Is there even a slim chance for sidebays or bay door pylons for CCMs and DAS integration on Mk1 ?
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Irde has already designed a high definition distributed aperture system which posses 7 lrus, 10 months ago news broke out irde has completed the design they are soon initiating realisation of system.
As far as I know the eots is also developed by irde.
Given the timeline of AMCA it is sure das will go into AMCA mk1.
By 2035 das would be ready for production.
There was a pic of eots mounted on a nose which was for hawker hunter test bed aircraft. I suppose it will soon be realised and tested on hunter testbed. Same testbed on which uttam was tested.
Das too will undergo testing as soon as it is fabricated.
Given that we saw something peculiar in irde's high definition das which posses 7 lrus instead of 6. As even the f35 has 6 j20 has 6. 6 sensors are more than enough as they provide 360 coverage.
Irde has already completed design phase of eots back in 2021. Then it was supposed to be fabricated by 2022 it was supposed to began testings
the technology was given to a private firm most likely tonbo imaging. For fabrication and prototypes testing on hawker testbed.
Vendor delivered/provided software, electro optical sensor , sensor interphase, mfd integration for man machine integration, thermal imager, ccd camera, safe eye laser range finder, & irde to provide laser illuminator & beam generator.
This altogether will enable AMCA mk1 to do both a2a & a2g missions.
Now since 2022 we have heard of it going on hunter testbed that's it. Is it being tested or is it being fabricated successfully or not, is there any problem or not has it faced any issue or it is under seamless testing nothing has came into public they are keeping it highly secretive.
I suppose it is under testing it's fabrication must have been completed by end of 2021 or beginning of 2022. Then to start testing.
Eots was supposed to do 2.5 yrs testing on hunter.
Talking about peculiar part of having 7 sensors I recall initially AMCA had 2 irst sensors. Or this is how it envisioned.

Ig the 7th sensor must the replacement of that upper irst. Iaf must have had thought of having a long range passive sensor on upper side. Given there experience with su30, mig29, rafale all have passive sensors on upper side. It has some role in doctrine.
The ventral side has eots. Which does the job of target designation too for a2g operations. Most likely iaf didn't wanna missout the su30 like irst.
Just another speculation lol.
Now think twice mada faka's before calling AMCA is just paper plane.
We are doing this all with no foreign help.