Indo-China Border & LAC

"the traditional Kailash Mansarovar Yatra through Tibet has been suspended for years due to the COVID-19 pandemic."


"China’s restrictions drive Indians to undertake helicopter Mt Kailash pilgrimage from own country"​

"Indian Air Force should not perceive China as a rival: experts"

"China and India held in Beijing on August 29 the 31st Meeting of Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on China-India Border Affairs, where the two sides agreed to work together to turn the page on the border situation at an early date,"

Its alright because its China. If this was India every Indian dephens phanboy would have already guillotined the entire Naval leadership and called their entire family and generation corrupt and incompetent.

Only communist associations like OFB, HAL and of course big daddy China are allowed to make infinite mistakes (laal salaam sir! )
Well to be fair, the rate of production of new ships & vessel in chinkaland is far superior to us, so it really doesn't matter if one is sunk. I bet within 3 years a new one will be out .
Truth is the China you see today is according to plan, it is not an accident, it is not a fuck up.
And pray what is this plan of the west ? Could you please tell us
Chinese threat to India has disappeared in 10 years of buildup

As long as Himalayan high mountains with only a few passes which permit ingress from Tibet/Sinkiang area into India and permanent Indian Army presence is maintained, Chinese are at a disadvantage to invade India. The well manned passes and mountain artillery on mountain tops can stop any army from Invasion.

The key here is road infrastructure which is nearing completion in many areas and under construction elsewhere, it permits sufficient strength to let the Chinese know that 1962 type cake walk is not possible.

But there capability to salami slice will not go away. They tried it in 2020 both in Ladakh and made an effort in Tawang area in Arunachal Pradesh. The former they succeeded and then retreated from Galwan, Gogra, Hotspring and Pangong Lake area after India occupied the Kailash Heights and threatened their main base and their supply line. In Tawang area they were beaten back with sticks and nails. They now have decided not to attempt it.

The real fight is coming up is in the Indian Ocean. The Chinese are not finished with Taiwan and Philippines. Their operational navy is tied down there. Moreover they are too new to naval warfare. Their hardware is inferior with two nuclear submarine sunk and their aircraft carrier remains along the coast not venturing into the deep sea. They are afraid of non lethal sinking with hardware failure.

That is giving India time to build and strengthen Indian Navy. The Andaman Indian Naval base and Malacca Straits is their choke point. If they cross, they die. Hence in next 5 to 10 years, they will not even try. That is the time for India to build its nuclear and conventional submarine fleet. Remember, Chinese stolen and copied technology does not make good ships. Moreover inexperienced sailors have a low morale of their ship sinking in high seas, about 4000km away from home base. These are all disadvantages of Chinese navy.

They are smartly playing Pakistani naval politics. They are selling them 12 third class submarines which have more downtime at the docks than at sea. Their number and presence makes Indian Navy nervous. Pakistanis have suicidal tendencies hence they can start a threatening fight even if they know that their equipment is inferior and would loose. Still they will come out to fight a loosing battle.

Hence, truthfully the Chinese will maintain a threatening posture but their days of cake walk are long gone. Just watch for their salami slicing. In that case, India should go ahead and occupy a threatening mountain top and scare them.

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