I was doing some analysis of the non-technical exports of China (i.e. exports that do not require Hi-Tec machinery or know how). Looking at the exports numbers it was quite evident that for most part of this century we have not even tried to achieve 3rd or even 4th spot in these categories.
It has been only few years since we have started to focus on these sectors like Furniture, footwear, toys etc. and around building infra to reduce input costs, transport costs, ports etc.
Reaching even 30% of China's scale in these sectors will create huge employment and also reduce our trade deficit in merchandise trade to a large extent.
China (2023): $121.47B
India (2023): $2.34B
China (2023): $88:50B
India (2023): $501.46M
Footwear Exports
China (2023): $53.01B
India (2023): $2.53B
Glass & Glassware
China (2023): $25.37B
India (2023): $1.08B
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during that period not just India, it's the same across the world. if we recall where chini virus started in europe, it started in florence among chini workers in a chini textile company in italy.
the idea that was forced upon by goras was:
china would be world's factory,
U.S would be making their printers go brrrr,
India would be world's back office and tech support,
eastern europe would be gora's bread basket,
south america was already in total control of the left so nothing productive came from there,
africa was not in picture,
australia would supply coal and minerals to china to run their factories,
muslim world will not be allowed to settle with one regime change after another,
NGOs were dictating policies in all countries except china, russia and noko.
and goras would be sipping champagnes in their cocotail parties and lecturing everyone.
that was the essence of "liberal world order".
and in India, NGO's were running riot on the streets and in courts, making sure gora plans were implemented. existing manufacturing capacities were forced to close, infra was not allowed to be built by climate change activists etc etc.