Yes, mentality differences is the main reason. In JSOC, 99% of its soldiers wants to be deployed for combat operation because none of them are permanently deployed in conflict zones. Their higher ops understand the problem of prolonged department in battle zones. So they made 6 to 9 month tours to battle zones with rest of the time dedicated to training and development of tactics based on experience from battles. So They knows that doing PSO duty is waste of time and skills, so they hate it.
While most para units are permanently deployed in conflict zones, with its soldiers are continuously deployed in battle zones for 10 to 12 years, they consider such PSO duties as a mentel relief from high tense environment. And para SF don't have the luxury of going back to unit and develp a proper tactics or do some proper training. And para SF don't have a centralised command structure. Different battalion conduct things as they like, no place for proper training or exchange of tactics, experience or joint development of tactics with different battalions. JE conducted within para battalions are more of ego clash than joint development of tactics.
Ego is higher than mountain in para SF which is clearly seen in YouTube podcast with para officers proudly claiming that he said 'stfu' to his foreign counterparts when they tried to teach para SF guys on new shooting style!!.
Some para guys like to be the pet of generals. Luxurious life, better accommodation, good schools for kids etc etc ... And generals like to show off para SF (most elite unit of Indian army) as their bodyguard.