Indian Politics and Democracy

The converse is also, at the first sign of push back, 56DD will roll it back. When comic book followers block the streets and start riots, hriday samrat goes MIA. I truly believe he had nothing to do with 2002 Guj riots. It was the aam gujju who for a change went medieval on the peacefuls.
Everybody knows this, he will rollback the laws and will let someone of junior rank like Anurag Thakur come and say "India was on the verge of attacks by foreign guided internal enemies", the irony is that all know who they are but still this government will go and peddle to them, them, who hate this government to the core.
you got it all wrong what i was trying to say. What i have been saying laws are govt stick, an essential one which every serious govt in the world has. But if you really want vishwaguru limelight then you need to have your ecosystem. Govt cant build it, you need to nudge people to build, operate. Then support by adopting for communication channel. promote it with your soft power. manipulate it behind scenes for nations benefit. Aim is get the temperate the narratives back and counter outside social engineering. If we think we cant control - these are the current times - then yeah all is lost then, we have to sit aback - twiddle thumbs. Farm Bill became Frankenstein because of Modii's blue eyed Social Media platform - whatsapp. Had it been hike - would not Indian Govt been aware of the "public"<sarcastic> sentiment trend? Could they not have devised counter media content to arrest cascade of emotions? Farm Bill agitation was fanned by outside Social Media, funded by outside players. If Govt keeps on loosing control of narratives - what can lamenting later achieve

i have already factored in that they are not coming back at current progression, because of these very reasons.

going forward i will try to reduce spending my time on connecting the dots as well, i am just hoping i can get some one interested in this forum who will keep track of boring small events that are happening on the ground, not just go with SM outrage cycles.

safe to assume, NDA is not coming back in 2029, if it survives that long in the first place.
it's been only two months in this term, but if they continue to not invest in soft power accounting for hostile social media platforms , law of diminishing returns will apply.
i have already factored in that they are not coming back at current progression, because of these very reasons.

going forward i will try to reduce spending my time on connecting the dots as well, i am just hoping i can get some one interested in this forum who will keep track of boring small events that are happening on the ground, not just go with SM outrage cycles.
Ahh This thought because you still think there is "India" on social media then there is "Bharat" away from social media. Just go and Read Swarajya after election reports where a Tamil Reporter goes and surveys interior Punjab and Haryana. One thing common was people ditching idiot box for Mobile. On avg spending 4 to 8 hours on phone to get everything.. So what do you think would impacting on influencing events on ground? This is the situation all over the country. This is a curve ball for every one who still thinks Old school thinking will work onwards.

Addendum: Its not about BJP or Congress. Its about Narrative control going outside India. It will pinch any govt. Moreover it will pinch people who want Nation to grow badly as it shall encourage "sub nationalism". Its threat to idea of Bharat.
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Ahh This thought because you still think there is "India" on social media then there is "Bharat" away from social media. Just go and Read Swarajya after election reports where a Tamil Reporter goes and surveys interior Punjab and Haryana. One thing common was people ditching idiot box for Mobile. On avg spending 4 to 8 hours on phone to get everything.. So what do you think would impacting on influencing events on ground? This is the situation all over the country. This is a curve ball for every one who still thinks Old school thinking will work onwards.

Addendum: Its not about BJP or Congress. Its about Narrative control going outside India. It will pinch any govt. Moreover it will pinch people who want Nation to grow badly as it shall encourage "sub nationalism". Its threat to idea of Bharat.

small boring events here does not mean, just the ones that get amplified or necessarily linked to govt/party-public interaction points. i am sure, there are literally crores of people on a daily basis who are cued into these things. there is also civil society interaction points, which currently the left dominates. things that a few hundreds or thousands are cued into.

in the context of this discussion it would be things like a new publisher/portal/NGO dedicated to non-left topics, some policy decision (past and present) which will not get amplified by algorithms you will have to go looking for it, some book that got released . ideas, paper or oped (past and present)which has potential to either become policy or policy assist later. small things that fill the gaps in our understanding of difference between expectation and reality, on why things are happening the way they are.
small boring events here does not mean, just the ones that get amplified or necessarily linked to govt/party-public interaction points. i am sure, there are literally crores of people on a daily basis who are cued into these things. there is also civil society interaction points, which currently the left dominates. things that a few hundreds or thousands are cued into.

in the context of this discussion it would be things like a new publisher/portal/NGO dedicated to non-left topics, some policy decision (past and present) which will not get amplified by algorithms you will have to go looking for it, some book that got released . ideas, paper or oped (past and present)which has potential to either become policy or policy assist later. small things that fill the gaps in our understanding of difference between expectation and reality, on why things are happening the way they are.
ok idea is good but how does it tackle the Damocles sword hanging on our head? I can see as you say since Govts are clueless on how to handle this SM monster (not only you, but even govt leaning channels have admitted in twitter spaces discussions) - I see govt shall be busy fighting lit fires till it figures how to deal with it.

This also add onto a point of research that you can add into list. How SM shall be impacting the policy research. And please dont think policy makers wont be taking this shortcut - consider in product /service arena how fast sentiment analysis is piping up traditional intimate customer surveys
So, both LJP and TDP want the bill to be sent to Standing Committee.

Standing Committee will make SOME suggestions diluting the bill. Since, a coalition govt, will have to accept the recommendations.
Welcome back to the era of coalition govt.
This also add onto a point of research that you can add into list. How SM shall be impacting the policy research. And please dont think policy makers wont be taking this shortcut - consider in product /service arena how fast sentiment analysis is piping up traditional intimate customer surveys

who ever wants to take it up, one has to go down the rabbit hole themselves. pretty sure, this is a well researched topic.
opposition is saying, how can non-muslims be members of waqf board.
as and when temple from govt control comes up, opposition cannot oppose removing non-hindu from temple boards.

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