Then we differ on the definition of stealth as I've given you my parameters above whereas you're deliberately keeping your standards higher ( or lower depending on one's PoV) to accommodate the Su-57.
My standards are based on these factor.
I consider a normal modern GaAs aesa radar with 1000-1500 trm.
If under optimal conditions( not EW to degrade the radar) it can track the jet beyond wvr( within visual range) range than the jet will not be a vlo.
For a jet to be vlo the radar should not be able to track it beyond wvr range( 40-50km)
I took wvr because at this range irst is much better than radar in tracking jet, so radars are not useful at this range and because you will tracked by irst, stealth is also not game changer anymore, and unlike rcs ir signatures is hard to reduce by magnitudes.
So even f35, j20 etc with reduction in ir signature cam be tracked by more irst at 30-50km.
Based on simulations and using this formula as base and putting realistic conditions.
Also putting capabilities of that radar as being able to track a 0.5m2 target at 130-150km under optimal conditions( realistic for modern aesa radars without any EW degradation)
We get.
For f35.
Detection range:-23-26 km.
Tracking range:- 16-18km.
For j20.
Detection range:-35-40km
Tracking range:-25 to 30km.
For su57
Detection range:-50-60km.
Tracking range:- 35-40km.
Tracking for All is below wvr range.
for comparison if we take a LO target like rafale, tejas mk2, SH blk3 with frontal median rcs of 0.1m2-0.2m2( clean configuration without payload, not combat capable) at x band.
Then detection range:- 80-110km.
Tracking range:- 65-80km
So tracking range exceed vwr range here .
Hence me putting su57 as a vlo jet.
Also with payload su57's rcs will not increase where as for rafale, tejas mk2, shblk3 their rcs can increase upto 0.5-0.8m2 just by carrying pure air to air payload with not fuel tank.