Farthest thing from a 'Sanki' here but your fertile imagination reared on copious amounts of science fiction is quite evident here both in this post and the previous one with your paranoid onanism around some militant vegetarian dystopia not unlike the Netflix show Ghoul. And a recommendation, but not a compulsion, to lead a sattvik lifestyle is not just 'vedic culture of the brahmins', you ignorant shithead, but ingrained in the culture across all groups. Read a little less of Ambedkarite and Marxist atrocity porn and touch grass, you'd come to realise this.Nope I dont play games.. I am an avid Science fiction reader you Sanghi shit head militant vegetarian.. and its not just vedic culture of the Brahmins that constitutes Hindu culture..
And this 24/7 Hindu Muslim masturbation to ultimately impose Sanghi agenda of making good little Brahmin analogues of OBCs/SC/STs [like Modi.. and by the way i like him and voted for him.. apart from his savan mein mutton comment] doesnt work with me..
I suppose you would rather the 'Hindu Muslim masturbation' be more centered around some non-existent Ganga jamuni tehzeeb being foisted on us 24/7 like it was - and still is - for most of our history and desire leaders who came from that ideological lineage regardless of which caste they come from.