. It is the opposite. they are much taller than the average indian. Average male height in north china is close to 1.8m, almost western europe levels. Koreans are very tall as well. Very few parts of india has such average height. Among girls this is much more stark. Veg high protein diet is a very real thing. In india almost every state has severe protein deficiency and childhood stunting. This is what we should actually be first targetting.
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I know guys, this might not sound good at all.
But, let me add this with heavy heart.
Pakistan with less than 10 athletes have 1 Gold vs India with more than 100 athletes and no gold.
Yeah, we achieved that, thanks to Choker and Khel Hi to hai mindset.
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no you cant an athelete needs protein which is much more than usual people need lets say you weigh at 75kg
a non atheletic person needs 0.8-1 gm protein /kg of his body weight=60-70gm daily

a gym going person which does normal workout needs 1.5-1.6gm/kg of his body weight=120gm daily

a olympic level athelete needs 2-2.4gm/ pg of his body weight =165 gm daily

now veg diets with milk products are okay for the first two categories but for olympian levels (in some sports) you would need a protein source which is natural ,low carbohydrate and easily consumable (is it not possible for veg guys i would say its possible but again its much much harder for them to complete the protein profile and balance fats carbs intake cause the primary nutrient of plant based diet is starch (which is carbs) )
This is outdated nutritional advice based on intuitively thinking eating meat is more masculine than plant based foods. There are a couple of Netflix documentaries which debunk this even while they do propaganda for vegan food, core message and takeaway is still pertinent.
Gladiators in Rome themselves did not eat meat.
have you seen the chinki olympic battalion? Even their girls are 1.70m and above. No idea where this east asians being short meme came to be. It is the opposite. they are much taller than the average indian. Average male height in north china is close to 1.8m, almost western europe levels. Koreans are very tall as well. Very few parts of india has such average height. Among girls this is much more stark. Meat or high protein diet is a very real thing. In india almost every state has severe protein deficiency and childhood stunting. This is what we should actually be first targetting.
Height has just as much correlation with how much calories you consume during growing age than just about eating meat.
You cannot compare athletes handpicked for their physical endowments in sport and extrapolate that to gen population. Affluent Indians in general are taller on average than East Asians, you can observe this whenever you travel anywhere. Else you can compare height of Badminton players too and draw that same conclusion where Sindhu towers over everyone of the Chinks.
have you seen the chinki olympic battalion? Even their girls are 1.70m and above. No idea where this east asians being short meme came to be. It is the opposite. they are much taller than the average indian. Average male height in north china is close to 1.8m, almost western europe levels. Koreans are very tall as well. Very few parts of india has such average height. Among girls this is much more stark. Veg high protein diet is a very real thing. In india almost every state has severe protein deficiency and childhood stunting. This is what we should actually be first targetting.
You're right about protein deficiency but that wasn't the point of my post, I am not staying we shouldn't focus on dieting, I was just talking about state of our sports infra. Vegetarianism isn't the issue, the thing is indians are bad at even being vegetarian, most of our diet is just carbs and sugar, mos of our population barely consumes Proteinious veg stuff like diary and soybeans, even most veggies are cooked in a way that guts any protein in them. Finally I am not against eating meat, it would be hypocritical cause even I eat meat, I am just against this racist mindset that most pakis and some dumbass indians have that makes them think meat is a alternative for good sports culture.
Indians must start eating meat rigorously if they want to improve their vigor. This Multigenerational malnutrition has become inherited.

Apart from multiple famines, stupidity by brahmins and buddhists destroyed the whole physical parameters as well as martial mentality.
This is outdated nutritional advice based on intuitively thinking eating meat is more masculine than plant based foods. There are a couple of Netflix documentaries which debunk this even while they do propaganda for vegan food, core message and takeaway is still pertinent.
Gladiators in Rome themselves did not eat meat.
It's not about masculine or feminine. Meat is imo the best natural protein source followed by Dairy. Gladiators weren't vegetarians by choice ! A lot of them were fcken POW who got a POW's diet which doesn't consist of a lot of meat, as vegetables and grains were cheap. Meat wasn't always this cheap ! Why are we against meat based diets so much ? (I am not targeting anyone and want to keep this convo as civil as possible)
Plant based protein have lower absorption rate

You will have lower absorption rate like if you eat 100 80 will be absorber by body for animal it's is near 95.

We are playing way too much into protein argument, there are 100 other things that are wrong with our sports..

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