Indo-China Border & LAC

almost all things u wrote are wrong. please stop this fanboyism

galwan valley : most of buffer zone is on our side of LAC , LAC was not at pp14 , LOP was at pp14 - ie line of patrolling

depsang bulge : chinese salami sliced over 900 sqkm in over a 12 year period starting during upa era

demchok: chinese crossed the lac and are occupying our grazing land . this has strategic implication . they are after demchok village.

pp17a : buffer zone mostly on our side , shifted towards indian side by .5 or 1 km

pp15 : again bufferzone mostly on our side, we got kicked out entirely out the valley from pp16 , we had to shift out pp16 to so that chinese agree to the bufferzone

pangongtso was only one in our favour but even there army had to remove boat peir .

Nigga what ? You sucking commie cock now ? C'mon !

galwan valley : most of buffer zone is on our side of LAC , LAC was not at pp14 , LOP was at pp14 - ie line of patrolling

Yeah I know what you are talking about, truth is LAC runs through patrol points. Yes IA did once push forward the PP14 of Galwan, doesn't mean shit we controlled it at any point.

I visited this place few years back =/= I control this place.

Buffer zone is half / half for both India and China, and the buffer zone boundary is PP14.

depsang bulge : chinese salami sliced over 900 sqkm in over a 12 year period starting during upa era

Not UPA era but since 1962.

demchok: chinese crossed the lac and are occupying our grazing land . this has strategic implication . they are after demchok village.

Chinese didn't cross shit. Some hobo nomads crossed the LAC and settled like 100 meters on our side. Ladakh police can kick them out.

pp17a : buffer zone mostly on our side , shifted towards indian side by .5 or 1 km

pp15 : again bufferzone mostly on our side, we got kicked out entirely out the valley from pp16 , we had to shift out pp16 to so that chinese agree to the bufferzone

True, can't deny that.

pangongtso was only one in our favour but even there army had to remove boat peir .

Lol what boat pier ? What are these twisted stories coming from ?
"It is apparent that the real test of diplomacy will be to reconcile the differences with respect to the Chinese blockade in Depsang Plains and Charding-Ninglung Nala Junction to arrive at a face-saving solution."

"any future interim tactical agreement in Eastern Ladakh will be based on India accepting the 1959 claim line with buffer zones in areas in which it differs from India’s perception of the LAC, with Indus Valley being an exception."
"the Modi government’s peace initiative is realpolitik"
"It is apparent that the real test of diplomacy will be to reconcile the differences with respect to the Chinese blockade in Depsang Plains and Charding-Ninglung Nala Junction to arrive at a face-saving solution."

"any future interim tactical agreement in Eastern Ladakh will be based on India accepting the 1959 claim line with buffer zones in areas in which it differs from India’s perception of the LAC, with Indus Valley being an exception."
"the Modi government’s peace initiative is realpolitik"

Interesting lines by the ex PVSM, AVSM (R) Genrail Panag -


I wonder why the CCP generails did not just waltz into Tawang/AP or other areas & settle everything forever.
.Chinese army is funded by US and European trade and a small part by Indian trade profits
.Russia arms china to the hilt
. apparantly geography favours the Chinese
. Chinese consider us as inferior, untouchables unworthy of their so called fraandship
.inspite of very long distance from their economic centers and mainland (see Google map , distance from eastern shore to ladakh), they are able to project power and block us at the border at least in ladakh region, in 1962 and now
.as we said in 1962 we are now saying let us wait for some more years to become militarily stronger
. China has steadfastly hindered our growth by propping up Pakistan acted against our strategic interest by supporting LeT, blocking NSG membership , interfering in our sphere of influence

But guess what chicoms are increasingly dependent on us economically as the west is increasingly on a minute percentage every year moving away from dependency on china.

And to their great dismay the asan/yindhu are no pushover or inferior as they assumed them to be.
Nigga what ? You sucking commie cock now ? C'mon !

Yeah I know what you are talking about, truth is LAC runs through patrol points. Yes IA did once push forward the PP14 of Galwan, doesn't mean shit we controlled it at any point.

I visited this place few years back =/= I control this place.

Buffer zone is half / half for both India and China, and the buffer zone boundary is PP14.

Not UPA era but since 1962.

Chinese didn't cross shit. Some hobo nomads crossed the LAC and settled like 100 meters on our side. Ladakh police can kick them out.

True, can't deny that.

Lol what boat pier ? What are these twisted stories coming from ?

suck commie dick ? naah its truth . :)

at galwan we had tents/posts ahead of pp14 , LAC at galwan was close to chinese end of buffer zone ,not at pp14 , most of buffer zone is on our side

want proof ?

:) early april - why is ia blocking chinese border guards 1km from pp14 ?

because this was the LAC


Chinese didn't cross shit. Some hobo nomads crossed the LAC and settled like 100 meters on our side. Ladakh police can kick them out.

nope , those hobos are backed by PLA , they are using tibetans to hold the land . why do u think we are begging them in talks to leave ?

Not UPA era but since 1962.

where was LAC in depsang ?

read this news article and what parliamentary committee had to say

"Defence Secretary Shashi Kant Sharma and senior defence ministry officials appeared before a parliamentary committee to give details of the incursion."

"They told the panel that Chinese troops had intruded 19 km deep inside Indian territory in Depsang in Ladakh region and pitched tents. They also said that efforts are underway to ensure that the status quo is maintained, informed sources said."

2013 intrusion at raki was 19km inside India , where does that put the LAC ?

depsang bulge used ot be at worst a grey zone patrolled by both sides , now its under control of PLA .

Lol what boat pier ? What are these twisted stories coming from ?

we had a old dock with boats at f2 , boats were removed before disengagement . and never came back

Google Earth Pro_20240926_151635.png_stripped.png

Google Earth Pro_20240926_151612.png_stripped.png
they forgot to close both the hatches ? :bplease:
They can now use it to steam dumplings!
Interesting lines by the ex PVSM, AVSM (R) Genrail Panag -
View attachment 10503

View attachment 10504

I wonder why the CCP generails did not just waltz into Tawang/AP or other areas & settle everything forever.
illiterate or bikau darukhor traitor Jurnail should be court martialled. 7 percent is real growth. Nominal growth is 11 % means we will become 40+T$ economy with that pace. China and US can be around 60.
Some want to kiss and make up with the cheeni
.they are the ones (among many others) blocking Indian unsc permanent seat ,nsg membership
.propping up Pakistan militarily
.interfering in traditional Indian sphere of influence in the neighborhood
.blocking access to Kailash Mansarovar
.salami slicing border regions
.claiming populated Indian territories

Russia arms China heavily, US and west provides China with Industrial know how.

So we are on our own , all talk of 75% solution and turning the page is succumbing to baniyagiri (business aka trade) so that screwdrivergiri can continue and flourish.
"Despite pressure from industry groups to explore openings for trade and investment with China, the Indian security establishment is unlikely to alter the status quo soon."

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PLAGF autumn live-fire exercise at Zhurihe training base​

View attachment 10465
Chinka rubber stamping Whap like armoured vehicles... meanwhile IA gernails - "Whap still needs to complete lunar trials, let's order a dozen strykers to fill in the gap, and later maybe a dozen Whaps to keep both parties happy". As if a dozen vehicles will make any difference to the 1500 vehicles chinka will mass produce every year !

"China sends ‘deterrent message’ with missile intercept test near Indian border​

Test was part of a PLA exercise on the Karakoram Plateau and was reported the same day the two sides held talks in Beijing"​

"Chinese negotiators have suggested to New Delhi that their troops be allowed to patrol in two sensitive areas along Arunachal Pradesh.

The two spots — one in the Yangtse area north-east of Tawang, where the two sides had a deadly clash in December 2022, and the second in central Arunachal along the Subansiri river valley — have been firmly under Indian control for decades."

"Chinese negotiators have suggested to New Delhi that their troops be allowed to patrol in two sensitive areas along Arunachal Pradesh.

The two spots — one in the Yangtse area north-east of Tawang, where the two sides had a deadly clash in December 2022, and the second in central Arunachal along the Subansiri river valley — have been firmly under Indian control for decades."

IA should ask for rights to patrol PLA's mom's bald pu$$y

"India is gearing up to keep its troops stationed forward along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) for a fifth consecutive winter amid lingering trust issues with China. The preparations include maintaining troop presence in the harsh terrains of eastern Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim.

Despite ongoing political and diplomatic talks indicating "progress and narrowing of differences," top defence sources told TOI that "the trust deficit on the ground with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) remains very high." China continues to strengthen its military positions and build permanent defenses along the 3,488-km LAC, suggesting the PLA is not planning to return to peacetime locations soon."

While baniyas (so called industrialists, who in reality without any r&d are traders)(irrespective of caste) tried to lobby a visibly tired government to cave in so that baniyagiri can continue under the new theme of 🪛 giri (e.g drone,solar cells,cctv, e-vehicles, latest one electronic manufacturing etc), however the fundamental challenges of the relationship can't be brushed aside by pr stunts

.china occupies Indian claimed lands
.blocks one of the supreme hindu religious pilgrimage of mount Kailash , abode of Hindu deities.
.props up Pakistan militarily
.blocks listing of LeT terrorists at UN
.blocks India's NSG and unsc perm seat
.Runs a huge trade defecit in its favour without opening up it's economy to Indian service sector or take any other steps to mitigate the situation
.has held consistent position of turning the page and accept changes on ground and move on, a strategy which it seems has almost succcceded given the positive coverage in media (Indian) and claims of 75% solution (and explanations) while in reality nothing has changed in the Chinese outlook or approach.
at galwan we had tents/posts ahead of pp14 , LAC at galwan was close to chinese end of buffer zone ,not at pp14 , most of buffer zone is on our side

want proof ?

:) early april - why is ia blocking chinese border guards 1km from pp14 ?

because this was the LAC


Same lame argument everyday.

"I set my boots here 10 years ago hence this is my land".

Whereas China has built 4-lane highway with 24 X 7 electricity supply and heated cabins.

Same argument in Depsang (Botteneck and beyond). Just because you somehow managed to sneak in to that side doesn't mean that land automatically become yours.

Now coming to beyond PP14, when did we have any piece of infrastructure beyond PP14 ? We had rudimentary mud roads till PP14 and we tried to make an helipad at PP14. By that logic even China ingressed towards our side crossing PP14 (videos available), so which is actually the control line ?

I am fed up with this lame argument. ~12-20 Pakistani terrorists are holed up in Jammu & Rajouri, does that mean Jammu & Rajouri is now part of Pakistan ? I mean they have done more to control that territory than IA has ever done with China ?

nope , those hobos are backed by PLA , they are using tibetans to hold the land . why do u think we are begging them in talks to leave ?

Backed by PLA ? Where exactly ? I see no PLA around Demchok. Show me if I am wrong. Begging Asking them to leave because we want to keep it civil.

where was LAC in depsang ?

read this news article and what parliamentary committee had to say

"Defence Secretary Shashi Kant Sharma and senior defence ministry officials appeared before a parliamentary committee to give details of the incursion."

"They told the panel that Chinese troops had intruded 19 km deep inside Indian territory in Depsang in Ladakh region and pitched tents. They also said that efforts are underway to ensure that the status quo is maintained, informed sources said."

2013 intrusion at raki was 19km inside India , where does that put the LAC ?

depsang bulge used ot be at worst a grey zone patrolled by both sides , now its under control of PLA .

Again the same argument. We have nil to little control over territory beyond Burtse. We went and touched that hill some times ago doesn't mean shit when China has built roads & buildings in that same area and we did nothing since 1962.

we had a old dock with boats at f2 , boats were removed before disengagement . and never came back

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Alright I see, I wasn't aware of it. But then again this was part of mutual disengagement and had to be vacated.
china's new nuclear sub sank with nuclear fuel

lifted off sea bed with cranes .


View attachment 10529

Its alright because its China. If this was India every Indian dephens phanboy would have already guillotined the entire Naval leadership and called their entire family and generation corrupt and incompetent.

Only communist associations like OFB, HAL and of course big daddy China are allowed to make infinite mistakes (laal salaam sir! )
suck commie dick ? naah its truth . :)

at galwan we had tents/posts ahead of pp14 , LAC at galwan was close to chinese end of buffer zone ,not at pp14 , most of buffer zone is on our side

want proof ?

:) early april - why is ia blocking chinese border guards 1km from pp14 ?

because this was the LAC


Chinese didn't cross shit. Some hobo nomads crossed the LAC and settled like 100 meters on our side. Ladakh police can kick them out.

nope , those hobos are backed by PLA , they are using tibetans to hold the land . why do u think we are begging them in talks to leave ?

Not UPA era but since 1962.

where was LAC in depsang ?

read this news article and what parliamentary committee had to say

"Defence Secretary Shashi Kant Sharma and senior defence ministry officials appeared before a parliamentary committee to give details of the incursion."

"They told the panel that Chinese troops had intruded 19 km deep inside Indian territory in Depsang in Ladakh region and pitched tents. They also said that efforts are underway to ensure that the status quo is maintained, informed sources said."

2013 intrusion at raki was 19km inside India , where does that put the LAC ?

depsang bulge used ot be at worst a grey zone patrolled by both sides , now its under control of PLA .

Lol what boat pier ? What are these twisted stories coming from ?

we had a old dock with boats at f2 , boats were removed before disengagement . and never came back

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Our claims are as tall and hollow. Just like we claim PoK is ours, we harp about the area beyond Y junction is ours.

Just because ITBP somehow managed to touch those points few years back, doesn't make it ours.

See the points above ?

These are the images from 2012


PP11 (Chinese roads, bunkers and checkposts)


PP11A & 12 (Same road runs through)


PP 13 (Roads & Trenches)

So what is IA / ITBP supposed to suddenly offset the Chinese infra development in the last 60 years in 2020 and capture these areas back ? What kind of unrealistic expecation is this ?

Can you really call these places "under our control" when China has built such roads and infrastructure and we haven't even pitched a single tent ?

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