Indian Special Forces

The real reason is that all the highly intelligent indians come to the west to better their careers and future. Harsh reality but do compare the IQs of Indian American to the average indian.
Its the culture inside the Armed forces IMO, which is feudalistic and discourages entry of smart people and favours nepo kids.
In India Military is non glamorous and very unexciting job with higher risk to reward ratio. Indian Forces are stuck in 70s and refusing to evolve to modern standards.
Smarter guys find it easier to go abroad and get better opportunities
Its the culture inside the Armed forces IMO, which is feudalistic and discourages entry of smart people and favours nepo kids.
India has a large brain drain problem. And my experiences are with FOBs, so the smarter amongst the Indians as they are in US for further education. They seem to be very backward in their beliefs. I just wonder how bad the situation is india, with the emphasis of caste politics in india and not financing a MIC, SF command, etc.
India has a large brain drain problem. And my experiences are with FOBs, so the smarter amongst the Indians as they are in US for further education. They seem to be very backward in their beliefs. I just wonder how bad the situation is india, with the emphasis of caste politics in india and not financing a MIC, SF command, etc.
Pretty bad IMO, borderline hopeless.
And we Indians love cast/religious politics for different reasons
@abingdonboy @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @Noob @Airborne22 @Nightshade1992 @DumbPilot

Lads check this out...
From one of my favourite SOF books of all time, this one is written by a guy who was the highest ranking enlisted service member of the SAS ever to tell his story....he served all throughout the 1970s-80s-90s retired in late 90s.

He served in B Squadron (Air troop) 22 SAS, Counter revolutionary warfare wing, Revolutionary warfare wing, MI6 (E Squadron) training the Mujhahadeen and fighting soviets as well as member of Brixmis (UK Spy unit in East Berlin)

Pardon me on the lighting, hope it's easily readible.

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Take a look at how old school SAS resembelled our own problems faced by Para SF and how far ahead they've come. "low-tech, rather inward-looking, insular unit" and how bad it was for them.

Being promoted under the system of dead men;s hsoes, as a function of time served, instead of on merit. Time to serve was so bad, the author thought it was better to join the Police instead.

He talks about a few of the unit NCOs absolutely incapable of leading exercises, no internal command courses, and operational fuck ups.

Again like our 'bhagwan bharose' mindset, they had a few young guys using their initiative to save the day he says.

It took 20 years even for the SAS to change into something much much better. And the first step towards that was acceptance, which he showed. He also mentions how the Iranian Embassy Seige was just the biggest exception. The Falklands was a mishappening altogether, fighting against the IRA was a showdown - alot of bad things, oh the Bravo 2 Zero patrol !?
We haven’t suffered a huge reverse like 1962 to wake up.

That’s the only way our potbellied bald headed 90 year old pig generals will ever wake up. Until then they will keep throwing all communities from india into battle as fodder.
Some more Blackpill: Reality of the 1971 western front war, as described by Major General Shukhwant Singh. IMG_3192.webp
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I agree man, the Army is the same WW2 one, culturally speaking. The Indian army is at best a peacekeeping fauj, what little capabilities we showed in 1971, 1988 (Maldives), we are'nt 10% of that currently. Our wake calls are a big embarrasment, dont think these small ones you see in exercises when the guy cant shoot properly are going to do much harm. Defence related discussions are growing in this country but you have these privillaged brats who take it to their ego alot. Retards tbh
Army is the same with the same capabilities like 1988 and 1971..

Its just that the enemy has improved.

Like what happened to our Para SF..they are same but the terrorists brought new things.
Japs and SoKo ain't no virgin those guys are well trained and maintained SF dudes and well respected in Asian SF community
I was referring to "virgin" in the sense of not having experienced firefights like we have; it's been decades for us. It really comes down to how seriously we take things. They seem to be quite serious about threats, while we are far from it.

Vietnam has a large standing army and a relatively small military budget, which gives them a vibe reminiscent of the military from the 70s and 80s, similar to ours. However, I believe they will adapt and progress much more quickly than we will.

Although frankly speaking , 2024 was better year for atleast our SF, finally we started taking PC/BPJ , SDR more seriously. not whole but some what at good level.
I was referring to "virgin" in the sense of not having experienced firefights like we have; it's been decades for us. It really comes down to how seriously we take things. They seem to be quite serious about threats, while we are far from it.

Vietnam has a large standing army and a relatively small military budget, which gives them a vibe reminiscent of the military from the 70s and 80s, similar to ours. However, I believe they will adapt and progress much more quickly than we will.

Although frankly speaking , 2024 was better year for atleast our SF, finally we started taking PC/BPJ , SDR more seriously. not whole but some what at good level.

They have a fakir defence budget because everyone else in SEAsia has too, and they don't face China as a possible future threat( dhandho is enough to keep the Chinaman away is their calculation )

We have actual threats but Genrols focused only on import maxxxing, no training the boys, no equipment for the boys, nothing.

Meanwhile Chinqs are trying to equal-equal the US in equipment and training and succeeding.
They didn't know how to operate carriers but after over 9000 imported foreign trainers wagera they will learn that too
Army is the same with the same capabilities like 1988 and 1971..

Its just that the enemy has improved.

Like what happened to our Para SF..they are same but the terrorists brought new things.
Hate to be the “bearer of bad news” here but Indian capabilities are hundred percent worse.

In the 60s we had a sniper school but that sniper school completely died down throughout the decade.

The organization of Para Units in 1971 allowed for the regiment to commit a plethora range of operations, from raiding and burning Pakistani posts in the western border, airborne operations, and the commando operation in Mandhol. Now? Paras are security guards for pot bellied generals. Airborne capabilities have probably gone down as para units seem to emphasize less on them, and so called special forces are doing CASO ops which is the duty and mandate of REGULAR infantry.

Put the current army in the same situation as1947 and Pakistan would have probably freed all of Kashmir. The actions taken by the generals back then, were beyond the actual comprehension of the peacekeeping generals of 2024.
Army is the same with the same capabilities like 1988 and 1971..

Its just that the enemy has improved.

Like what happened to our Para SF..they are same but the terrorists brought new things.
So we remained Stagnant and our enemy moved. But no, with the airborne units back to SF we dont have the capability of Tangail drop or something like that.
Can anyone help me with some reading material on 11 Para's exploits? The unit has caught my attention off late and ig it was unique in a way since it was raised by offrs from 9 from scratch. They don't get as much name as 21 does. A very quiet worker tbh. @Nightshade1992 @Arad Operator
So we remained Stagnant and our enemy moved. But no, with the airborne units back to SF we dont have the capability of Tangail drop or something like that.
Over a period of time the Army has failed to attract the best talent.

Nowdays the same standards are not there.

Hence,All the good the Gora sahab had done ahead of its time could not be replicated.

Once the generation that was trained under gora sahab left the Army has fallen on its face in terms of keeping with the times.

Meanwhile Gora sahabs son have revived their Army and kept their SF still deadly.

Do you honestly think wise men take decisions like our Generals do?
Over a period of time the Army has failed to attract the best talent.

Nowdays the same standards are not there.

Hence,All the good the Gora sahab had done ahead of its time could not be replicated.

Once the generation that was trained under gora sahab left the Army has fallen on its face in terms of keeping with the times.

Meanwhile Gora sahabs son have revived their Army and kept their SF still deadly.

Do you honestly think wise men take decisions like our Generals do?
Brain drain also contributes to this as well

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