Indian Air Force: News & Discussions


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LOL when your classmate copies your homework and does not even change a single word :D
According to NAFO fellas this jet sucks because it's not phat like the F-35. That's all the argument they have, and some other bullshit remarks on it's supposed low fuel capacity.
According to NAFO fellas this jet sucks because it's not phat like the F-35. That's all the argument they have, and some other bullshit remarks on it's supposed low fuel capacity.
still better then anything we have and will have in next 10 years.If china sells this to porkistan we will start begging for f35 from US.
I got in touch with them, they told the issue is RD-33 has a faulty design to begin with, is prone to failure due to its faulty fuel injectors.

Nope, generals are only for being the punching bag of everything wrong in India.
You are right, they are just for gaining bags full of allowances and promotions but not for bearing responsibilities. I bet if 5% of members of this forum have ever interacted with ground worker engaged in maintenance.
According to NAFO fellas this jet sucks because it's not phat like the F-35. That's all the argument they have, and some other bullshit remarks on it's supposed low fuel capacity.
Meanwhile I'm just in awe of the audacity of the Chinese

> Copies F-35
> Makes FC-31
> Renames it J-35 with the conventional variant named J-35A just to troll USAF

Good job PLABros, good job
Option A : Order MRCA, get jets delivered, build & maintain credible air force.
Option B : Order Tejas, face endless delays, no guarantee of timelines.
Option C : Balance between A & B, order A in small numbers for B to mature and buffer the anticipated delays.

The wisest option is indeed option C. But that won't make fanboys happy isn't it because they can't foresee the clear planning and supply chain hurdles. They think put money in machine => Tejas comes out of other side.

Now IAF pretty much ditched both option A & C and went full-power with option B. Half of 2020s decade is gone. Where are my Tejas now ?

Of course 36 Rafales are not gonna do shit. We needed at least 72 (4-5 Sqns minimum) as stop-gap so that we can take time to make Tejas Mk1 / Mk2.

But GoI to butter the Make-In-India bread killed our short-term air power capability and ordered only 36.

Also to note, PLAAF was not in our focus & doctrine before 2020.

Of course, instead of building credible Armed Forces strength, give it to useless freeloader workers and socialist union PSUs with negative productivity. A job creator khatakhat scheme indeed !

This is why we are not a powerful country, because we are not serious about defence.

Again you are being silly and not truthful.

IAF never went for Option B. It always went for Option A. If it had gone for Option B, we would have a flying testbed by now and the GTRE would have been cranking out iterations of engines, incrementally improving the engines to the point where it is usable and functionable enough for IAF to do something worthwhile.

And the Tejas program would have been at least 7 years ahead. But IAF dragged its feet and insisted on buying 114 of these Rafales.
When your so serious about keeping your country safe that you spend only 1.9% of gdp on defence which was this low during nehru era you bet resources are gonna be scarce. Multiple parliamentery committee have spoken about rising defence expenditure to atleast 3% but Modi san is more worried about dehatis getting subsidiary than Defence and Military officials being the low hanging fruit they get the blame.

Guns vs butter debate and which one keeps the party in power? Was Congress any better than BJP? hell no! Under Congress, defense procurement stagnated and went nowhere. BJP got things back on track but India's defense was never more than 2% of its GDP except during wartime. To do otherwise means taking money away from other domestic programs and that's a big no no and a sure path to defeat at the next election polls.
> barges in out of nowhere
> orders just 6 AH-64s for a Billion USD
> refuses to elaborate
> leaves

Yup; we're definitely not a resource crunched country

And who made that order? Certainly not GoI, but IAF. IAF could have simply requested more Rafales than Apaches and go with LCA Prachand.

So again, who does the blame lies with? IAF or GoI?
Guns vs butter debate and which one keeps the party in power? Was Congress any better than BJP? hell no! Under Congress, defense procurement stagnated and went nowhere. BJP got things back on track but India's defense was never more than 2% of its GDP except during wartime. To do otherwise means taking money away from other domestic programs and that's a big no no and a sure path to defeat at the next election polls.
True, especially that now all other parties are giving rampant freebies, bhajipao cannot afford to not give welfare schemes, thus in the process shafting defence preparedness. We are caught between a rock and a hard place.
Din hi kharaab jaa raha hai becharon ka.
Pehle to do mahine me do MiG-29 gir gaye aur ab IA ke order ke liye bhi bechare yehi gaali khaa rahein hain


Sorry two planes fell out of the sky. There must be accountability. IAF brass cannot be let off easily.
we missed our options, we bet too much on Burger kids, now they arm twisting us we should have thought of Tejas mk2 with AL 31f like Chinese done with j10 and gradually replace them with 110kn kaveri now we don't have 404 and 414 and amca still only on papers, drdo representative give unachievable time line every
def expo and get arrested on honey trap case before next one ( JK) ..:ghelyon:
Again you are being silly and not truthful.

IAF never went for Option B. It always went for Option A.

IAF has thrown (or made to throw) the towel on 2021 when they signed 83 Mk1A deal and that means it chose the Option C.

The fact that MRCA never happened (and probably never will), and subsequent plan for 97 more Mk1A in 2023 from IAF confirms the same.

There is no Option A. But IAF is now (too late) forced to think about Option A because of delays in Tejas.

If it had gone for Option B, we would have a flying testbed by now and the GTRE would have been cranking out iterations of engines, incrementally improving the engines to the point where it is usable and functionable enough for IAF to do something worthwhile.

Who stopped GTRE from developing Kaveri further ? Surely not IAF. If MoD doesn't prioritise the project and fund it, then blame the babus & their short-sightedness, not IAF who is a end-user.

IAF is not responsible for any R&D (There can be an argument that they should be, but currently they aren't), so stop blaming everything on IAF.

India's defense was never more than 2% of its GDP except during wartime. To do otherwise means taking money away from other domestic programs and that's a big no no and a sure path to defeat at the next election polls.

I don't get it, isn't it wartime ? China attacked us first time after 1967, still maintains a sizeable deployment on LAC. LoC is hot as usual, Pakistan pushing SSGs (not even Mujahideens) into Kashmir, first time after 1999, and China - Pakistan collaboration has never been stronger.

Seems like slow-war for me.
Again you are being silly and not truthful.

IAF never went for Option B. It always went for Option A. If it had gone for Option B, we would have a flying testbed by now and the GTRE would have been cranking out iterations of engines, incrementally improving the engines to the point where it is usable and functionable enough for IAF to do something worthwhile.

And the Tejas program would have been at least 7 years ahead. But IAF dragged its feet and insisted on buying 114 of these Rafales.

At the time that MRFA tender came out MK2 was literally nowhere. It was still a plane that was on paper.

IAF will only test, evaluate and certify the planes that entered the competition. Is it IAF's fault that Tejas wasn't in the tender? Are they suppose to place orders for a plane they can't even see?

It's not IAF's fault that MK2 still as of today 15 years later remains a plane on paper, no prototype yet, no first flight. GOI babus and DPSU's need to put their heads together and brainstorm why this happened.

Meanwhile finalizing the Rafale order at that time would've alleviated at least some of the pain that our forces are facing today. Need to be pragmatic here.
When you only concentrate on AMCA after you dump the FGFA program with the Russians, this is what you get.
I believe think tank already knew about this situation 3-4 years back ..maybe that was the reason to purchase S400 knowing it would cause strain in relationship with umrica.
Nothing is lost as of yet as long we have plan and we work on it
Tejas Mk1 will be hired in number which will at least fill gaps in our defensive capabilities. That along with S400 and Kusha should be able to shield us

Problem is with our offensive capabilities.. that will take about a decade to replenish.. Mk2 and Amca is on paper and computer
MRFA is also like a carrot , don't see it materializing in near future unless umrican do something unexpected .

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