Indo-China Border & LAC



IA Mountain bunkers along LAC

what kind of lame barn door is that, should have blast proof gate.. given advent of drones, pin point targeting is not difficult.
.almost all the happy news of turning the page came after recent Babu(aka bureaucrats) led meeting ( maybe under baniya aka trader influence ) in which fauji afsaraans were not included and someone tried to do infowar /propaganda to portray sab changase and problem solved 75%
. however nothing has changed on the ground and we had to compromise (the extent of Chinese compromise is not clear, atleast no public domain info on so called legacy issues)
.Chinese almost influenced us to turn the page and keep the border issue at its appropriate place
. inspite of the planned happy ending IA declared winter deployment will continue

"India's border tension with China is continuing despite dozens of rounds of military-level talks. While the political-level talks claim to have broken the initial deadlock, the security forces on the ground remain wary of China's tactics"

"Discussions within Chinese media often exhibit an air of arrogance regarding India’s potential as a manufacturing alternative to China. Analysts remain sceptical about India’s ability to serve as a viable substitute in the economic sphere. Many argue that India will struggle to surpass China or replicate its achievements over the past three decades within a similar timeframe, citing significant challenges in advancing its manufacturing capabilities."

"Chinese analysts observe that Indian media increasingly reflects optimism about Sino-Indian negotiations, likely influenced by India’s current economic situation. The discourse is stuck between the idea that India will never be able to catch up with China and the belief that China should not help its adversary’s rise."

"While Beijing has long urged New Delhi to focus on issues beyond the border dispute, the current narrative suggesting consistent disengagement by China—while portraying India as eager to adjust its stance for commercial interests—appears disingenuous. This effort seems designed to distract from underlying issues and points of contention, while also fostering a false narrative that India is going soft on China."

"Discussions within Chinese media often exhibit an air of arrogance regarding India’s potential as a manufacturing alternative to China. Analysts remain sceptical about India’s ability to serve as a viable substitute in the economic sphere. Many argue that India will struggle to surpass China or replicate its achievements over the past three decades within a similar timeframe, citing significant challenges in advancing its manufacturing capabilities."

"Chinese analysts observe that Indian media increasingly reflects optimism about Sino-Indian negotiations, likely influenced by India’s current economic situation. The discourse is stuck between the idea that India will never be able to catch up with China and the belief that China should not help its adversary’s rise."

"While Beijing has long urged New Delhi to focus on issues beyond the border dispute, the current narrative suggesting consistent disengagement by China—while portraying India as eager to adjust its stance for commercial interests—appears disingenuous. This effort seems designed to distract from underlying issues and points of contention, while also fostering a false narrative that India is going soft on China."

Hello Print Bhaiya, softie editorials bhi tum likho aur softie hone ka feedback tum hi lekar aao. Chit bhi tumhari pat bhi tumhari
"Jaishankar noted that China accounts for about 31-32% of global manufacturing and stressed that it has happened as the international community, primarily Western-led, over the past few decades has opted to collaborate with China for mutual benefit."

Sarkar is playing good cop bad cop , running in loops , ostensibly it is tired/emaciated or under baniya( aka trader) pressure want a way out with face saving measure.

So most probably there will be no disengagement/ withdrawal and return to status quo prior to 2020 and page will be turned and border issue will be kept at its appropriate place, but this will happen in a stretched timeline so as not to give rise to stinging domestic criticism.

And most probably preparations are on going for jhoola diplomacy and photo op in the upcoming BRICS session.
Why's this important ? China's not yet fully through with it's theatre-ization of its armed forces command structure & its modernization program which is due to be accomplished by 2027-28. Add a year or 2 as buffer . Also watch out for the deterioration in trade ties between China & the west .

It's not armed forces reorganization my dude, it's economic reorganization, 11, Jinping bandies this term about called "dual circulation", he gives a jhumla explanation to suit-boot whitey simps

But the true explanation is he wants to turn China into a consumption based economy and not export based economy, so when he decides to do Ghar Wapsi of Taiwan, any sanctions of the West have minimal impact on the rozi-rotirice of his subjects.

It remains to see how the West handles this, they are shifting assembly of products outside China but subcomponents are still produced within China, unless the supply chain is Cheen-mukt both sides can't do what they want to.

I think this will take another 10 years, perhaps that is why we have the Russia-Ukraine war , they need to vassalize Russia so they can have some of those NATO bases on China's northern border also.
It's not armed forces reorganization my dude, it's economic reorganization, 11, Jinping bandies this term about called "dual circulation", he gives a jhumla explanation to suit-boot whitey simps

But the true explanation is he wants to turn China into a consumption based economy and not export based economy, so when he decides to do Ghar Wapsi of Taiwan, any sanctions of the West have minimal impact on the rozi-rotirice of his subjects.

It remains to see how the West handles this, they are shifting assembly of products outside China but subcomponents are still produced within China, unless the supply chain is Cheen-mukt both sides can't do what they want to.

I think this will take another 10 years, perhaps that is why we have the Russia-Ukraine war , they need to vassalize Russia so they can have some of those NATO bases on China's northern border also.

Here are two separate links containing a series of articles on the theatre-ization & modernisation of the Chinese Armed Forces with details into the process timelines etc. Initially the modernization was due to be completed by 2049 the centenary of the successful communist revolution in China around which time they were expected to unify with Taiwan one way or another.

Since Xi took over those plans were repeatedly revised with 2035 being initially set as the date of achieving full modernization which was then subsequently revised into 2 phases - 2027-28 by which short to medium term goals enough to prosecute a successful invasion of Taiwan was to be achieved & the long term modernisation by 2035.

I've had extensive debates on this with a couple of other members over in another forum 2 years ago on this very issue.
It's not armed forces reorganization my dude, it's economic reorganization, 11, Jinping bandies this term about called "dual circulation", he gives a jhumla explanation to suit-boot whitey simps

But the true explanation is he wants to turn China into a consumption based economy and not export based economy, so when he decides to do Ghar Wapsi of Taiwan, any sanctions of the West have minimal impact on the rozi-rotirice of his subjects.

It remains to see how the West handles this, they are shifting assembly of products outside China but subcomponents are still produced within China, unless the supply chain is Cheen-mukt both sides can't do what they want to.

I think this will take another 10 years, perhaps that is why we have the Russia-Ukraine war , they need to vassalize Russia so they can have some of those NATO bases on China's northern border also.
Beggars cant be choosers.
West has no option BUT to deal with the greatest industrial manufacturing power ever seen in human history.
West can try to diversify to other locations out of China but will never be free of China as its main importer because China has massive overcapacity in industrial goods production. Besides, as data shows, China has more or less shrugged off their embargoes from the west and made up its western trade loss with the global south markets.

One thing is clear- West has been consistently wrong about its predictions about China for 40 years and counting. In 80s they believed that economic liberalization will bring political liberalization: WRONG.
In early 2000s they believed that China will remain a ' small household goods manufacturer and will never move to heavy industries'. WRONG
Now the western thinking is 'China will be crushed by economic choking and demographic collapse'.

I see no reason to 'trust' such a prediction, from the people who are batting at 0 wins and all wrong answers for 40 years straight.
Beggars cant be choosers.
West has no option BUT to deal with the greatest industrial manufacturing power ever seen in human history.
West can try to diversify to other locations out of China but will never be free of China as its main importer because China has massive overcapacity in industrial goods production. Besides, as data shows, China has more or less shrugged off their embargoes from the west and made up its western trade loss with the global south markets.

One thing is clear- West has been consistently wrong about its predictions about China for 40 years and counting. In 80s they believed that economic liberalization will bring political liberalization: WRONG.
In early 2000s they believed that China will remain a ' small household goods manufacturer and will never move to heavy industries'. WRONG
Now the western thinking is 'China will be crushed by economic choking and demographic collapse'.

I see no reason to 'trust' such a prediction, from the people who are batting at 0 wins and all wrong answers for 40 years straight.

Arre these are all jhumlas fed to civilians.
They have built China all these years precisely to be the Big Bad of the coming decades like the Soviet Union was for latter part the 20th century

It is not an accident, it is not a wrong prediction.

They fed PRChina the monetary investment, the technical knowledge, the sweetheart trade deals and concessions, knowing how the CCP regime works there, they looked the other way while the Chinese stole US defence tech secrets and made various 1:1 clones of their high tech weapons and jets.

It's almost what they gave Korea and Japan but those were/are vassals.

Meanwhile our govt has to beg , plead and do mujra for a few GE jet engines, a few semiconductor fabs and even assembly plants for Laptops, god only knows what all has been "given" for the privilege of buying Russkie oil without sanctions.

They even stopped regime change stunts after the Tianmen Square protests failed with the massacre.

What our govt and nation suffers is the defacto policy of the West for un-enslaved( or "allied" in their terminology ) nations,
So you might wonder why was so much lavished upon China? people bandy about what jhumls you've mentioned and the classic "China was cold war ally against Soviet Union" but these are all copium meant for civilian consumption.

Truth is the China you see today is according to plan, it is not an accident, it is not a fuck up.
"This operation, known as the “506 Special Mission,” involves rotational deployments of forces for training to the Sino-Indian border and began after a three-week incursion on the Depsang Plains by a PLAA platoon in 2013. Until a negotiated political settlement is reached, the Western TC is prepared to sustain the rotation of units into and out of the region in the largest near-combat deployment since the end of the border conflict with Vietnam in 1987.This operation is the land domain equivalent of the PLA Navy’s reef expansion construction in the South China Sea and deterrence operations conducted around Taiwan."

Arre these are all jhumlas fed to civilians.
They have built China all these years precisely to be the Big Bad of the coming decades like the Soviet Union was for latter part the 20th century

It is not an accident, it is not a wrong prediction.

They fed PRChina the monetary investment, the technical knowledge, the sweetheart trade deals and concessions, knowing how the CCP regime works there, they looked the other way while the Chinese stole US defence tech secrets and made various 1:1 clones of their high tech weapons and jets.

It's almost what they gave Korea and Japan but those were/are vassals.

Meanwhile our govt has to beg , plead and do mujra for a few GE jet engines, a few semiconductor fabs and even assembly plants for Laptops, god only knows what all has been "given" for the privilege of buying Russkie oil without sanctions.

They even stopped regime change stunts after the Tianmen Square protests failed with the massacre.

What our govt and nation suffers is the defacto policy of the West for un-enslaved( or "allied" in their terminology ) nations,
So you might wonder why was so much lavished upon China? people bandy about what jhumls you've mentioned and the classic "China was cold war ally against Soviet Union" but these are all copium meant for civilian consumption.

Truth is the China you see today is according to plan, it is not an accident, it is not a fuck up.
Exactly US is Megamind, Russia/Soviet metro man, China Titan, Roxie Taiwan?

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