Indian Special Forces

1. I am apprehensive about getting more and more entrenched with the Israeli MIC- they have used us as lab rats for decades - We are already entertwined in the AF and Navy for critical tech
2. if FOREX has to go out - lets choose the best. (Example Caracal's entire family of Small Arms)
3. Ideal would we build our own AR & AK Pattern Small Arms family in house and give that money to an indian firm. - own the supply chain
- For Special Operators - the Soldiers can sit witht he Manufacutre and refine as per their user feedback ( trigger weight etc etc)
In an ideal world but small arms seem to be a unique hold out in indigenisation

My extremely cynical view is that’s because they are the highest value low value items that certain people can make a bit off the top from- as personal kit below a certain threshold they can be replaced from the OEM routinely and without going through too much scrutiny like higher value replacements would. Once you’ve got the foot in the door on small arms for a certain Indian unit you are set for life as FN with SPG, HK for NSG and IWI for SFs have shown

It still isn’t clear how any of these OEMs got selected for their respective Indian units and the IWI appearance in Indian service is particularly shady (before even bringing in they had to re-brand to IWI because IMI got blacklisted by Indian MoD)

A force seriously interested in becoming world class would tie up with a local OEM and make everything based on feedback in near real time- do we think HK/IWI/FN gives 2 hoots about Indian feedback? Give SSSD the same chance and they’ll have a team based 24/7 with Indian users to create engineering solutions within weeks where needed

The more you learn about failures in Indian procurement you understand it’s a choice that’s been made by some at the very top
Stay here and enjoy the circus.

If you go for years or weeks you will be disappointed when you come back.

I can post a 100 pics in patka or tin helmets for every pic of high cuts anyone can get out from their secret stash!

So bottom line is its gonna take really long to upgrade.
Only in India

A serious country could achieve this within 5 years and many have

The repeated whoopings in JK should’ve been a wake up call if these guys actually thought one day they might have to fight a peer conflict

Alas these guys are in it for the retirements, they want to survive their careers as comfortably as possible then go live in some posh area to play golf, only voicing up when their OROP benefits are at risk
You should read up on how the Unit was stood up. They lost an insane number of Airframes and some pilots in the early days - just developing their night assault capability

I also believe that when they forward deploy a Unit of A10s and Spectres are earmarked for them.
This kind of capability comes FROM a clear mandate, doctrine and C&C structure

To this day Indian SOCOM is a mere fantasy (thanks to the army largely), SOD is some weird experiment that hasn’t really gone anywhere because there is no overarching mandate or understanding of what SF actually are from decision makers. If SF capability was seen as strategic it would be a different story but everyone from apex executive to the military leadership (particularly them) believes SF are tactical assets at best

Any defence fanboy that has done their research on Delta/CAG can lecture for a few hours on how absurdly nonexistent Indian SF capabilities are but a large part of Delta’s capabilities come from their immense support infrastructure that includes SOAR, ISR, strategic intel feeding etc)
I heard after our c130 crashed due to stall in low flying such ops were discontinued for some time?

Are they trainjng for the same now?
Was it a stall? That would be insanely impressive (in a bad way) in a C130

I thought it was CFIT and yeah this did stop the C130 units of the IAF (mind you they exist nominally to be SF support) to stop doing low level airborne insertion training
Was it a stall? That would be insanely impressive (in a bad way) in a C130

I thought it was CFIT and yeah this did stop the C130 units of the IAF (mind you they exist nominally to be SF support) to stop doing low level airborne insertion training
Ya this guy who was a part of things told me 3-4 years back that the first 130 turned and this one which crashed came under its wake and had a tip stall in a turn from which it couldnt recover at a small altitude.

I think if i remember correctly he blammed the a/c ahead to be at fault…not 100% though as it is years old conversation and i almost forgot about it until the moment i saw that post.
Ya this guy who was a part of things told me 3-4 years back that the first 130 turned and this one which crashed came under its wake and had a tip stall in a turn from which it couldnt recover at a small altitude.

I think if i remember correctly he blammed the a/c ahead to be at fault…not 100% though as it is years old conversation and i almost forgot about it until the moment i saw that post.
Even more retarded then I imagined then, I always assumed CFIT which would be pretty absurd but somewhat understandable given what they were training for

Formation flying is taught to these guys from almost day 1 of flight training and that is an obvious threat that should’ve been briefed

No wonder you hear these guys are pretty bad in a CRM environment and that too at TEM
Even more retarded then I imagined then, I always assumed CFIT which would be pretty absurd but somewhat understandable given what they were training for

Formation flying is taught to these guys from almost day 1 of flight training and that is an obvious threat that should’ve been briefed

No wonder you hear these guys are pretty bad in a CRM environment and that too at TEM

I dont know why Indian Officers specially of Army and Airforce branch consider it a disease to learn or to ask.

Its a pretty simple thing to do.

They could have easily asked the US military for help in setting up sniper school,low flying courses,cqb schools etc but they just wont ask.

They wont be embarrassed asking for tech but will be very embarrassed asking for the training to use the tech 100%.
Marcos should leave all these exercises with Gawar Para SF and focus on other nations.

We are developing new relationships with Greece and we could get good exposure with them.

Please check all the pics.


Doesn’t seem realistic to ever get on par with top tier Western units (five eyes+French/Germans) but MARCOs at least could seemingly get on terms with the second rung of the Western units- Greek, Romanians etc

Paras maybe can match Nigerians and Somalis in 2040s

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