Indian Special Forces

Yes, mentality differences is the main reason. In JSOC, 99% of its soldiers wants to be deployed for combat operation because none of them are permanently deployed in conflict zones. Their higher ops understand the problem of prolonged department in battle zones. So they made 6 to 9 month tours to battle zones with rest of the time dedicated to training and development of tactics based on experience from battles. So They knows that doing PSO duty is waste of time and skills, so they hate it.

While most para units are permanently deployed in conflict zones, with its soldiers are continuously deployed in battle zones for 10 to 12 years, they consider such PSO duties as a mentel relief from high tense environment. And para SF don't have the luxury of going back to unit and develp a proper tactics or do some proper training. And para SF don't have a centralised command structure. Different battalion conduct things as they like, no place for proper training or exchange of tactics, experience or joint development of tactics with different battalions. JE conducted within para battalions are more of ego clash than joint development of tactics.
Ego is higher than mountain in para SF which is clearly seen in YouTube podcast with para officers proudly claiming that he said 'stfu' to his foreign counterparts when they tried to teach para SF guys on new shooting style!!.
Some para guys like to be the pet of generals. Luxurious life, better accommodation, good schools for kids etc etc ... And generals like to show off para SF (most elite unit of Indian army) as their bodyguard.
I remember watching Andy Stumpf talking about his PSO role to former Afghan President at the start of the conflict in Afghanistan. The reason why many guys hated that, he said was because it's very reactive. A tier 1 operator already knows what's going to happen wrong but cant react unless it has actually happened
I think we are upgrading quite a bit .....
Its in patches and is often not not reflected on the area of operation , but now i am quite confident that in a few dozen years we will be up to date ..
Gear and all they can get in the next 5-7 years but i havent seen much changes in drills and weapon handling in the last 20 years.

And i doubt it will change much in Para SF in the next 10.

Would be happy to be proven wrong when foreign instructor hiring is made.
Gear and all they can get in the next 5-7 years but i havent seen much changes in drills and weapon handling in the last 20 years.

And i doubt it will change much in Para SF in the next 10.

Would be happy to be proven wrong when foreign instructor hiring is made.
11 has external instructors if rumours are true as @Yodha sir once hinted (didn't take the name but said a SF unit has been doing great demos with peltors, assault dogs and a modern kill house - I made a hunch it would be 11).

Instructor hire karne meh issue nahi hai - money isn't the big deal - ego issues are. And unless there's a joint command to standardise stuff and force things down uniformly things would go on like 3 units getting AT kits and others running around in old chest rig/lbg configurations.


Guys, just finished watching this - go for it if you're a little frustrated with officers appearing on podcasts with triggering takes.

This guy:

- participated in pathankot anti terror op
- got a DG commendation card
- got a sena medal for a casualty free op in J&K
- is humble, very experienced & gullible (nice to listen to)
- knows our strengths & weaknesses vis a vis foreign SF very well

100% recommended!

They are upgrading for sure anyone who believes otherwise is probably dumb or ignorant who doesn't wanna admit it.

Now the problem isn't upgradation

They have several other problems
- the speed
- the vast difference in between units of gear and tactics that they use
- no concept of standardising anything from gear to training
- No clarity in their roles

This is just basic simplised version their is tons of more of these things we all know and have known since years. But just be happy that something is happening atleast that's my copium.

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