Russian Ukrainian War

We remember the mass escape from ukraine as well. You have literal press gangs on the streets and here you are dreaming of russia running out of reserves.
I'm tired of explaining to all sorts of dolboyebs. Zelensky said that 50 thousand were mobilized (now it's more). Either provide at least 500 videos of forced mobilization (you can only provide links) or shut up about it theme.
I'm tired of explaining to all sorts of dolboyebs. Zelensky said that 50 thousand were mobilized (now it's more). Either provide at least 500 videos of forced mobilization (you can only provide links) or shut up about it theme.
Its the fact that you have do it at all is the telling part . It exists hence its a theme. Because it is only russians that like to fight from the couch isn't it little dolboyeb.
Its the fact that you have do it at all is the telling part . It exists hence its a theme. Because it is only russians that like to fight from the couch isn't it little dolboyeb.
F**ked up all sorts of freaks! Are there such cases? Of course there are, but they are not widespread. Those who are forcibly mobilized do their job in the army poorly and study poorly. As a result, they are killed or wounded in their first battle or run away from their positions. Experienced front-line soldiers ask not to send such people to them. The result is that they carry boxes somewhere in the rear. So don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
Do you remember the mass escape from Russia when Putler declared partial mobilization? Russians are happy to fight on the couch. He scooped up all those who wanted to earn money. He does not dare to declare a new mobilization without declaring war. You can't buy anything from a country at war. It is cheaper for him to buy slaves from the NK.
Mass escape? Akim, your only defense left is to exaggerate everything except Ukrainian losses.
We remember the mass escape from ukraine as well. You have literal press gangs on the streets and here you are dreaming of russia running out of reserves.

What does this even mean .
I think he means they can't sell oil to anyone. When you cover your eyes and ears you won't see that India has bought 30 times more oil from Russia than they did before the war. Akim also won't know the counties that are sending you weapons are also helping Russia by buying their gas and oil.
I think he means they can't sell oil to anyone. When you cover your eyes and ears you won't see that India has bought 30 times more oil from Russia than they did before the war. Akim also won't know the counties that are sending you weapons are also helping Russia by buying their gas and oil.
Perhaps he means a formal declaration of war, which has lost all meaning .. Since almost all conflicts post WW2 happen without a formal declaration.
Do you remember the mass escape from Russia when Putler declared partial mobilization? Russians are happy to fight on the couch. He scooped up all those who wanted to earn money. He does not dare to declare a new mobilization without declaring war. You can't buy anything from a country at war. It is cheaper for him to buy slaves from the NK.
Does not same or worse stand for Ukraine too? How many Million S of ukrainian ran away or bribed their way out to Poland/france/Germany/etc etc to escape the forced mobilisation... 5 millions or 7 millions or more than that???? or 0 ? Guess how many more will run away when Ukraine sets age of draft to 18 or mandate women to enlist for fronts...

Fact is that both countries are facing human shortage, but ukraine to be precise, is facing the blunt edge more harshly...
So much so that even your so called experts at kiev are now questioning the end result of that forced mobilisation! You can least expect fightworthyness and willpower to die for you whom the TCC has snached from a supposed car or disco or party to the front with 2 week or less training! These guys will surrender or desert at first chance they come by.
Slave or not, allegedly putin is getting some numbers nah! same way you had some 20-30 k mercs at first fighting for you which is now below 3k left or less?

1 wrong move in chess of geopolitics as invasion of Kursk, and you lost that edge, my friend. The trump card of Being Victim is lost now. From your own stand of point you may justify that, but for the majority of the World population NOW, you 2 are just fighting adversary in each other's territory. At least 4 billion + population of BRICS ++ and some NATO members too thinks so.

Russia has successfully turned the wheel of war between resource consumers vs the suppliers in motion... while G7/20 are the consumers mainly, guess what! BRICS got the most resources extraction capability..and the resources.
Does not same or worse stand for Ukraine too? How many Million S of ukrainian ran away or bribed their way out to Poland/france/Germany/etc etc to escape the forced mobilisation... 5 millions or 7 millions or more than that???? or 0 ? Guess how many more will run away when Ukraine sets age of draft to 18 or mandate women to enlist for fronts...

Fact is that both countries are facing human shortage, but ukraine to be precise, is facing the blunt edge more harshly...
So much so that even your so called experts at kiev are now questioning the end result of that forced mobilisation! You can least expect fightworthyness and willpower to die for you whom the TCC has snached from a supposed car or disco or party to the front with 2 week or less training! These guys will surrender or desert at first chance they come by.
Slave or not, allegedly putin is getting some numbers nah! same way you had some 20-30 k mercs at first fighting for you which is now below 3k left or less?

1 wrong move in chess of geopolitics as invasion of Kursk, and you lost that edge, my friend. The trump card of Being Victim is lost now. From your own stand of point you may justify that, but for the majority of the World population NOW, you 2 are just fighting adversary in each other's territory. At least 4 billion + population of BRICS ++ and some NATO members too thinks so.

Russia has successfully turned the wheel of war between resource consumers vs the suppliers in motion... while G7/20 are the consumers mainly, guess what! BRICS got the most resources extraction capability..and the resources.
Leave it re .. We sitting in India are not effected and to fight a losing war requires a lot of copium .. let the westerners and our expats argues with him since it's their tax dollars getting burnt :bplease: .
We can only warn him about below picture... if he chooses not to believe it ,, there is nothing that we can do.
You have a very primitive understanding of war: "if you captured it, then you did well." Why did the USSR retreat to the Volga - it was wearing down the enemy's forces with defensive battles.
The Polish army was ready to retreat to the Vistula-river with rearguard battles until 2022.
This is a common tactic against a superior enemy. As Kutuzov said: "With the loss of Moscow, all of Russia is not lost. With the loss of the Russian army, we will lose both Moscow and Russia."
So the North Korean troops did appear, because life was not good. Putin has no reserves.

Come on, stop your this irrelevant examples.
Russia also retreated from Kiev, Kherson and Kharkov but nobody claimed it as Russia is losing war , except Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. Because there were strategic reason behind it.

Retreating from all over front can't be a Ukrainian strategy when you have enough resources to attack Kursk.

Actually you have zero understanding about anything on the earth. You are just hopping if there will be some miracle happened like in WW2 but remember Soviet managed to turn the table only because USSR had intact industrial base
I once had a dacha (a small country house), I gave it to my ex-wife after the divorce. When it was being built, I asked the designer to come up with a nice fence for me. He invited a gardener and he planted small bushes for a "living fence". When I asked him "What is this?", he answered: - They will grow in 5 years. I don't need it in 5 years, I need it NOW. That's how it is with your colonization. Grinding your teeth and waiting until 2070 is at the very least unprofitable.

A million adult men who fled is definitely not 2% Besides. Those who fled were those who had the financial means to leave. Many more hid in different cities/towns. So mobilization in Russia is not a very popular process.
I repeat: Look at Vovchansk and the village of Liptsy. 5 km and they came across our defensive line. Although it was not there before.

1. a million adult men didnt flee Russia. The number is closer to 200K
2. every country has people fleeing them in face of draft. Even USA. There's plenty of people in places like the kootenays who are still here due to draft dodging during vietnam war.
3. The blog that has been cited here, predicted your nation losing ground in Donbass in the fall, around march this year. Which is proven by the timestamps on the blog. Which means, it is of greater quality than what your govt. is feeding you in terms of propaganda as well as your allies.
4. The defensive lines you built over 10 years cracked in a year and half. The ones you are hurriedly building now wont even last two months
5. You as usual are an ignorant piece of shit, trying to talk on topics you have no clue on- such as immigration/colonization and this war.
As i said. if you had more than 2 brain cells to rub together or had your lineage been not barbarian, you'd STFU and learn from us here instead of yapping like a typical low IQ low education western barbarian.
1. a million adult men didnt flee Russia. The number is closer to 200K
2. every country has people fleeing them in face of draft. Even USA. There's plenty of people in places like the kootenays who are still here due to draft dodging during vietnam war.
3. The blog that has been cited here, predicted your nation losing ground in Donbass in the fall, around march this year. Which is proven by the timestamps on the blog. Which means, it is of greater quality than what your govt. is feeding you in terms of propaganda as well as your allies.
4. The defensive lines you built over 10 years cracked in a year and half. The ones you are hurriedly building now wont even last two months
5. You as usual are an ignorant piece of shit, trying to talk on topics you have no clue on- such as immigration/colonization and this war.
As i said. if you had more than 2 brain cells to rub together or had your lineage been not barbarian, you'd STFU and learn from us here instead of yapping like a typical low IQ low education western barbarian.

Americans also left US during Gulf War 2. About 42k-43k left US.
Mass escape? Akim, your only defense left is to exaggerate everything except Ukrainian losses.
And so it is on all borders.
Does not same or worse stand for Ukraine too? How many Million S of ukrainian ran away or bribed their way out to Poland/france/Germany/etc etc to escape the forced mobilisation... 5 millions or 7 millions or more than that???? or 0 ? Guess how many more will run away when Ukraine sets age of draft to 18 or mandate women to enlist for fronts...

Fact is that both countries are facing human shortage, but ukraine to be precise, is facing the blunt edge more harshly...
So much so that even your so called experts at kiev are now questioning the end result of that forced mobilisation! You can least expect fightworthyness and willpower to die for you whom the TCC has snached from a supposed car or disco or party to the front with 2 week or less training! These guys will surrender or desert at first chance they come by.
Slave or not, allegedly putin is getting some numbers nah! same way you had some 20-30 k mercs at first fighting for you which is now below 3k left or less?

1 wrong move in chess of geopolitics as invasion of Kursk, and you lost that edge, my friend. The trump card of Being Victim is lost now. From your own stand of point you may justify that, but for the majority of the World population NOW, you 2 are just fighting adversary in each other's territory. At least 4 billion + population of BRICS ++ and some NATO members too thinks so.

Russia has successfully turned the wheel of war between resource consumers vs the suppliers in motion... while G7/20 are the consumers mainly, guess what! BRICS got the most resources extraction capability..and the resources.

Indeed, they are running. If I ask a similar question about 500 people, then it is easy to collect the required number.
Mobilization is never voluntary. It is a violent compulsion of men/women to defend their country. People are all different. Some are simply afraid. So there are no crowds willing to defend their country. Such crowds were in the first days of the war. Now it is mostly voluntary-compulsory - by summons.
The difference is that we are defending ourselves. A strange principle in rape - let the woman not resist, the man is still stronger.
Experts are different. Recently, one of them blurted out in his own tongue that it will be possible to mobilize 14-year-olds, otherwise we will not save the country. Idiot. Today, it is legally prohibited to mobilize under 25 years old.
And so it is on all borders.
View attachment 13031

Indeed, they are running. If I ask a similar question about 500 people, then it is easy to collect the required number.
Mobilization is never voluntary. It is a violent compulsion of men/women to defend their country. People are all different. Some are simply afraid. So there are no crowds willing to defend their country. Such crowds were in the first days of the war. Now it is mostly voluntary-compulsory - by summons.
The difference is that we are defending ourselves. A strange principle in rape - let the woman not resist, the man is still stronger.
Experts are different. Recently, one of them blurted out in his own tongue that it will be possible to mobilize 14-year-olds, otherwise we will not save the country. Idiot. Today, it is legally prohibited to mobilize under 25 years old.
Your rape analogy is as retarded as your comments about colonization and the actual statu of this war.
you didnt stay neutral, your nation overthrew a democtatically elected government at behest of murrica and you guys wanted to join NATO, the enemy alliance against your neighbour Russia.
That is sufficient provocation in most neutral people's books.

Your nation didnt get raped for no reason. You threatened to kill your neighbour and he in turn raped you. completely justified in that case, fyi.
Come on, stop your this irrelevant examples.
Russia also retreated from Kiev, Kherson and Kharkov but nobody claimed it as Russia is losing war , except Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. Because there were strategic reason behind it.

Retreating from all over front can't be a Ukrainian strategy when you have enough resources to attack Kursk.

Actually you have zero understanding about anything on the earth. You are just hopping if there will be some miracle happened like in WW2 but remember Soviet managed to turn the table only because USSR had intact industrial base
Now Bob Woodward's new book "War" has come out, where he mentions how Putler waved an atomic bomb in the fall of 2022 to avoid the shame of defeat and partners slowed down the supply of weapons.
Your rape analogy is as retarded as your comments about colonization and the actual statu of this war.
you didnt stay neutral, your nation overthrew a democtatically elected government at behest of murrica and you guys wanted to join NATO, the enemy alliance against your neighbour Russia.
That is sufficient provocation in most neutral people's books.

Your nation didnt get raped for no reason. You threatened to kill your neighbour and he in turn raped you. completely justified in that case, fyi.
I stopped arguing with you because I don't give a damn about your opinion, because I've come to the conclusion that you are an ordinary fascist loser.
I stopped arguing with you because I don't give a damn about your opinion, because I've come to the conclusion that you are an ordinary fascist loser.
Your conclusions are laughable, since you are the fascist and greatest fascist here and you deign to call people fascists because they dont like YOUR fascism. Classic case of low IQ sun dodger barbarian.

You stopped arguing, coz you lost. And you aint man enough to admit that. Because i answered your whining with objective data driven facts about YOUR OWN DAMN WAR.
Typical war propagandist loser.
Now Bob Woodward's new book "War" has come out, where he mentions how Putler waved an atomic bomb in the fall of 2022 to avoid the shame of defeat and partners slowed down the supply of weapons.
View attachment 13032

Kitna Chutiya insaan hai bc.... Kisi Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars chutiya ne kuch bhi likh diya or bhai usko sahi Maan baitha hai.

Putin ki pilayi or is book me kya relation hai?? Lauda
Your conclusions are laughable, since you are the fascist and greatest fascist here and you deign to call people fascists because they dont like YOUR fascism. Classic case of low IQ sun dodger barbarian.

You stopped arguing, coz you lost. And you aint man enough to admit that. Because i answered your whining with objective data driven facts about YOUR OWN DAMN WAR.
Typical war propagandist loser.
I don't know what facts? I don't argue with Russian citizens (I don't communicate at all) and I stopped arguing with you. I'm not interested in you. Live with your "truth" and continue cleaning up the University of Toronto.

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Now Bob Woodward's new book "War" has come out, where he mentions how Putler waved an atomic bomb in the fall of 2022 to avoid the shame of defeat and partners slowed down the supply of weapons.

Bob Woodward doesn't know shit. He's naïve and stupid. "Woodward believed the Bush administration's claims of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction prior to the war. During an appearance on Larry King Live, he was asked by a telephone caller, "Suppose we go to war and go into Iraq and there are no weapons of mass destruction", Woodward responded "I think the chance of that happening is about zero. There's just too much there."<a href=""><span>[</span>17<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>18<span>]</span></a> Woodward later admitted his error saying, "I think I dropped the ball here. I should have pushed much, much harder on the skepticism about the reality of WMD; in other words, [I should have] said, 'Hey, look, the evidence is not as strong as they were claiming.'"<a href=""><span>[</span>19<span>]</span></a>

@Akim In your country what do the people make of this "Join NATO" decision, has zelensky mentioned about the hows and whys?

I understand that the NAFO boys don't want to smash Russia directly because it has 8000 nukes or something, unlike when everyone was lining up to bomb Belgrade during the Bosnian war.

So one of the conditions of NATO accession has to be a freeze in the current conflict, which means no retaking Donbass, Kherson, Crimea for a while, I mean y'all will be able to keep Kiev, Kharkiv and Odessa + you get Article 5 protections.

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